The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 151 Opportunity to break the game

Chapter 151 Opportunity to break the game
As the lights begin to turn on and the night falls, the sky in Los Angeles is not the gorgeous purple in "La La Land", but it reveals a touch of clear translucency in the enchanting peacock blue, making people unable to help but look at it for a long time.

Saying goodbye to Jack in the parking lot, the two of them set out on their own journey home. By the time Anson arrived home, his stomach was protesting strongly, his chest was pressed against his back, his stomach was ravenous, and his blood sugar was about to fail.

In the distance, you can see the bright lights of the residence.

Opening the door, the sound of footsteps on the stairs echoed throughout the hall. James Franco's footsteps were particularly brisk and hurried, and he rushed down with a pile of clothes in his hands.

Like a hurricane.

"Hey, Anson!"

James passed the door and happened to see Anson. He said hello, but without stopping, he continued to rush into the living room with a huff.

Chris Evans, who was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, straightened up slightly and waved to Anson, "Did you get off work so late today?"

Anson replied smoothly, "We finished filming and went to play for a while after finishing work, but are you planning to go on a trip?"

At a glance, you can see two open suitcases on the floor in the center of the living room, and James is stuffing clothes into them.

Compared with "Princess Diaries", "James Dean" is a small independent crew. The entire shooting cycle is much shorter. It was completed in early a month. After that, James was also unemployed for a period of time.

However, James is restless. His idleness is different from others. He goes out early and comes back late every day, always tinkering with something.

The scene in front of him was unexpected, but not unexpected. Anything that happened to James seemed to be reasonable.

James held two pairs of shoes in his hand, a pair of canvas shoes and a pair of work boots. He turned to look at Anson, "Which one should I choose, youthful or sporty?"

"Choose canvas shoes if you feel more relaxed, and work boots if you have a more posture." Anson immediately gave his opinion, looked around, picked up a bag of potato chips from the table, opened it, put it in his mouth, and let his growling stomach relax for a while. Calm down some.

James looked around before throwing the work boots into the trunk.

Chris looked at Anson, who was sweating profusely but with a rosy face. He had many questions to ask, but the real protagonist tonight was the person in front of him. So he temporarily suppressed his curiosity and said to James with a smile, "You Aren’t you ready to reveal the answer?”


James suddenly understood, turned around, and opened his arms towards Anson.

"I got an audition for 'Spider-Man.'"

One second, two seconds——

Anson finally understood that this was good news, completely good news, "Wow!" he exclaimed, and then he couldn't help but exclaimed again, "Wow!"

In his previous life, James did star in "Spider-Man", but not as Spider-Man Peter-Parker (Peter-Parker), but as the little Green Goblin Harry-Osborn (Harry-Osborn), and became an instant hit with this work , opened up the situation and became a literary geek in Hollywood.

Therefore, Anson was not surprised by this news.

However, the reality is something else.

Living with a group of fledgling young actors who are still struggling in auditions, rejections, and continued auditions, the days are stretched out. At this time, you can truly feel the anguish and helplessness before becoming famous, and the long wait is far away. Far more difficult than imagined.

Now, the dawn of waiting and waiting and suffering and suffering finally appears. The joy and happiness are so turbulent that they occupy the brain instantly——

Even though Anson already knew the results of the audition, he was still really happy for James.


"Wow, I mean, congratulations!"

James could feel Anson's sincerity, and his smile bloomed without concealment. He pretended to be modest and said, "This is just an audition, just an audition." Anson waved his hands and didn't care at all, "Believe me, they will definitely succeed. They They will definitely be able to discover your charm, and they should give you a chance."

Even though it wasn't Peter Parker, they did give James a chance.

James couldn't help but get excited, "Do you think so too? Me too, haha." But after finishing speaking, James was still slightly nervous, "But this time, the intensity of competition may be beyond imagination."

Anson reacted immediately, "They didn't keep the name of the project secret."

It also means open competition.

James nodded, "You can't keep this project a secret even if you want to."

"I heard from my agent that preparations for the project began in 1985, and it even passed into the hands of James Cameron (James Cameron) last year. Cameron even wrote a -page version of the movie. However, the two companies holding the copyright had differences of opinion."

"In the end, it didn't happen."

"Over the years, the adaptation rights have passed through many film companies and independent studios, and finally fell into the hands of Sony Columbia Pictures, but it was also difficult to find a director."

The preparations for "Spider-Man" are very ill-fated, far beyond imagination. After all, this is an era when science fiction movies and romance movies are popular.

The fundamental reason lies in originality.

From the 1990s to the first decade of the 21st century, the film market was still prosperous, originality was strong, and different types and themes emerged in an endless stream. Although superhero movies were also launched one after another, their vitality was no better than other types of movies. More vigorous and more prominent.

Until 2008, the originality of the film market reached a bottleneck, and the quality and quantity of original scripts declined across the board. "Iron Man" seized the opportunity to rise. As a result, major Hollywood film companies turned their attention to the adaptation market, from novels to comics to From games to live-action animations.

This will overturn the entire market structure.

In 2000, superhero movies were just an ordinary member of the genre film market; two-dimensional comics were still a niche hobby.

It is conceivable that the preparation process for comic book movie adaptation projects also faces many difficulties, not only for "Spider-Man", but other projects as well.

In addition to James Cameron being extremely close to directing "Spider-Man", Roland Emmerich, Michael Bay, Tony Scott, Tim Burton Directors such as -Burton, Chris Columbus, David Fincher, M-Night-Shyamalan and Ang Lee have all worked on the project open discussion.

Among them, David Finch and Chris Columbus are the closest.

David Fincher planned to create an original story based on the night when Peter Parker's first love Gwen-Stacy died, but Sony Columbia rejected it.

Chris Columbus simultaneously discussed with Sony Columbia and Warner Bros., and finally chose the latter to become the director of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone".

After going around and around for a long time, Amy-Pascal, the co-president of Sony Columbia Pictures, made a quick decision and found Sam-Raimi as the film director. He has been fond of "Spider-Man" since he was a child. Sam, who wrote the original comic, readily agreed.

However, I never expected that Amy-Pascal's decision would encounter the opposition of Marvel, the owner of the original comics, and they did not like Sam.

The reason is simple. Sam Raimi has a background in directing horror movies, and they didn't think it was suitable to adapt comic book superheroes.


Sam, who was full of enthusiasm for "Spider-Man", ignored the obstruction of his agent and went to the meeting with his own storyboard and creative ideas.

The meeting lasted for a full hour, and Sam successfully convinced the executives of the two companies and the producer to win the job based on his ability.

At the end of the twists and turns, the director of "Spider-Man" was finally confirmed, and the casting process could officially begin.

 Second update.

(End of this chapter)

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