The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 167: Getting there first

Chapter 167: Getting there first
Scott Speedman, born in 1975, was a swimmer and even competed in the qualifiers to compete for Canada's Olympic qualifications.

Unfortunately, due to injury, I was unable to continue and changed my career to become an actor.

Tall, handsome, and sunny, Scott has excellent appearance. Just three years after entering the industry, he successfully served as the male protagonist of the TV series "Felicity". Although the series did not become a big hit, his performance was still good. , has been booked for four seasons; moreover, the producer of the series is the later famous JJ-Abrams (JJ-Abrams).

There's no doubt that Scott is also looking to branch out into movies.

Anson was able to recognize him because he later played the leading role in the "Underworld" series, partnered with Kate Beckinsale, and became the envy of countless male viewers.

Unfortunately, Scott's career as an actor never got off the ground.

Anson was a little surprised that Scott was also a candidate for "Spider-Man".

But perhaps, this is a positive sign. From Scott to James Franco, they and Tobey Maguire are all handsome guys with different styles. For Anson, the door of opportunity may be more open than imagined. .

But I don’t know what stage Scott has entered in Sony Columbia’s casting process. Is it still an audition or has it entered a deeper round?

Obviously, Scott also knows that "Spider-Man" is a rare opportunity for him, and he hopes to seize it firmly, so he is particularly active at this time.

——With a smile on his face, his body language is a little exaggerated and a little stiff. While being proactive, he reveals the nervous and complex emotions in his heart.


Anson saw that Sam raised his head, his eyelids were still drooped, as if he had not woken up, and he looked at Scott through the slits in his eyes. His calm expression had seen through everything without any fluctuations.

no respond.

Scott was immediately embarrassed, but there was no turning back when he started working. If it didn't work, he had to bite the bullet and grit his teeth and refused to admit failure:

A chance encounter, this is a chance encounter!

Scott pulled out his chair and sat down opposite Sam, dancing and talking happily, but Sam still had a look of despair on his face, seamlessly matching the expression of the sloth Lightning in "Zootopia" Bag.

There were no words, no expressions, no movements, nothing. It just made the atmosphere... awkward to the bottom bit by bit.

The relaxed posture pushed Scott into the predicament of a one-man show. Although the surroundings were still noisy, the air in that corner was almost stagnant.

Your toes can create a Disney castle.

Now Anson understands——

This trick shouldn't work if you happen to encounter it, but it might be self-defeating.

Anson didn't panic. The more moments like this, the more calm and rational it is.

Withdraw your gaze, just use your peripheral vision to pay close attention to the movements in the corner, but try to relax as much as possible. Anyway, if the morning encounter is unsuccessful, the subsequent audition will still be a showcase opportunity, and that is the key.

He should act naturally and think about the coffee he is going to order, just like any ordinary customer who comes to the cafe to buy coffee.

"Espresso, double."

"Latte, add more maple syrup."

One person after another, the ordering speed is very fast, but the progress of picking up the food next to it is a little crowded, and the next person will be Anson's turn.

Then, right now.

A woman in a black suit had just finished getting her coffee and was about to take a step forward when she accidentally collided head-on with the man who had just finished ordering.

The lady felt like she was hitting a wall. She stepped on the emergency brake as she moved forward and leaned back. She was interrupted when she was about to take a sip of coffee. Before she could react, the coffee fell.


the lady exclaimed.

The next second, the man also took a small step back, his center of gravity shaking violently. But just as he stepped back, he stepped on the feet of another person who was waiting in line to order. The two people were huddled together, and they were about to fall down. Huh!
Exclaimed, stunned, panicked, gasped, completely in a mess.

But the next second—

The eyes of admiration and surprise gathered in the same direction, and then you can see Anson, who was innocently affected by the disaster, trying to turn the tide.

In a hurry, Anson took action reflexively, because Anson knew that the team behind him might stagger like dominoes in a chain reaction, or even get injured, and he needed to protect himself.

At the same time, I caught the shadow of the coffee cup falling quickly like an iron ball out of the corner of my vision, and I immediately realized the danger. Even if I didn't fall, if the coffee spilled, the hot liquid might splash and cause burns.

How to do?
In the flash of lightning, Anson is not only calm but also witty and quick to respond.

With his left hand, he supported the backs of the two people in front of him like a pillar, and pushed them forward instantly. The collision of strength and strength formed a cushion.

His right leg subconsciously stretched out and cut between the coffee cup and the ground like a soccer ball. The coffee cup unexpectedly landed on the shoe.

At the same time, his right hand stretched out like a tango, opening his body to maintain balance, and in the midst of the chaos, he pressed the pause button in a thrilling manner.


A delicate balance is thus formed.

The coffee was not spilled, the customer was not poured, and the imminent disaster was easily eliminated. That is to say, the lady in the black suit fell back and fell into the crowd, looking slightly embarrassed, but fortunately, she was alone. Human weight is limited, and the crowd quickly regains its footing.

Chaos had just emerged, but it was under control in the blink of an eye.

In the coffee shop, I was a little stunned. All the blood rushed to the heart in a short period of time, but before it had time to burst, it was already stagnant and unable to breathe.

After half a beat, the crowd realized Anson's performance, and cheered with joy after the exclamation and joy after the sigh.



There were applause and whistles, cheers and admiration, and they were bustling and intertwined.

In an instant, all the eyes from different corners of the cafe gathered. After understanding the whole scene, the applause and cheers became more and more violent. The hot and scorching eyes fell on Anson's skin, and he could clearly feel the raging heat wave. It burned.

Even customers who were about to turn around and leave couldn't help but stop when they heard the noise coming from behind. They pressed the pause button on their busy daily life and looked at the scene in front of them with surprise and astonishment. One or two of them expressed their emotions. Expressions of disbelief, exchange of glances.

Including Ansen himself, his heart suddenly tightened.

It is self-rescue and conditioned reflex. The correct response can be made in an instant to minimize the damage, and the brain and body can make accurate judgments.


I must thank you for skating recently and regaining control of your body. The balance and explosiveness of the eighteen-year-old play an important role at critical moments.

But even so, Anson himself did not expect such an outrageous and miraculous response to happen!
Perfectly executed.

It was only then that I was able to relax a little.



The whole audience cheered.

 Third update.

(End of this chapter)

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