Chapter 161 A Challenge

The success of "Iron Man" was just the beginning. At that time, Disney had not yet found its way out and was trying to cross the river by feeling its stones. Therefore, when Robert Downey Jr. starred in "Iron Man 3", his final salary after including box office dividends was also Reaching million U.S. dollars, this is also the swansong for an actor's top salary.

This is the watershed.

Film studios led by Disney began to pass on risks, and actors became bundled spokespersons for superheroes. The audience went to the theaters because of the comic characters and copyrighted works - not the actors themselves. As long as the film companies firmly hold the copyright, they have control. The right to speak.

If the studio wanted to, they could always change the cast and reboot the series.

For example, the "Spider-Man" series.

For example, the "Superman" series and the "Batman" series.

At the same time, after "Iron Man", more and more contracts were bundled. Disney chose some third- and fourth-tier actors to play superhero roles and signed multiple works at once. The actor leads the way and firmly controls the situation.

It is precisely because of this that Leonardo DiCaprio is called "Hollywood's last superstar". After him, whether it is Johnny Depp or Robert Downey Jr., they are each tied to a In terms of roles, he was not able to recreate the glory of the superstars in the 1980s and 1990s.

Therefore, you really need to think twice before starring in a superhero movie after 2010.


Before 2010, superhero movies had a completely different look.

Although at this stage, superhero movies did not occupy the mainstream market, not to mention that the box office made history, and there were many blockbusters; but in fact, standing twenty years later, looking back at the first movie of the 21st century In this decade, there have been many excellent superhero movies.

"Blade", "Hellboy", "Dark Legend", "Watchmen", "X-Men", "Wolverine", "Batman: The Dark Knight"...

Etc., etc.

These works often take the lightweight B-movie route and abandon the mainstream market audience. Instead, they can play their own characteristics and show different charms.

Among them, "Spider-Man" is a unique classic.

Even twenty years later, when superhero movies such as "Avengers", "Captain America 2", and "Guardians of the Galaxy" with both word-of-mouth and box office success have fully occupied the big screen, when people discuss the 2000 When it came to the first version of "Spider-Man", it was still a well-deserved masterpiece.

The fundamental reason is that Sam Raimi, the director of this version of "Spider-Man", calmed down, went deep into the world of a high school student, explored Peter Parker's psychological changes after accidentally gaining superpowers, and used him as the basis to launch the "Ability" story. Thinking that with greatness comes great responsibility, we analyze superheroes.

Such a theme runs throughout the trilogy, not only giving Peter Parker a wonderful growth arc, but also truly calming down and thinking about the identity of a superhero - before being a hero, he is first an ordinary person, and he has his own joys and angers. Sadness and joy also have their own fragility.

This quality is particularly rare and precious in all superhero movies.

It is precisely because of this that in the original historical trajectory, "Spider-Man" made history, refreshing a series of historical records at the North American box office, completely changing the position of comic book-adapted superhero movies, and even changing the North American box office. The status of the summer movie has left a bright mark.

Perhaps, for young audiences, they are familiar with the Andrew Garfield version of "The Amazing Spider-Man" or the Tom Holland version of "Spider-Man."

But in fact, for audiences who like superhero movies and genre movies, the earliest version of "Spider-Man" is a classic that cannot be missed.

At this moment, Anson was on the plane heading to New York to audition for "Spider-Man", and his mood was slowly rising with a mixture of excitement and anticipation.


This is a challenge.

It wasn't that Anson lacked confidence, it was that he wasn't sure his style matched Sam Raimi's expectations. In his previous life, Toby-Maguire became the first Spider-Man. This shy actor was also a child star and was a close friend of Leonardo DiCaprio. He already had a series of outstanding performances before starring in "Spider-Man".

Not only has he starred in Ang Lee's "The Ice Storm" and "Ride with the Devil", but he has also collaborated with Woody Allen in "Deconstructing Love" and Terry Gilliam. "Fear in Las Vegas."

Last year, "The Cider House Rules" co-starred with Charlize-Theron. After being shortlisted for the Venice Film Festival's main competition, it received seven Oscar nominations including Best Picture and Best Director, and won Best Actor. Two statuettes for supporting role and best adapted screenplay.

Resume, amazing.

Coupled with the cooperative relationship with Ang Lee and the close friendship with Leonardo, Toby is closely connected with the "Spider-Man" crew, including the director and producers. He should have been noticed by countless connections. .

However, what really worries Anson is the actor's personal style.

Tobey Maguire is not a typical handsome guy. Of course, that’s not to say he’s not good-looking, but he doesn’t fit in with the popular impression. He’s neither tall, powerful, nor handsome. He was chosen to play Spider-Man because of his physical attributes. The kindness and warmth of neighbors, and the humane affinity are even more points.

"Spider-Man" is positioned as a good neighbor of New York citizens with a sense of justice. This is the key to Toby standing out.

Moreover, James Franco also said that Sony Columbia did not want to find a standard handsome guy like Christopher Reeve. This proves that the director's casting strategy has not changed in his past life and this life.

In a previous life, Tobey beat James Franco for the role.

What about this life?
Apparently, Anson was anything but "neighborly."

Oh, and James Franco!
In addition to Toby, Anson also needs to compete head-on with James for the role of Peter Parker, which is a little exciting.

A challenge worthy of its name.

Anson was a little...excited.

Acting is a challenge in itself, isn't it? In "The Princess Diaries", Anson gave it a try. Michael played the role of a boy next door. Maybe those experiences can be the nourishment for this audition, allowing him to continue to explore the world of acting.

Anyway, he had no loss.

Put aside success or failure for the time being, enjoy this unexpected opportunity, show your abilities to the fullest, strive for it with all your strength, go into battle easily, leave no regrets, and then face the results calmly.

Outside the cabin window, the plane was slowly descending, passing through thick white clouds. The dotted city appeared in front of us like a Lego game, and then zoomed in bit by bit, gradually becoming clearer in the field of vision.

He thought he would feel strange, but in fact, a sense of intimacy came over him——

The Wood family lives in New York.

Although Lucas and Anson were both on the West Coast, both brothers were born and raised in New York City, where they spent their rebellious youth.

Today, Charles-Wood and Nola-Wood still live here, and their work and life are all in this city.

Originally, Anson was still worried about when he should return to New York, otherwise the Woods might have left for Los Angeles at some time. But unexpectedly, the opportunity appeared just like this. There was no brewing or hesitation. Before he could react, the steps had already taken place. Set foot on New York soil.

Anson, finally home.

 Second update.

(End of this chapter)

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