The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 192 Collateral Damage

Chapter 192 Collateral Damage
The mighty, vigorous, rolling heat waves hit everyone, and the orange all over the sky burned warmly and brightly quietly, penetrating into the clear and bright blue bit by bit, and the sky was smudged with a translucent mint. Color makes all languages ​​lose their color.

The temple auditorium was shrouded in spotlights, bursting into brilliant light.

For a moment, it was unclear whether the magnificence and magnificence in front of me was due to the light of Vanity Fair or the magic of nature.

Eve blurted out, "Grass."

Edgar couldn't help but glance at Eve.

Eve met Edgar's gaze without avoiding it. She looked directly into Edgar's eyes and cursed again, "Fuck."

Edgar was dumbfounded by that magnanimous gesture. He looked away and looked at Anson, only to find that Anson was leaning against the car window and looking quietly at the sky, a little lost in thought. He couldn't help but ask with concern, "Are you nervous?"

Without waiting for Anson to answer, Eve drank down the whiskey in her hand, "It's weird if you're not nervous. Damn! Didn't they say they'd come on stage in the second half? Why did they come here to destroy the ecology in the first half? Who are you showing your face to?"


Eve reacted immediately, "They are showing off to the Emmys and deliberately putting pressure. I don't know if it was Jennifer's idea or David Klein's. Damn! They didn't notify the friendly forces in advance? "

The amount of information is a bit large.

Simply organize it.

Appearing on the red carpet is very particular. Real big names like to have a grand finale, to show their grandeur and attract all eyes. However, big names are also secretly competing with each other. Not everyone can make the finale, so it is also good to appear early to occupy the focus and harvest topics. A strategy.

One hypothesis is that Lisa Kudrow, who plays Phoebe in "Friends", is a big name, but she does not have an advantage among a series of big names. If she chooses to appear at the peak of the second half, she may not have space, but she If you choose to appear later in the first half, the topic will be different.

There is no harm without comparison. This is how attention and topics are created.

Therefore, it all matters when and where to appear.

Generally speaking, the actor's publicist or agent will inquire about the information, make decisions based on the trends of big names that "do not need to look at other people's eyes", choose an appropriate opportunity for their actor to make a debut, and then they will communicate with the organizer , ventilate each other.

The organizers also coordinated as much as possible to avoid the appearance of enemies, enemies, ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends at the crematorium at the same time.

After all, when it comes to award ceremonies, it’s really good to say hello to everyone.

But occasionally - very occasionally, there are cases where they are different from each other and deliberately appear one after another to compete, and the media also applauds and welcomes them.

Eve is a veteran, so she naturally understands these twists and turns. Even if Anson is just a newcomer, she still finds a way to find a position——

In the first half, the actors who appear in the front and back are all women, and their style, type, channel, age, etc. will not conflict with Anson, ensuring that Anson can become the only focus in those five minutes.

This is the moment they need to shine.

It’s not the finale, it’s not the second half, it’s not a superstar, it doesn’t matter. Public relations people can create an illusion out of nothing.

Everything is in plan.



An accident happened like this, and it was the ultimate bomb in the Temple Auditorium today. Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston appeared together.

Not to mention Anson, the total topic traffic of all other guests tonight cannot match the "America's Sweetheart Couple" who made their first public appearance after marriage.

No wonder Eve cursed.

So, what's going on?
In Eve's view, there are many possibilities, the most likely being a rebellion by the crew of "Friends". Whether David Klein knew about it or not is not said for now, but the six leading actors definitely knew about it. In the first episode of the sixth season, the cast of "Friends" protested to the Emmy Awards by signing the surname of Courteney Cox's new husband because the Emmy Awards could not classify the six actors in the main and supporting roles. It is satisfying that they stand on the same side, that is, all six people are protagonists and there are no supporting roles.

As a result, the Emmy Awards responded. On the nomination list for this awards ceremony, only Jennifer and Lisa were nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the same time. Not only did Jennifer, who had always been nominated for the leading actress, be pushed to compete with Lisa in the supporting actress department, but also other The four actors were simply ignored.

The authority of the Emmy Awards cannot be challenged.

Now, "Friends" is responding again.

Everyone knows that the ultimate highlight of the Emmy Awards red carpet is Brad and Jennifer. This is the key to the explosion in ratings. The organizer cleared the spot for the newlyweds after coordination with many parties——

The seats are empty and waiting.

However, Brad and Jennifer suddenly attacked. Not only did they not go as planned, but they also chose to appear at a deserted moment in the first half. Those viewers who were waiting for their appearance in front of the TV were not prepared at all, and most of them should have missed it. moment, you can now imagine how the ratings will collapse in the second half.

For Brad and Jennifer, do they need to worry about traffic?

No need.

Any time they appear on the stage, they will occupy the front pages of all newspapers and magazines tomorrow. Any time they appear on the stage, it will not affect the focus of attention.

This is the confidence.

Therefore, Jennifer has disrupted the plans for the Emmy Awards, not to mention the red carpet ratings, and may even affect the awards show ratings. At that time, the protests and complaints from sponsoring advertisers will be a headache.

The problem is that their move may hurt innocent people.

Like poor Jane Kazmalak.

What Eve couldn't understand was that if David Klein knew about it in advance, he should at least inform Anson. Not only was Anson an ally, but he was also stepping onto the red carpet tonight on behalf of the "Friends" crew.


Anson chuckled.

Eve glanced at her and said, "You look quite happy."

Anson smiled even brighter, "I was originally nervous. Anyway, this is my first award ceremony." From the previous life to the present, the award ceremony is an unprecedented first time, and it is also live broadcast——

Live streaming is different after all.

Moreover, it is now 2000, and there is no delay in the live TV broadcast for the time being. It is % synchronous live broadcast. This also means that any mistakes will be broadcast directly and will become historical data in the future.

But the scene in front of me was so powerful and turbulent that it occupied all my thoughts, so that the live broadcast, nervousness, and award ceremony were all squeezed into a corner. There was no room to worry, and I calmed down instead.

“I feel now that it’s actually quite good to come and see the excitement,” Anson said.

Eve, "Pfft."

Edgar looked beside him with a lifeless expression.

Anson continued, "I think I may have a little idea of ​​what is going on. Brad and Jennifer's choice of this time should not be random. Maybe they want to complete the work they planned and let me do it conveniently." If you feel deflated, why not do it?"

 Third update.

(End of this chapter)

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