The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 102 The future is promising

Chapter 102 The future is promising
Hope is such a thing, it is illusory and exists in legends. You cannot truly believe it until you see it with your own eyes and experience it yourself.

Just like now.

Looking at Anson and James, Chris and Hayden exchanged glances, hope quietly rising. At this time, looking back at the long wait, their mentality quietly changed, and it seemed that they could continue to hold on for a while longer.

Then, Chris and Hayden followed suit and high-fived James respectively, with bright smiles on their lips and their blood boiling.

That looks like it needs a good party.

Chris jumped up without warning and let out a Bruce Lee-like scream. His trapezius muscles stood up like the Hulk, and he bulging his biceps began to run wildly around the room.

At the same time, the sound was still coming from his mouth, "Ho! Ho ho ho!"

The deafening shout was shaking the whole house, like a construction team demolishing a house, which made Anson look at James with a worried face.

"Where's Brad?"

Usually, Brad's schedule is completely reversed. He sleeps during the day and partyes at night. Even at home, they may not be able to see him.

"He's out." James gestured, "Not sure if it's an audition." Then he added, "As long as he is not forgotten at the party tonight, everything will be fine."


Eighteen years old, because he is under 21 years old, cannot freely enter and exit bars in the United States and cannot drink alcohol legally, but he is exactly the age when he is full of energy and loves to party. The more forbidden things he does, the more he craves challenges, which is the rebellion of adolescence.

To some extent, high school students’ parties are crazier than those of college students. After all, college students can already try many things openly, and the charm of alcohol is quickly taken away by other new things.

Anson's head was filled with questions, "Party? When was it arranged?"

"Now," James said, and laughed unbridled.

Next to him, Chris was jumping up and down, so much so that Anson and James had to talk at the top of their lungs. Unexpectedly, it suddenly became quiet. Chris lay down without warning, face down on the ground, with both hands in order. Place the ground on both sides of your thighs, completely together.

All the noise disappeared, which made people uncomfortable, and all their sights were directed towards it.

Anson was a little worried, thinking that Chris had accidentally slipped, "Chris?"

Chris flopped like a dead fish, literally flopping, which made them look at each other, not knowing how to react for a moment.

Then, Chris tilted his head, put his cheek to the ground, and muttered, "Oh, I'm so jealous."


Chris sighed, "I'm really jealous. I feel so jealous that my stomach hurts. What should I do? I can't even look you in the eye."

It was obviously jealousy, but he said it so openly and aboveboard, which really made people laugh, and the corners of Anson's mouth turned up.

"Chris." Anson's eyes were full of smiles. "The moment you realize this and bravely admit it, jealousy is no longer jealousy, but longing and yearning. This is what motivates you to move forward."

The air is a little quiet.

Hayden was slightly startled.

In fact, he was a little jealous just now.

He was sincerely happy for Anson and James, and those joys were real, but after he was happy, he still felt a little disappointed when he thought about his situation.

When he realized this, he felt a little ashamed, so he swallowed all his words and covered up the flash of emotion with cheers and applause.

Unexpectedly, Chris admitted it like this, so gracefully.

Unexpectedly, Anson's response gave "jealousy" a different meaning.

Involuntarily, Hayden looked at Anson. Anson noticed Hayden's eyes and looked over. Those eyes were clear and unobstructed. Compared with him, an old man who had been living in society for many years and just decided to take off his burden because he had won a second chance in life, these eyes were so clear. Young people simply cannot hide themselves.

"Ha." Anson chuckled, "Are you jealous too?"

Hayden was a little embarrassed, but didn't deny it.

Anson nodded very generously, "It's okay. It's good to be jealous a lot. It burns calories and is good for weight loss. Maybe after a while, it will be James and I's turn to be jealous. Things are changing, and we don't know when it will be whose turn, right? ?”

Actually... this is still possible?


Hayden couldn't help but laughed.

Chris also sat up again in a hurry, "Yes, I am longing for it. Longing!" Then he took a long breath, "When can I wait for my chance, Anson, I won't be able to pay the rent."

Anson patted Chris on the shoulder, "It's okay. It won't be a problem if you default for a few months. I'll just drag you out to stand on the street when the time comes."

Chris's eyes widened, "You..." The first half of the sentence was still moved to tears, but the second half suddenly turned sharply, "I didn't expect you to be such Anson!"

"Haha", the friend next to him laughed mercilessly.

Chris himself couldn't hold it back, a smile still crept up the corner of his mouth, "I think I should continue auditioning and can't stay at home all the time."

Hayden was thoughtful, and before he even had time to think about it, the words came out of his mouth, "Yeah, me too."

After he finished speaking, he realized his sincerity and immediately became determined, "I still need to wait patiently for the audition news, but waiting doesn't mean doing nothing. Even if the audition passes successfully, it doesn't mean everything. After all, I am now I still don’t know what the project is, so it’s time for me to get out of the house and try other auditions.”

Since returning from New York, Hayden has been at home. Except for occasionally going to the supermarket or going out to eat, he stays at home all the time. He is truly a homebody.

The friends could all sense that something was not right about Hayden's state, but they didn't know what to do. Hayden still needed to open up those knots in his heart, but they didn't expect that there would be an unexpected harvest today.

Hayden could sense the gazes of his friends and felt slightly uncomfortable, "There is no need to look at me. I don't stay at home all the time."

James was the first to complain, "Oh, really?"

Hayden, "Of course!"

Chris complained, "That's true. Hayden just went out to take out the trash yesterday."

Anson added a last-ditch shot, "Yes, it went out for a full twenty yards and stayed for seventeen seconds."

roar roar.

One or two started to make noises, but Hayden couldn't resist it. After holding it in for a long time, he could only say, "Tomorrow, tomorrow I will go find my agent. I will not be at home all day tomorrow. Just watch."

Anson said silently, "Is it like those unemployed middle-aged people during the Great Depression who couldn't find a job but didn't dare to tell their families, so they took the newspaper and wandered in the park all day pretending that they were still working?"

James and Chris laughed very loudly.

Hayden looked at Anson with a pitiful face, his eyes full of innocence and helplessness, and he used his eyes to express silent condemnation.

But Anson didn't buy it and patted Hayden gently, "You can come back after you go out for a while. If you don't want to be seen, just squat in the corner of the garden. There is no need to wander around. It will be bad if the paparazzi see you." .”

Hayden, "Anson Wood! I'm going to kill you, I'm serious, I'm going to kill you!"

 Third update.

(End of this chapter)

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