The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 180 Standard posture

Chapter 180 Standard posture
Ian raised his hand and said, "That's it for the performance."

One word, like a spell, lifts the magic in the entire room. Although there is no noise, it can capture the disordered breathing and inadvertently reveal the turbulent thoughts in the mind. Everyone has their own story.

Ian did not turn to look at the others, his eyes still fell on Anson, and continued, "If you adjust it a little, can you give us two positions?"

"Posture?" Anson was puzzled——

For Anson, the performance just now was not difficult. Compared with the details of his expression, the atmosphere created by the whole person is the most important. The performance in just thirty seconds is over, and he can quickly complete the recovery. .

Not tired, but rather eager to try.

He hasn't had enough of performing yet.

But when he heard Ian's words, Anson was unable to keep up.

Ian also recalled, "You haven't read the comics, but it doesn't matter. It just so happens that you are just a blank sheet of paper. You can complete it according to your own ideas, and it may bring some surprises."

"Imagine that you now have the ability of a spider. You can emit spider silk from your body, and you can use the spider silk to walk freely in the high altitude of this reinforced forest. So, what posture will you choose?"


What was supposed to come finally came.

Whether it's Marvel or DC, the actors who play superheroes all talk about some familiar topics in interviews.

For example, their uniform suits are very uncomfortable and do not easily address physiological needs.

For example, their iconic poses are very shameful. The most classic scene is in the movie "Black Widow". The plot even makes fun of itself. Every time Black Widow appears, she has a sexy split squat pose.

In fact, this is the "movie demand".

When "Terminator" was released, Arnold Schwarzenegger's posture of falling from the sky and kneeling on one knee was still talked about many years later, and even became a classic scene recorded in history.

Movies need such a sense of ritual.

So, what about Spider-Man’s signature pose?

- Overcome shame.

Anson recalled his first lesson in acting school, where he overcame his shame by imitating animals, established the fourth wall, and truly entered the character. Now, he needed to imitate a spider, and it didn't seem that difficult.

Anson thought for a while.

Perhaps, he should show the process of testing and practice, showing the different stages of Spider-Man.

After taking a deep breath, Anson started directly without saying hello.

"call out."

Anson does his own dubbing. Although it always feels a little weird to have his own voice, it would be even more embarrassing if there was no voice at all.

In line with the sound, the palm of the right hand is facing up, open the palm and press it down, and the spider thread will be "fired" from the pulse position. However, it is obvious that Spider-Man is still learning and adapting, so he does not control the spider thread.

"call out!"

He fired again, using the same movement, but this time he used his palm to control it slightly, spreading his five fingers, but clasping his ring and middle fingers inward.

——The "devil horns" hand gesture in the rock scene.

But the difference is that the rock gesture is upright, while Anson is now lying down and turned out; moreover, the movement is slightly improved, the thumb does not press the ring finger and middle finger, but spreads out like the little finger and index finger, not the exact "devil horns" ” gesture, closer to the “I love you” gesture.

Use this gesture to shoot spider silk.

Every launch is a confession of "I love you". Can this be considered Spider-Man's romance? It turns out that Spider-Man is a hopeless romantic at heart.

In the first two simple attempts, Anson stood still with little movement. After finding some control, Anson let go of his hands and feet.


Ansen is like Duan Yu in "The Eight Parts of the Sky" using the Six Meridians Divine Sword.




Landed. From left to right, he performed eighteen martial arts skills all the way, and finally squatted with one leg and did the splits, and completed the launch with "I love you" gestures with both hands at the same time.

"call out!"


A series of movements, light and agile, flowing smoothly.

It's like going back to childhood. Every child has his own fantasy in his mind, whether it is a martial arts dream or a superhero dream, they have all played like this.

The problem is that……

Anson is no longer seven years old. To be more precise, the mental age of the two generations may be older. I have just been immersed in the role and haven't felt it yet. Now I end the action and assume a classic pose. Without warning, the sense of reality hits me suddenly.

Who am I where I am and what I am doing.

A feeling of shame.

Anson lowered his head slightly and froze in place, trying to control himself, but it was not easy.

Sure enough, the Taoist practice is still too shallow and the experience is still not enough.

After all, Anson still couldn't control himself. He raised his hand and gestured forward, "I'm sorry." Then he stood up, turned his back to the director and producers, and looked up at the sky.

He wanted to be quiet.

Ian's head is filled with questions——

The first second, they were completely frightened. Anson's step-by-step operation was as fierce as a tiger, free and easy, and dazzling. It was really eye-opening. It was like watching a juggling act. They couldn't help but want to exclaim. , eyes wide open, completely focused.

The next second, Anson...what happened?
"An...Anson?" Ian looked around. Everyone was confused and confused. They had not yet reacted to the shock. As they looked at each other, Ian called out carefully.

Anson did not turn around, but just raised his hand to signal.

Take another deep breath to adjust, then turn around and smile.

"Sorry, I wasn't professional enough just now. I couldn't hold it back. Suddenly I felt very ridiculous. Pfft." The corners of Anson's mouth still completely raised, and the smile between his eyebrows bloomed so brightly, "Oh, Jesus Christ, I Hopefully this didn’t ruin my audition.”

One second, two seconds——

The whole audience burst into laughter.

Indeed, from a performance point of view, it is true; but just like laughter is inevitable when filming a comedy, actors will also make mistakes and make dramas.

The point is, how to deal with it.

Anson's handling was frank and honest, and he tried his best not to control the smile on his lips. Until now, they finally saw Anson's "green" side.

To be honest, Ian relaxed instead, because Anson's performance before was so professional and sophisticated that it was shocking, but now he is much more natural, like he is eighteen years old and a fledgling newcomer.

The atmosphere immediately became relaxed.

Not only Ian, but everyone else laughed.

Including Sam.

Sam didn't expect this scene, but looking at Anson in front of him, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. Even his unprofessional behavior just now became friendly. He had a rare smile and took the initiative to comfort him.

"No, you're doing great. Everything is fine."

"It doesn't matter if you're in a play. Once you put on the costume and turn on the camera, the feeling will be different. Today there is no makeup or costume."

Sam couldn't help but remember the way Anson turned his back to everyone just now, and couldn't help it anymore, and burst out laughing.


Beside Ian, everyone looked at Sam in astonishment and surprise:

In the past few months of preparing "Spider-Man", they had never seen Sam like this before, and they had no idea that Sam actually had such a side.

So, does this mean that Sam also looks at Anson differently?
 First update.

(End of this chapter)

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