Chapter 197 Extraneous problems

That is just a short moment.

But for Anson, this fleeting moment was enough. He stopped when he was done. Before Kate or Brad Jennifer spoke, the smile on the corner of Anson's mouth calmed down and disappeared again, regaining his cool look tonight. , and continued to speak seamlessly.

"Obviously, as a guest, the most important thing is to have a sense of proportion and not take away from the stars. I think I should leave before I steal all the talk on tonight's red carpet."

Double entendre.

Witty and humorous.

Without waiting for Kate to remind him or for Brad and Jennifer to speak, Anson made an inviting gesture and gave up the focus of the camera again amid the low laughter all around.

After gesturing to Brad and Jennifer again, Anson walked away.

Just go away...just...go...



thing, right?

Think about it seriously, Anson came on the stage like this, greeted him, said a few words, and then it was over?
The initiative was in Anson's hands from beginning to end. He made a brief appearance and then left with a flourish of his sleeves, leaving no room for reaction at all.

Just, that’s it?

But how did such a deep and distinct impression remain?

Kate is no exception——


She didn't expect Anson to be so crisp and clear. After introducing himself and leaving a deep impression, he turned around and left without hesitation. His appearance was just right, but he made an impact with high energy and efficiency, leaving a deep imprint on the audience's mind. Then he ended it decisively, with a lingering aftertaste. wave.

wise. Accurate. Strong.

Be proactive throughout.

Even Brad and Jennifer had a hard time controlling the situation. The protagonist left before the conversation could fully unfold. What else could they do?
Wait, protagonist?
So, in this brief encounter just now, who is the protagonist and who is the supporting role?

Kate couldn't help but glance at Anson's back, with a hint of interest in her eyes, and then looked back at the couple in front of her again.

"Anson, a charismatic actor, right?"

Jennifer smiled brightly and said, "Yes, of course."

in front of the TV.

Blair wailed, "Ah!"

Mother's voice came, "What's wrong?"

Blair covered his cheek, "Anson left, why did he leave so soon?" The topic changed, "But, Anson, Anson is really good-looking, ahhh!"


On that side, Anson had moved on without nostalgia or reluctance——

Proportion is the key.

Just click till then.

However, the aftertaste is still spreading.

The attention did not stop. The reporters' eyes were still focused on Brad and Jennifer, but the camera lenses were quietly glued to Anson.


Click, click, click...

Can't stop at all.

On that side, Ansen walked straight forward without lingering or pausing, and left gracefully.


"Anson Wood!"

Until a series of shouts made Anson stop, and then he saw the familiar face of Nicholas, Anson seemed slightly surprised.

He also thought that all the mainstream media and important media were all with Brad and Jennifer. If he remembered correctly, the person in front of him was from the New York Times, but he was standing in the second half of the red carpet. Could it be that this reporter still had Colleagues in the first half? Thoughts, paused in my mind.

Anson gestured towards Nicholas, but did not step forward, but continued to take two steps forward.

Nicholas:? ? ?
While he was confused, Nicholas saw Anson's footsteps stopping not far from Jane Kazmalak, keeping his distance and speaking politely.

"Ms. Kazmalak, it's an honor to meet you here tonight, and I just want to tell you that I really, really enjoyed your show."

Jane Kazmalak was stunned and completely stunned on the spot.

Originally, Jane was ready to leave. There were no interviews, no applause, and no cheers. Just like her career, the Emmy Awards red carpet seemed different from what she saw on TV. She should stay calm, leave with her head held high, and head to the front. photo area, leaving your own figure——

Maybe others don't know she attended the Emmy Awards, but at least she was able to leave some traces.

However, if you don’t give up, you still won’t give up after all.

She stayed in the long and ordinary nameless period for so long that she simply forgot that she was also an actor. This was a job that stood under the spotlight, rather than a nine-to-five job hidden in the darkness and unknown. Not even her family knew what she was doing.

It took a lot of effort to finally step onto the red carpet, finally stand under the spotlight, and finally stand on the same occasion as those top stars.

She wanted to stay a little longer.

It didn't matter even if there was no flash, she just wanted to stay here for a while.

Would this seem too humble?

The footsteps moved forward slowly but could not move forward in the end. He scanned the whole place full of attachment and expectation, trying to imprint everything in front of him deeply in his mind.

Because she didn’t know if she would have the chance to step onto the red carpet of the temple auditorium next year.

Although cruel, this is the reality, and this is the job of actors. Even if "Malcolm Family" wins an Emmy Award nomination, it cannot guarantee 100% renewal. Their destiny is always no longer in their control, and they are always worried. Worry about tomorrow, worry about the future, and worry about yourself disappearing like a bubble.


"Ms. Kazmalak..."

Jane saw the figure coming towards her, and all the subsequent words turned into a mass of noise, drowned under the overwhelming flash lights in the audience.

After reacting for three full seconds, Jane finally came back to her senses, "Tell me, you like my performance? Me?"

Anson nodded slightly, "I hope my pronunciation is not wrong, otherwise it will be too bad."

Jian waved her hands repeatedly, "No, no, no, no, your pronunciation is very accurate, Kazmalak, I am the Kazmalak you call me."

"Oh, God..."

Jane didn't know why, but she was obviously surrounded by joy and happiness, but her eyes filled with tears, and she covered her mouth in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I don't know what happened to me, God."

Anson was also caught off guard by the sudden accident. He looked down at his clothes——

Pockets are empty.

In order to maintain the lines of his clothes, his look today was completely light, with nothing in the pockets.

Anson signaled, turned around and stepped forward. He was tall and came to the reporter in three or two steps. He asked Nicholas, whose face was full of astonishment and full of questions, "Do you have tissues or handkerchiefs?"

Nicholas still didn't fully react. He subconsciously searched his pocket and took out a tissue. But before handing it to Anson, even after reacting, he pulled the tissue to stop Anson and met Anson's confused eyes. He was worried that Anson was not acting according to common sense. The card was played and left immediately, so now the opportunity must be seized.

"One question. So, how are you feeling today?"

Anson raised his eyebrows slightly, and a sly look flashed in his eyes, "There are really many people."

Nicholas was stunned.

Anson had already taken away the tissue and turned to leave.

Nicholas stood there with a helpless smile. At this moment, there was a vibration in his pocket.

At this time, if it is not an important matter, no one will usually contact him.

"This is Nicholas."

"Hey, big reporter, this is Eve Wilson. West 42."

 Third update.

(End of this chapter)

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