The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 179 Building the Picture

Chapter 179 Building the Picture
"Hey, Mary Jane."

He said, showing a smile, waving hello brightly and sunnyly, even a little unusually cheerful, trying his best to show his charm.

However, the smile only stayed on his lips for a moment. His right hand drooped down, dragging his shoulders and the corners of his mouth. The sadness and loss gradually overflowed. At this time, you could clearly feel the hesitation and hesitation shown by the boy in front of you. Hesitant, with a little tugging and wandering.

"Hi, Mary Jane."

He said again, his voice was clear and even gentler than the first time, but the breath emanating from his body was slowly softening.

It's not sadness or loss, it's just a kind of tenderness that is hesitant to speak.

At this time, the face and the eyes were no longer unreservedly displayed in front of the eyes. After taking off the blocking of the glasses, one could completely see the blue, deep but clear, like the sea in autumn.

Just two lines.

However, the grasp and control of the entire atmosphere is perfect, everything is just right, and the details of the emotions are gradually outlined layer by layer.

Moreover, the lines, one high and one low, one urgent and one slow, can easily make the audience realize:

Peter Parker did not confess to Mary Jane head-on.

Maybe, Peter was just talking to himself; maybe, Peter was silently watching Mary Jane in the distance, trying to get closer but carefully keeping a distance, the pull of wanting to get closer but having to use all his strength to control his steps, murmuring Mumbling to himself, revealing the deepest secrets——

The torture and beauty of secret love are shown at the same time.

This is the point.

Now, the meanings contained in those footsteps and movements just now have been fully explained, and quietly, the audience is gradually immersed in the scene.

The picture becomes clearer and clearer.

The corners of the boy's mouth were slightly raised, and he was immersed in sweetness even though he didn't dare to come forward. It was precisely because he kept a distance that he boldly spoke out all his true thoughts.

"I'm not sure if you know, but I've been your neighbor since I was six years old."

"I'm thinking……"

There was a slight hesitation, but the smile on the corner of his mouth quietly rose again, completely unable to hide the true emotions in his mind.

"Maybe we can go out together sometime?"

When the words were paused, it was as if one could see Mary Jane's expression. A little confused, a little hesitant, a little confused, which might also be the reason for him to retreat, lest he could never recover after the confession and rejection.

"Let's hang out together?"

Unconsciously, his voice deepened and he fell into his own world.

Secret love is just like this, revolving around the sun but not daring to get close. In your own world, the mountains are roaring and the tsunami is shaking the world. Sometimes you are happy and sometimes sad, worrying about gains and losses, ups and downs.

Then, let the imagination in your mind unfold freely, and obviously nothing happened, but the world has changed forever.

The corner of his mouth slightly twitched, seeming to think of some happy scene, but instead of becoming braver, he cautiously took a small step back. His eyes were so focused and so affectionate looking ahead, but his body had stopped, not only his steps, but Even the forward angle of the upper body has been retracted, reining in the reins both physically and mentally. The body is like this, but the tsunami in the brain still doesn't stop.

"Or, I don't know, I think it's time to get to know each other a little better."

"It's okay if you don't want to."

Before he could finish his previous sentence, he immediately denied himself. The timidity and sadness in his words were in sharp contrast with the reluctance in his eyes. After he finished speaking, he showed a smile to cover up his embarrassment, and turned away cautiously. eyes, then lowered his head.

When I looked up again, my expression had returned to normal, with a warm and welcoming smile, but I was not sure if it was my imagination. There was a little bit of sadness and a touch of bitterness hidden behind the bright smile, so quietly and deeply. Look deeply ahead.

A look, a smile.

But there are too many complications.

The whole place was silent.

No one spoke, and no one planned to speak. Those eyes were staring at Ansen, and they seemed to be staring at the distance behind Ansen. They inadvertently fell into their own memories, awakening the ignorance and youthfulness of those green years, and awakening the turbulence and frivolity of those young and frivolous years. warm--

Everyone has his own past.

Memories are a bit far away. They have not awakened those dusty fragments hidden in the corners for a long time. However, they suddenly become extremely clear. They have never dimmed and never disappeared. Even the mixed bitterness and happiness of youth have disappeared. Still lifelike.

Quiet, all quiet.

In the end, it was Ian who woke up first, took a deep breath, dragged his thoughts from memory back to reality, and focused his attention on Anson again.

At this time, Ian could see that Anson was still immersed in the character and did not leave. He stood quietly in place, with the emotions in his eyes and expressions still continuing. This immersion and concentration are eye-catching, in the small details. This aspect broke Ian's guess and brought a small surprise.

Ian admitted that he liked Anson because of his appearance.

As a director, Sam needs to consider presenting the plot in a way that fits the character; as a producer, Ian needs to consider catering to the market and commercial promotion.

Ian saw the potential in Anson. If Anson acted as a superhero, he believed that he would be recognized by the market, so he called Anson to audition; but Ian's positioning of Anson was also very clear, a handsome boy, a vase, and a symbol. That should be all.

But he didn't expect that once, twice, three times... So far, Anson has exceeded Ian's expectations three times and continued to bring surprises.

It's only thirty seconds. To be precise, this line of dialogue is not even thirty seconds, it is only twenty seconds at most. However, Anson used his own way to fill the content and emotion of this small monologue, and in It brings a special experience in about thirty seconds.

Ian was indeed a little impressed.

If you think about it carefully, from the moment Anson turned around and pulled away and retreated into the shadows, he should have already conceived the entire plot in his mind, like a slideshow or separate shots, and he had a three-dimensional image of the entire scene in his mind. Build them up and insert them into the plot.

But these old guys, one or two, made fun of Anson's amateurism like a layman. Their preconceptions blinded their eyes. They thought that Anson lacked acting experience and audition experience, so he made a novice's mistake. But now it seems , who is an amateur?
Involuntarily, Ian once again remembered Anson's joke before his performance: He really let everyone see him.

Ian, very satisfied.

However, Ian did not make an immediate decision. After all, this is a superhero movie with an investment cost of more than 100 million U.S. dollars. If an actor is randomly selected and the movie fails at the box office, the newcomer actor will really suffer the loss. , or is he a senior producer?
 The fifth update.

(End of this chapter)

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