The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 101 Believe in Hope

Chapter 101 Believe in Hope
Nineteen-year-old Hayden is indeed handsome.

Like a beautiful boy who came out of ancient Greek mythology, his handsome face is mixed with innocence and melancholy, and his bright smile always hangs on the corner of his mouth; however, Hayden, who has a personality as clean as the sky, has a slightly shy smile. But behind it can show a completely different dark temperament.

According to rumors, the crew of "Star Wars: Episode I" auditioned more than 1,500 young actors and actresses in order to select the leading actor. And it was not a matter of just looking at photos and eliminating options. All the actors auditioned face-to-face one-on-one, and finally The leading actor who decided on the series of movies.

——Hayden Christensen.

In terms of appearance and temperament, Hayden does perfectly fit the image of Anakin Skywalker.

Unfortunately, after the movie was released, Hayden was criticized for his poor acting skills and stiff expression. However, it is an undeniable fact that Hayden's facial paralysis is undeniable. The poor reputation of the movie series does not put the blame on Hayden. Disputable facts, the two things should not be confused.

“All good things come hard.”

Seeing James and Chris change the focus, Anson brought the topic back again, looked at Hayden, showed a smile, and gave him courage.

"James is right."

"There are countless audition news in Hollywood. Nine times out of ten, those rumors are unbelievable. There is no need to scare yourself just because of the slightest disturbance."

After a pause, Anson spread his hands.

"Hey, Hayden, you should realize that the more this happens, the bigger and more important the project is. It may even be an annual blockbuster for the studio."

"You still don't know anything about the actual content of the movie, do you?"

Hayden nodded in affirmation——

"Star Wars Prequel" has been kept secret so far, and no news has been leaked to Hollywood.

"Perhaps, this is a brand new series of movies. Once he takes on the leading role, he will not only be one, but two, three or even more series of movies."

"Looking at it from another perspective, Hayden, you still don't know anything about the project, but you have stayed in New York for a month, and after so many rounds of auditions, you have met with the audition director, the producer, and the screenwriter. Who knows, maybe the director is watching your audition from somewhere."

"This action itself is meaningful."

"Let me guess."

"The waiting now is precisely the last moment before dawn."

Sincerity, straightforwardness, and enthusiasm.

Anson seems to have the ability to look the other person in the eye and say a simple word, but it makes people involuntarily feel excited, and then they want to believe Anson's words uncontrollably.

James' head was full of question marks, "So, you mean, this is actually a good thing?"

Anson blinked, "I mean, although things are still full of suspense, this may become a wait for good things, or it may become a test for greater success. Maybe Hayden just needs some confidence."

Then, Anson looked at Hayden and said, "I believe you."



Hayden was also confused and confused by Anson's words. He nodded blankly and clenched his fists in celebration at a loss.

James finally came back to his senses, "I feel like you are deceiving us, but I have no evidence. Brothers, I feel like Anson has joined the shoe cult."

In the second half of the sentence, he turned to look at Chris and Hayden and sent out a distress signal.

But, those eyes, that expression... coupled with the whole atmosphere in front of him.

Chris burst out laughing and sprayed saliva all over James' face. James closed his eyes in despair and spoke silently with his expression, which made Chris laugh even more crazily.

"Sorry, haha, James, hahahaha..."

Simply can not stop. Hayden couldn't help but laugh, and he couldn't control it despite all his strength. He hurried back to the living room, ran back with a whole box of tissue paper, pulled out two papers and handed them to James, with a smile on his face.

James wiped his face silently.


Hayden looked at Anson. He had already said "thank you" to his lips, but felt that it was too light to express his feelings, so he swallowed it. In the end, he just showed a shy smile to Anson.

James finally opened his eyes again, glared at Chris silently, raised his hand and was about to launch an attack, but looked at Chris' muscles, then at his own body, and looked up at the sky helplessly.

This action made Anson and the others laugh even louder.

James noticed that Hayden's expression became relaxed and he felt a little relieved before he spoke, "I didn't want to say it originally, but since Anson shared it, maybe now is the opportunity to share it. In fact, I also..."

All eyes were focused on James.

In a rare moment, James was a little shy, "Remember the limited series audition I told you about last time? I didn't have any hopes because the competition was really fierce, but."

"I got the part."

Chris exclaimed, "Yeah!"

Seeing that the cheers and celebrations were about to begin, James quickly opened his mouth to complete the additional explanation, "It is a biographical limited series, and I will play James Dean."

James Dean?

A legend of the Hollywood generation, known as the representative of the "Beat Generation". Because of his untimely death, he has become a cultural symbol representing resistance, rebellion and personality in Hollywood. Half a century later, he still has a strong influence and has even become a fashion. The iconic James Dean?

For any actor, it is not only an honor to play such a legendary star, but also will win countless spotlights.

There is no doubt that this is the topic.

Looking carefully, I have to say that James Franco can indeed see a little bit of James Dean. For biographical movies, this is very important, and it also highlights the preciousness of the opportunity.

"Well done!"

Anson raised his right hand and reached towards James.

Without the need for words, James also raised his right hand, and the two of them completed a high-five. Then Anson clenched his fist and waved it vigorously to cheer for James.

Obviously, this is very precious and rare, especially after experiencing the "Freaks and Nerds" cut in half, James needs such an opportunity to bring confidence.

However, James has not spoken out, fearing to stimulate Hayden; but now it seems that Hayden also needs some good news to stimulate confidence.

In Hollywood, it is daily life to be rejected, denied, and forgotten. If you are rejected a hundred times, a thousand times, no matter how strong your self-confidence or your tenacity, it may be destroyed, so they need some positive signals. When they believe, Hope exists, waiting is effective, patience can be rewarded, and gain some strength for yourself to continue to persevere.

Hayden never received any news, almost thinking that he had been forgotten. When he just came back from New York, he was still a little nervous and a little excited, nervous and excited. However, this emotion was gradually smoothed away with the passage of time. The whole person dimmed.


First Anson, then James.

Although none of them knew whether these opportunities would bloom, and even though they were all unknown newcomers, at least they saw hope and it was really happening around them, and they couldn't help but get excited——

Maybe, the next opportunity will be their turn?

The world becomes brighter like this.

 Second update. Additional updates in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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