The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 193 Go with the flow

Chapter 193 Go with the flow
Edgar looked at Eve, Eve looked at Edgar, and the two looked at each other.

Then, "Grass!"

Eve cursed again, and this time with some tricks. After mumbling a lot, she turned to look at Anson again.

"So, you're saying that you cheated them, and not only did they swallow their anger, but they also had to show kindness to you and ask for peace? Wow, who are you?"

Those round and staring eyes did not hide his astonishment at all.

Anson, "Wood, Anson-Wood."

Strictly speaking, from Anson's point of view, the people behind the scenes were David Klein and Darren Star. Brad and Jennifer could not directly confront David Klein. They were too weak to pick, so they found him. .

Anyway, this is not the first time that Brad has disliked Anson.

Eve, "Ha. Ha. Very funny."

He directly gave Anson a roll of his eyes.

Eve's brain started working quickly, "In this case, if we can trick them once, we can trick them a second time."

When public relations truly demonstrates its capabilities, it is actually a crisis situation.

Eve took a deep breath and said, "Anson, listen, the plan is not complicated. In fact, the plan is very simple. I just need you to step on the red carpet, then come up and briefly greet Brad and Jennifer, showing just the right amount of familiarity. , not too unfamiliar and not too intimate, and then leave.”

“Planning is not difficult, propriety is the key.”

"If you are too close or too unfamiliar, they will think you are trying to gain traffic; if you stay too short, they will not remember you; if you stay too long, they will be annoyed that you are taking up Brad and Jennifer's interview time."

"It's very subtle."

"Honestly, I think you can do it, but I'm not 100 percent sure, so tell me now if you can do it."

"If you say we can't, let's pass by now, avoid their limelight, go around in a circle, and then wait until the beginning of the second half to come on the stage again. With a new plan, I believe in my ability, we can still complete the plan."

"But my professional opinion is that we are facing a crisis and an extremely difficult situation, but if we can seize it, we can get as much gain as we take risks."

Crackling, lightning fast.

Eve's whole body seemed to be functioning tenfold, and she was fired with machine guns.

Edgar had understood, but there was still some worry in his eyes, "Anson, why don't we go around in a circle and buy time to discuss it in the long term?"

Eve did not refute, but nodded, "We don't need to be so radical. This is a fact. We can achieve our goals by taking a steady approach."

So, what does Anson think?
"Spider-Man" auditions aside, Anson wanted to take a chance and give it a try.

The reason is very simple. In his previous life, after the age of twenty-five, he would definitely choose to be conservative. His edges, edges, and sharpness have all been smoothed away; but before the age of twenty-five, he would unconditionally choose to take risks.

He missed his former self, full of energy, running and flying all the way.

Anson looked at Edgar and then at Eve, "We don't have to go around in circles."

In a word, light and firm.

Eve and Edgar exchanged glances, and they both took a deep breath. Without saying anything more, they immediately took out their mobile phones and got busy.

It is true that facing difficulties head-on requires facing incredible risks, but the role of agents and publicists is not to throw all the problems to the actors. They have their own abilities and methods to reduce the difficulty and increase the success rate of the matter.

Such as in front of me.

Their first reaction was to mobilize their resources, contact the media, give Anson some attention when he stepped on the red carpet, and persuade them to find another way to take the lead among the stereotyped "Brad x Jennifer" reports. machine.

Exchange resources for resources and interests for interests.

The vehicle continues to move forward slowly. From a visual point of view, Anson was only two cars away from Brad and Jennifer. The red carpet should be less than fifty meters away, but in fact it was five or six minutes apart. The speed was slowed down and there was no head-on collision.

Despite this, you can still see the red carpet going crazy, not only reporters, but also fans losing their minds on both sides of the road.

Gradually, the temple auditorium came into view.

Slightly different from the imagined red carpet, the space in front of you is slightly crowded. On the side near the temple auditorium is a billboard, various sponsor billboards, which are also photo backdrops; on the side closer to the street, It is the media area, and there are densely packed reporters from the beginning to the end.

In addition, there are TV host and a camera team walking back and forth on the red carpet to conduct interviews.

Looking around, the entrance to the red carpet was crowded with Brad and Jennifer, but inside there were scattered seven or eight actors present at the same time. Unfortunately, the media area in front of them was mostly empty.

The red carpet runs north-south, and there is an east-west street in the T-shape at the entrance of the red carpet. Movie fans and spectators are bustling on both sides leading to the red carpet. All guests must be in this T-shape. Get off the car at the entrance and step on the red carpet with all the fans watching.

Screaming, shouting, hitting the eardrums hard, the burst of energy from the movie fans and audience even overwhelmed the media reporters, dyeing the orange sky in Los Angeles red, and the sunset seemed to arrive an hour early, all over the world.

Nicholas noticed the bewildered Jane Kazmalak.

Poor Jane stepped onto the red carpet for the first time in her life. She originally thought that as an actor, she would finally be able to stand upright under the spotlight and accept her own applause, but she was left out before she even had time to show her smile.

One second, the whole audience cheered her name.

The next second, the building was empty.

Jane was at a loss what to do, a smile barely hung on her lips, and she was about to cry.

Nicholas sighed lightly——

He didn't come forward to join in the fun.

It wasn't that he wasn't interested in Brad and Jennifer, he knew they were the traffic password, but the problem was that in an occasion like an award ceremony, the interview couldn't ask anything, at most it was just a few photos.

Moreover, they are all the same photos, and it is difficult to tell them apart from different magazines and newspapers. To the audience, these photos are all the same.

Therefore, Nicholas did not rush, but stood still and captured.

Then he raised his voice and shouted.

"Hey Jane!"

When Jian heard the news, a light rekindled in her dazed and ashamed eyes, and her heart suddenly flew to her throat.


Nicholas pressed the shutter to freeze the moment.

This is Hollywood, cruel and indifferent, profit comes first and entertainment leads to death.

Although Nicholas has no way to change or the ambition to change, at least he can leave this gorgeous moment for Jane in front of him.

Withdrawing his gaze and putting down the camera, Nicholas looked toward the front of the red carpet. He was also observing and sizing up, trying to find different entry points that might capture Brad and Jennifer's special moment.

But, it's difficult.

The flashlights in front of them were so impenetrable that it was more like video than taking pictures, freezing every move of this American sweetheart couple.

Inadvertently, his eyes caught a figure. It was just a quick glance. He didn't pay attention to it at first, but his intuition caught his attention and looked back.

That is……

 The fourth update.

(End of this chapter)

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