The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 152 Running in both directions

Chapter 152 Running in both directions
Sam Raimi, after going round and round, finally took over as the director of "Spider-Man". This matter is also widely discussed in Hollywood and everyone knows it.

In other words, half of Hollywood has been alarmed. It is very difficult to keep the preparations for "Spider-Man" secret. It has long been no secret.

Therefore, since it is impossible to keep a low profile, it is better to be high-profile and upright.

The same goes for casting.

James Franco thought of something as he spoke, "In fact, all the five major brokerage companies should have gotten the news and sent their resumes."

"Chris, didn't you send in your resume?"

Chris, like James, belongs to the Innovative Artist Management Company. Although the work has no overlap, the source of information should be the same.

Chris spread his hands helplessly, "They think I'm too handsome."

James immediately raised his middle finger and said, "Get lost."

Chris laughed heartily.

James turned to look at Anson, "If you choose our company, you will also get a chance this time. They just want to find some fresh faces; and not only that, there are many other opportunities."

Anson was about to speak, but he didn't expect another voice to come from beside him.

"If Anson gets the chance, it might not be your turn to audition."

Anson was startled, "Hayden?"

Hayden could not be seen at all. With his height and size, it would be difficult to tuck it under the sofa, but why did his voice suddenly appear?

"Hey, Anson."

Chris picked up the phone on the table and gestured towards Anson.

Anson burst into laughter, "So, you have been here the whole time? Wait, isn't Brad also hiding in a corner and observing secretly?"

"Haha, I knew the news before you did, and I have already celebrated for James."

Anson, "So, how are you doing now? Or are you keeping everything a secret?"

Hayden, not in Los Angeles.

Three weeks ago, when Anson was still in San Francisco, Hayden finally got the news——

Auditioned, passed.

Although it is still kept secret from the news media and the news has not been leaked for the time being, a small number of well-informed agents and senior people have already learned about it, including friends who live under the same roof as Hayden.

In "Star Wars: Episode II", Hayden was officially confirmed as the actor of the movie's leading actor Anakin Skywalker, ushering in a turning point in his career.

No wonder!
Looking back at this moment, everything makes sense. The mystery, the confidentiality agreement, and the countless auditions have all been explained.

When the news came out that he had passed the audition, Hayden immediately packed his bags and left Los Angeles. He needed to go to training. There was still a series of preparations before the film started shooting, but everything was still under a confidentiality agreement.


Hayden, "Uh... I'm fine?"

Hayden is very cautious. He doesn't know what he can or cannot say. He needs to think twice every time he speaks, lest he accidentally let something slip.

Anson and Chris exchanged glances, and both burst into laughter.

James' eyes widened, "Hey, Hayden, what do you mean by what you just said? Please explain it to me."

Chris said lightly, "It just means Anson is handsomer than you."

Anson raised his right hand and high-fived Chris in celebration.


The crisp sound made James foam at the mouth in strong protest, "Get out, all of you, Anson, come here, let's have a fight."

Anson looked calm and shook his head slightly, "I don't bully children."

One second, two seconds - the whole room burst into laughter!

Hayden on the other end of the phone burst into laughter.

James was hopeless, but he looked at Anson's physique, looked down at himself, and silently lowered his fists, "I'm telling you, if the two of us audition together, they may not choose you."

"Really!" In order to increase credibility, James also puffed out his chest.

"Sony Columbia's first choice actor is Leonardo DiCaprio."

James quietly threw a big one.

Anson blinked, "What?"

This is indeed unheard of, and the excitement is second only to Nicolas Cage. He was once a candidate for Superman. He even filmed a short film for screen testing after all the costumes and styles were determined.

But if you think about it seriously, it’s not surprising.

"Titanic" is known as the box office bomb of the end of the century, sweeping the global box office and winning incredible popularity for Leonardo DiCaprio. However, after becoming famous, Leonardo lost himself for a time.

Because he completely lost his living space and found it difficult to move anywhere; and because he completely cut off contact with ordinary people, everyone - literally everyone wanted to use him and try to get a piece of him. Geng, he was completely reduced to a tool man.

The past two years have been very difficult for Leonardo because he was unable to trust anyone or form close relationships and was lost for a time.

Therefore, in the past two years, he has starred in a series of unknown, low-cost independent films, and even went to remote mountains and forests to find peace. It was also in the past two years that he began to pay attention to environmental protection and find peace of mind in nature.

In this context, Sony Colombia turned its brains to Leonardo, which has to be said to be a somewhat risky but very clever move.

James was very satisfied with the effect he had created. Hayden on the other end of the phone also took a breath, and he regained his smile.

"But unfortunately, the adaptation was not completed."

"Leonardo refused, and Sam also didn't like this option. Neither party liked it, and they went in both directions."

"It is precisely because of this that Sony Columbia has adjusted its strategy. They want to choose an actor who is different from Christopher Reeve to change the traditional impression."

Christopher Reeve, the actor who plays Superman, is also considered the template for superheroes, perfectly fitting the American image of a traditional handsome guy.

In fact, every Superman since then has more or less the shadow of Christopher Reeve, and they are all the same type of actors.

Sony Colombia wanted to open up the situation, so they wanted to change their style.

James shrugged slightly, "So, I think I have a better chance of winning than Anson."

Seeing James' serious explanation, Anson smiled directly, silently clenched his fist and waved, cheering James on, "James, believe in yourself, you can do it."

That expression, that tone...

Why does James feel like a poor puppy being comforted? It's an illusion, right, an illusion?
But Anson didn't give James time to react and immediately changed the subject, "First Hayden, then James, and if we add another Chris, wow, we seem to have a lot of superheroes in our family."

Chris:? ? ?

Anson gave Chris a calm look and said, "I think you are very suitable for playing Captain America. Give those production companies some time and let the bullets fly for a while, and they will realize this."

Chris understood immediately and let out a long sigh and exclamation, "Ah, that's really good. Look at me, please look at me."

Hayden's voice came silently from the other end of the phone, full of innocence, "Shouldn't we check out James first? He's the one who has to go to New York to audition tomorrow."

Ah, right.

Hayden couldn't resist the urge to complain, "New York again? Why can't I audition in Los Angeles?"

"Yeah, why not? I don't understand why we have to fly to New York."

"Maybe because Spider-Man lives in New York?"

"Ah, that seems to be it."

 Third update.

(End of this chapter)

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