The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 165 Fair Competition

Chapter 165 Fair Competition
Compared with Charles's slightly niche work, Nora's work is relatively "ordinary", not much different from what the general public knows.

Planning the theme concept, braking the budget to obtain funds, contacting artists to select art works, planning exhibitions and writing copywriting, and promoting exhibitions.

That's probably it.

There is nothing novel or special, but Nora’s real strength lies in planning and communication, showing the ability of an elite management, and has successfully held many amazing exhibitions in New York over the past few years.

Even the Metropolitan Museum of Art collaborated with Nora to curate three exhibitions, establishing her position in the industry and one that cannot be underestimated.

The most amazing thing is that both Charles and Nora have jobs that require them to travel around, but the two couples divide the work and work together, and they are a particularly happy partner. They are always able to ensure time as much as possible, and they are personally responsible for the education of their two children——

Especially Lucas.

When the original owner was born, although the Woods continued their previous education policy, with one traveling on business and the other staying in New York as much as possible, it was inevitable that Lucas would share part of the work. It was precisely because of this that the two Wood brothers Emotions are particularly intimate.

Later, after changing several housekeepers, they finally found Judy.

With Judy's help, the Woods became more open-minded and opened up the situation. Their careers have developed smoothly over the years, and they are no better than Lucas, who has started his career in full swing. On the contrary, Anson, who has not yet fully grown up, is the most leisurely——

I have been eating at home.

It is worth mentioning that Darren Star got to know the Wood family because of Nora. At one time, their residences were only one street apart. Later, because of his home in New York, he got help from Charles to close the distance. The friendship over the years has been After settling down, Darren has indeed watched Anson grow up.

It is not known whether Nora went to Paris this time to contact artists or to cooperate with other art galleries and museums to plan joint exhibitions, but judging from Julie's few words, the former is more likely.

Artists have distinct personalities, and Nora is not sure how long it will take for things to be settled, and this is especially true for French artists.

By the way, Nora is French.

Judy looked at Anson, "If it were earlier, you could see Mrs. Wood. So, how long are you prepared to stay? Maybe you can wait for them to come back."

Anson recalled Hayden's experience and the ups and downs in the preparation of "Spider-Man". He couldn't give a definite answer, "I don't know. I came here for an audition this time, and the schedule needs to be based on the audition." The situation is adjusted, and the initiative is not in my hands."

"Audition?" Judy looked up and down again and showed a pleased smile, "Now I finally feel like an actor."

Anson looked at him with surprise on his face, "Why, haven't you watched 'Friends'?"

"My parents didn't watch it, but I did." Judy told the truth and did not use lies to make Anson happy.

Anson was not surprised. The Woods probably thought that Anson's three-minute enthusiasm was just for fun. In addition, they themselves were busy with work, so they didn't take it to heart.

Anson couldn't remember the last time the Woods turned on the television.

Despite this, Anson still deliberately showed a sad expression and shook his head repeatedly.

Judy chuckled lightly, "I thought you didn't care about these things." Even so, she comforted her, "When the movie comes out, we will go to the cinema to watch it together. The big screen is still different."

"Honestly, when you watch it on the small TV screen, it's a little magical and a little unreal. It doesn't feel special. The character is basically your true self. Haha, I'm still looking forward to future movies."

This is the truth.

Therefore, everyone is eager to appear on the big screen.

Anson shrugged lightly, "Then I need to win this audition first."

Judy said without any hesitation, "You can do it."

Anson couldn't help but laugh, "Judy, you don't even know what the character is."

Judy asked in return, "Do I need to know?"

The light in those eyes was full of determination, unconditional belief and support.

The smile paused slightly at the corner of Anson's mouth, and then bloomed. He gestured to Judy, "I have the same idea as you."

"But if I want to do well in the audition, I need to let this gentleman do his job."

Turning around, Anson gestured to Edgar. He had not forgotten this key figure.

"Judy, please take him to the guest room. He may need a network cable, a fax machine and other tools that I can't list at the moment."

"Captain, are you okay?"

After the brief explanation, Anson finally looked at Edgar. Edgar finally came to his senses and regained his senses after digesting the huge amount of information. He had no time to visit the house and returned his attention to work——

Auditions matter.

"No problem." Edgar nodded towards Anson and made a gesture.

In that compartment, Judy took Edgar to the guest room.

Here, Anson sat down in the living room and took out his mobile phone to edit text messages.

The text message had just been sent, and the reply came within fifteen seconds.

"Hey, bro, are you ready? I'm coming to New York to compete with you head-on."

"Shut up!!!!!"

Seeing the series of exclamation marks in the reply, I seemed to be able to vividly see the vivid and vivid expression on James Franco's face. The text message evolved into language, with its own emoticons. A smile couldn't help but creep up the corner of my mouth, and a low laugh was heard. A rumbling feeling deep in the throat.

Immediately afterwards, James sent a series of text messages in succession.

"real or fake?"

"Dude, you're not kidding, are you?"

"When are you coming to New York?"

Anson only had time to reply, "The plane just landed."

That was enough, and the phone immediately began to vibrate continuously.



This is Hollywood, roles are not owned, every actor can compete, and it is common for good friends to compete for the same role.

Having said that, when Edgar told Anson that he was going to audition for "Spider-Man", James was the first person in Anson's mind.

To be precise, this isn't the first time.

In Anson, they also share audition information with each other, and it has happened several times that several people went to audition together for the same role.

After all, judging from their current position, any audition opportunity is extremely precious. They have no room for pickiness. It is a good thing for anyone to get a performance opportunity.

Of course, this audition opportunity may be slightly different, but the essence is still the same.

When Anson determined that he was ready to accept the challenge, he had already decided to inform James that they would compete head-on.

At this time, looking at James's text message, you can notice his surprise and excitement, and Anson also became eager to try.

"I'm sorry, brother, the role doesn't belong to you."

James, "Hahaha. Anson, that's good, that's the funniest joke I've heard this year."

Anson, "Oh, you can still laugh, then I'm relieved. I was worried that you might accidentally lose control after hearing the news."

James, "Grass."

James, "Anson, this is originally highly confidential, but considering that you are about to lose to me, my agent is determined to win this time. I have already met with the producer in private. Don't blame me for not having it." Remind you, when you hear the news of losing the election, remember to look up at the sky and don’t let tears stay.”

Anson, "It seems that you have a lot of experience in failure and already know how to deal with grief, so I'm relieved."

Anson, "Hopefully the person with the better performance wins the role."

James, "Me too."

 First update.

(End of this chapter)

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