Ultraman: Zeton Evolves from Tiga

Chapter 118 The fateful showdown

Chapter 118 The fateful showdown

"What, this bastard!"

Charlieja's eyes were full of resentment. After spending so long, he finally got only a lie?

“It’s really disappointing that there is no Jayden~”

Charlieja was now outside, shouting loudly into the sky.

This ending really disappointed him.

"Now it seems that I can only go to Yanagaki."

Charlie Jia reluctantly walked towards the Longsen Lake given by the director. The original space dinosaur Jayton turned into Yanagaki, which he really couldn't accept.

"Forget it, just be Anagaji, it's better than nothing."

Charliejia came to the side of Longsen Lake, raised his cane high, and a ball of light shot out directly from it, and then fell to the center of Longsen Lake.


However, what alarmed Charlieja was that when his ball of light landed in the center of Longsen Lake, it did not break the so-called seal, but directly hit the water.

"Huh? This is impossible?!"

Charlie Jia suddenly fell into a state of confusion. Could it be that there was not enough energy to destroy the seal?
Thinking of this, the energy in Charlie Jia's body quickly began to gather, and finally formed a larger energy ball than before, and fell into Longsen Lake again.

The energy ball once again splashed hundreds of meters of water.

But this time, a response came from Longsen Lake.

But the moment Charlie heard this voice, his face froze.

"Huh? Didn't it say that Yanagaki was sealed here by Ultraman? How could it be Jayden?"

"Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!"

An extremely huge momentum erupted directly from the bottom of Longsen Lake. Immediately afterwards, a huge black and white figure broke through the lake and emerged. That powerful figure instantly made Charlie Jia's expression paler.

Then came fear.

"Wait, why is this Jayton at this point in time?"

Charlie Jia has recognized the identity of this Jayton. It was the most powerful of the three Jaytons at the original time, but why did it appear here.

Charlie's heart was frantically warning, and without any hesitation, Charlie got on his umbrella and flew towards the sky.

But how could Renault, who had been waiting for a long time, let Charlieja escape like this?
A dazzling beam of light flashed instantly.


Charlie's umbrella was immediately burned to ashes, and at the same time, his body continued to fall, and finally fell hard to the ground, creating a big crater.


Renault looked at Charlieja, as if his prank had succeeded.

It is estimated that Charlie Jia did not realize at this moment why Yanagaji turned into a Jeton.

But the taste of the anagaji is very good!

Renaud, who had devoured his genes, gave this assessment.

And after merging the Yanagaji gene, Renault once again gained a skill to absorb energy, but this time it was on the light-emitting organ on the face.

This means that Renault's ability to swallow energy will become even more powerful in the future.

"No, why do you do this to me!"

Charlieja roared, he couldn't understand at all, why was it this Jayton?
But he also realized that it was impossible for him to leave here safely today.

However, at this moment, an old figure came to the edge of Longsen Lake.

"I will never let you succeed like this!" The person who came was director Eiji Tsuburaya. At this moment, the other party raised his hands in the air and his body glowed with dazzling light.


When Renault saw the other party, his heart moved.

I almost forgot about this old man. The energy given by the first-generation Ultraman remains in his body, and he can summon the first-generation Ultraman.

Sure enough, at the next moment, a red ball of light containing extremely high energy emerged directly from Eiji Tsuburaya's body and rushed towards Renault.

"This is really a fateful showdown!"

Looking at the red ball of light rushing towards him, Renault couldn't help but sigh.

In the plot of the first generation of Ultraman, the opponent was killed by a Zeton. If Team Kurt hadn't come up with black technology at that time, the earth would have been destroyed.

So what now? What will happen to the results?

"Of course there won't be any changes!!!"

Renault put his arms together to block the incoming red ball of light.

The light ball kept spinning the moment it hit Renault's arms, but was eventually bounced back. After spinning in the air, it hit Renault again.

【Melbanik light! 】

At this moment, the light-emitting organ on Renault's face shot out a golden beam, which directly hit the red ball of light and knocked it away.


The red ball of light was bounced away again and landed heavily on the ground.

The light gradually dissipated, and a red and silver figure stood on the ground, taking a defensive posture.

Ultraman, come!

The first generation stared at the familiar monster in front of him, completely unable to understand why he could see a guy like Jayden who shouldn't exist in this world?
But his dignity as a warrior would never allow him to retreat even a little bit. Coupled with the hatred of being killed by Jayton, the first generation decided to fight Jayton again.

Even if the other party is not the original Jayton.

"Wash your socks!"

The first generation issued a battle cry, and then rushed towards Renault with his strong thighs.

After such a long time, his strength has been greatly improved. He believes that even if this is just his clone, he can easily kill the opponent.


Facing the fateful duel, Renault was not afraid at all and also faced it.

Since the first-generation Zeton could defeat the first-generation Ultraman, he must be able to do the same.

Besides, the opponent is just a clone at the moment. If I can't defeat the opponent, what's the use of devouring the genes of so many monsters?


The two huge figures collided directly, causing a tremor like an earthquake.

I saw an [Ultra Palm Slash] from the first generation, slashing directly at the two horns of Reno's head, but the next moment he was blocked by Reno using his crystal arm.

Seeing that his attack intention was seen through by the monster, the first generation changed his attack method in an instant.

He grabbed Jayden's body with both arms and fell backwards, trying to throw him out.

However, this force was found to have no effect, and the opponent's body showed no signs of falling.


The first generation, who originally thought that he had fought Jayton once, was stunned. This Jayton seemed a little different from the one he encountered before?
While he was stunned, the first generation was turned around by Renault and thrown away.

(End of this chapter)

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