The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 166: Planning in advance

Chapter 166: Planning in advance
Noisy, crowded, busy.

In the morning in New York, everything is running at ten times the speed. If some people say that life in Los Angeles is fast-paced, then they should really come to New York to experience the feeling of life at double speed. Their eyes are simply too busy.

Of course, the Upper West Side is relatively better, because there are no towering office buildings here, the number of vehicles coming and going has been significantly reduced by half, and leisurely jogging figures can be seen in the field of vision, and the pace is slightly slower.

In a daze, I feel a little bit like Los Angeles, but after taking a deep breath of air, I can immediately confirm that this is New York——

The oxygen content of the air is obviously insufficient, and a large amount of exhaust gas and carbon dioxide fill the alveoli, sending a warning to the body in the form of insufficient blood supply to the brain.


With a brake, Anson controlled the skateboard, stopped at the traffic light intersection, pulled away slightly, and landed diagonally behind the surging crowd.

A small intersection was crowded with hundreds of people, like a can of sardines. A man in an Armani suit was holding a cell phone and chatting while walking through a group of zombies trying to get to the front of the crowd. There was no commotion wherever he passed. It wasn't until a blond lady with a ten-centimeter red hat turned around and glared fiercely that the man hung up the phone and immediately started chatting with the lady.

The crowd spread like ripples, making the hungover man leaning next to the mailbox, squinting his eyes, almost unsteady. He staggered and tried to maintain his balance but failed. A Pingsha Luoyan lay on the ground, and a field of concentric circles cleared next to him. It was so round that the short-haired girl holding the six-cup coffee tray suddenly stopped and almost knocked over the coffee and everything. The stuffed backpack on her right shoulder was bigger than her.

Seeing this, Anson took action in time to support the short-haired girl.

The short-haired girl raised her head and was about to say thank you, but her voice was immediately swallowed up by the sound of brakes and the engine——

The red light turned green.

The crowds at the intersection swept each figure across the crosswalk quickly, and the short-haired girl was no exception. She turned her head and shouted a few words towards Anson, but her voice was swallowed up by the noise around her, and the figure disappeared in the blink of an eye. In the crowd, one could see Armani and Hentiangao exchanging business cards on the sidewalk.

Hula la.

The green light turned red again.

There was still a small group of people gathered in front of the intersection who had not yet had time to start, including Anson, but before they could take a breath, the intersection was overflowing again with the crowds of people arriving from behind.

In an instant, Anson’s memory of being a laborer in his previous life became extremely vivid.

Finally, when the light turned green for the second time, Anson successfully crossed the crosswalk, continued to ride his skateboard, and broke through the dense crowd, leaving the noise and crowds behind, and finally stopped at a coffee shop.

dense. turbulent.

After a quick inspection, the surrounding seats were not completely occupied, and the occupancy rate was less than 70%. However, there were a lot of people queuing up for takeout in front of the counter, and the winding queue filled the spacious space opened up by the two side walls facing the street. , a rolling heat wave hits my face.

Anson hung his skateboard on the back of his backpack, freed his hands, then stood at the end of the line and lined up obediently. Only then did he take a closer look.

This is a coffee shop with a very rough and tough style. The exposed pipes and brick walls are not covered up at all, showing traces of the industrial era, but the layers of the entire space are outlined in dark red, dark brown and light gray. Carve out a rare space in crowded Manhattan.

Then, Anson saw Sam Raimi——


Don't look at the series of mistakes Edgar made yesterday, but he still showed his ability in real professional business. He found out the director's whereabouts in less than twelve hours and accurately found his location.

The audition for "Spider-Man" is about to take place this morning. Edgar hopes that Anson can leave an impression on the director in advance; but if it is not a formal meeting through matchmaking, it will seem too deliberate and hungry. I believe that for Sam, He should be used to that routine. A chance encounter, the key is the spontaneity.

Sam, who is 1981 years old this year, became famous in with the low-budget horror movie "The Evil Dead", creating a new genre of horror movies and enjoying a very high reputation among niche movie fans.

However, for the past twenty years, Sam has always been on the fringes of niche independent films and has never entered mainstream attention. No wonder he encountered opposition when he was chosen to be the director of "Spider-Man". If it weren't for Sam's personal love of the original comics, I guess he Nor will I try my best to get it.

In front of him, Sam looked like a nerd, wearing a dark green T-shirt, with messy dark brown hair. He seemed to go out without arranging it after getting up in the morning. Even the collar of the T-shirt was loose and looked like it had been tortured by the washing machine. Countless times.

He was sitting quietly and alone by the window. Although there was a busy street with people coming and going on his left, he didn't care at all. He stared at his coffee intently, as if he was studying whether there were plankton in the liquid. The eyes are almost cross-eyed, isolated from the world around them.

Quietly invisible.

People were coming and going in the coffee shop, but no one noticed Sam's waiting presence. The director was curled up in the corner like an abandoned puppy.

So, how to break the ice?

This director has been working in Hollywood for twenty years. Even if he has not experienced it personally, he should be familiar with those methods. It is not easy to leave a deep impression in front of the director without making a sound.


If you can't achieve your goal quietly and naturally, then why not do the opposite and create some noise, the more lively the better and the more public the better?

Really become the center of attention?
While his thoughts were swirling, Anson noticed some movement in the corner.

A figure took the initiative to walk towards Sam. From a distance, he bent slightly to the side and hunched his shoulders, showing the appearance of a curious study. Then he stood up straight, and the surprise could be seen from the back.


"Are you Sam Raimi?"

As he spoke, he looked around, as if calling for the attention of other people around him, but the New Yorkers coming and going in a hurry didn't care at all. He looked away on his own initiative and looked again, unable to believe his unexpected encounter.

"Sam, I really, really love 'The Evil Dead'!"

This performance is a bit exaggerated.

Of course, it's also possible that it actually happened and that a veteran horror fan discovered Sam Raimi. After all, this is New York and there's nothing unusual about it.


Anson recognized the man, Scott-Speedman.

According to the latest information provided by Edgar, this gentleman is also one of the alternate actors for "Spider-Man".

It seems that there was more than one actor trying to impress Sam outside the audition office, and that gentleman got there first!
 Second update.

(End of this chapter)

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