Chapter 160 Superhero
Edgar, it's a little tough.

In fact, those garish lies are often simpler because there is no need to think. He can learn from movies, novels or other templates in life. As an agent, he has already seen William Morris and other top agents deceive actors. If you copy and paste the classic speaking skills, you can make them very beautiful and extraordinarily gorgeous.

But the truth won’t do.

Because those words must come from himself and from the sincerity, he not only needs to think for himself, but also needs to truly understand and conduct in-depth discussions based on the object in front of him. All words that start from scratch need to be carefully considered every word, even a little bit. Cheating will not achieve the desired results and may result in ruining your own chances.

"I think……"

Ed took a deep breath. Because he was open and naked, he couldn't help but want to dodge his eyes. His lowered eyelids rarely revealed a little nervousness and embarrassment. He almost couldn't speak, but he still raised his eyes and looked at Anson. Look sincerely into Anson's bright eyes.

"I think you are a special actor."

"Although you are only eighteen years old, you know what you are doing and what you want. This wisdom is the most rare thing."

"Hollywood has no shortage of actors and stars, but there are only a few superstars. The only one who can be called a real superstar now is Leonardo DiCaprio, but he is looking for it on the Indonesian island. Ourselves, this is the Hollywood we have.”

"So, I hope to be able to cooperate with you, and we can build a future together and become the next superstar, a unique superstar."

"I want to be a witness as you reach the top."

He is calm, sincere, and does not hide his ambition. The flamboyant and unbridled ambition can be seen in his eyes and cheeks. This is the true face of Edgar, a man full of desire and energy.

Now, Anson really saw Edgar clearly.

of course.

Anson was not a stone Buddha. Edgar's words also made his heart surge and his blood boil. He truly felt the vigor and vitality of eighteen years old, and he wished he could roll up his sleeves and sprint with Edgar right now.

But his past life experience made him realize that impulsiveness and passion often mean risks, and Hollywood, the vanity fair, can never be played with passion. Those stupid young people with passion often end up hitting the wall hard. They need to think long-term, Overall layout.

There is no need to step on the accelerator all at once.


With a smile on his lips, Anson said, "Do you believe so much that I can win this role? You didn't even ask me if I was interested in this role."

Edgar grinned, "If you weren't interested, you wouldn't have followed me in the car. Anson, you are not someone who will be obedient casually. Believe me, I have a very deep understanding of this."

"Haha." Anson laughed directly.

Edgar, "So, you don't like this character? Peter Parker?"

Anson nodded, "I like it. And I'm also looking forward to playing this role, but I also know that the competition will definitely be very fierce."

Edgar agreed, "Of course, I can't guarantee that you will win this role. To be precise, no one can guarantee that an actor can win a specific role, but this is my job - to improve in different ways." The success rate is to get you a role you deserve. So, how about this, just trust me and give it a try this time?"

Anson spread his hands, "I have no loss anyway, right?"

This is the truth——

An audition fell from the sky, and it was an audition for "Spider-Man". No matter what happened during this trip to New York, Anson had nothing to lose. Does Anson like "Spider-Man"?

Needless to say.

After all, it's the year 2000, and the movie in front of us is "Spider-Man," which is a completely different situation than twenty years later.

In 2023, superhero movies have fallen into routines and aesthetic fatigue. The quality of the works is mediocre, box office and word-of-mouth performance have declined across the board, and even finding a qualified popcorn movie is extremely difficult.

Moreover, after the full rise of Marvel movies, actors and superhero characters have been bundled and packaged, and their characters need to be unified on and off screen, online and offline. This is a good thing for movie promotion, but it is a nightmare for actors——

Indeed, a superhero role is a rare career breakthrough opportunity; but at the same time, this role will also become an actor's image cage, and no matter what role he plays, he cannot escape the superhero image.

Among Marvel's series of actors, including the most popular Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans and others, they have not been able to escape the shackles of superhero roles. After leaving Marvel, Actors' careers have encountered different bottlenecks. The roles that once served as a breakthrough in their careers are now becoming a burden that holds them back.

Only a few actors, such as Scarlett Johansson and Mark Ruffalo, who came from independent films, can maintain their own color and continue to explore different paths as actors.

In fact, this is a superficial phenomenon, and the underlying reason is the strategy of Hollywood film production companies to completely reverse their passive situation in the film production process.

In the 1980s, the rise of Harrison Ford and Tom Cruise detonated the market, and the era of Hollywood superstars reached its peak.

In other words, the audience does not care about the type or story of the movie. They will enter the theater because of the actors, and the box office appeal comes from the superstars.

In the 1990s, Will-Smith became a witness. Will-Smith wrote history with five consecutive films that exceeded 100 million US dollars in North American box office, which earned him the title of "King of History".

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jim Carrey, Julia Roberts, Meg Ryan, Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington and other superstars all have this Appeal.

It is conceivable that the initiative has always been in the hands of the actors.

If a film production company hopes to win the box office, it must invite superstars - this is also the fundamental reason for "blind faith in superstars" in the first decade of the 2010st century, and then pay these superstar actors more and more, and even share box office dividends. And it reached its peak around .

When Johnny Depp was filming "Pirates of the Caribbean 4", his salary of US$ million shocked the entire market.

Until 2008, the appearance of "Iron Man".

As the originality of films declines, audiences' demands for genre films rise, and actors' box office appeal declines, film companies begin to look for a different track in this era.

Disney, focusing on comics, chose Robert Downey Jr., who fell into a long career trough due to white powder, as the protagonist, in an attempt to get rid of the influence of the star's halo.

This became a watershed.

However, now, in 2000, the situation is completely different. The risks that actors need to face are reflected in other aspects——

comics? Two dimensions? Super hero?
It is still a fringe culture and not taken seriously, but it is also in this context that the production team does not need to consider the needs of the mainstream market, but can instead create colorful works based on the style of the original work.

 First update.

(End of this chapter)

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