The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 198 concocting exclusive

Chapter 198 concocting exclusive
Eve doesn't like surprises——

To be precise, she likes accidents, because dealing with accidents is her job and her strength, but she doesn't like accidents when her plans are disrupted, which often means more trouble.

After Anson hit the red carpet, Eve and Edgar didn't just sit back and drink coffee. They entered the parking lot and entered the temple auditorium through the staff tunnel. They will also attend the awards ceremony tonight. Anson, with the nomination of the nominees, You can bring two persons with you.

It is very common to bring your own agents or public relations people to the award ceremony. On the one hand, these agents and public relations people are also industry insiders, and even have high positions. On the other hand, they continue to complete their work and remind their clients that they are responsible for public announcements. Behavior for the occasion.


They have no interest and the ceremony itself is a job for them.

Eve was always staring at the red carpet live broadcast inside the venue. She immediately noticed Anson's off-track movements and couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Very good. His aloof image was shattered and he turned into a fanboy in an instant."

"If it's Jack Lemmon, I have no problem with it, but Jane Kazmalak?"

Jack Lemmon, the first acting Grand Slam winner in the history of film from the three major European film festivals, Oscars, Golden Globes, Screen Actors Guild, etc., tonight he was also nominated for Best Actor in the TV and Movie category.

According to the plan, Anson needs to leave directly, leaving a mysterious image behind, and using hunger marketing to create follow-up effects point by point. Eve can spread it immediately through the media.

As a result, Anson stopped.

The longer he spends on the red carpet, the less mysterious the aura becomes.

If Anson admires Jack Lemmon, Eve can still create an image of "loving performance" and fill the gap where the mysterious halo has been weakened, but now?

and many more!

Eve had a flash of inspiration and grasped a key.

Jack Lemmon's words are good, very good, and she can have room to operate; but Jane Kazmalak's words are even better, simply perfect.

At the awards ceremony, everyone focused on the superstars, and all eyes were focused on those dazzling figures, so that the powerful ones who deserved attention were shrouded in shadow, and no one noticed their figures.

Such as Jan Kazmalak.

She has strength, ability, enthusiasm and dreams. She won the Emmy Award nomination for the first time in her career. Just when she thought her career had finally reached a breakthrough, she was ignored on the red carpet. Even the Emmy Award could not help her achieve a breakthrough, so she still What should be done?
The tip of the spear, alluding to Brad and Jennifer.

But there is no need to say it clearly. The real focus is on those actors who are talented but are waiting to be discovered. They even insinuate the behavior of this American sweetheart couple in destroying the red carpet ecology. Even if Anson does not protest in his capacity, I believe the media and audience You can also interpret it yourself.

Therefore, the closeness between Anson and Jane is exactly an encounter that happened outside the spotlight, and it is also a sympathy between powerful actors. More importantly, it allows the Emmy Awards to return to television——

Rather than talking about topics and gimmicks, what they should focus on is the TV series and the efforts and sweat put in by practitioners in the entire television industry.

A story just came out.

This is exclusive!

Of course, Eve knew that such a story would definitely not take away the charm of Brad and Jennifer, but it was a good story that not only the general public would buy, but also thousands of practitioners in the television industry and those senior academy judges. Will buy it, and so will other news media.

There's Anson's brilliance in the spotlight before, and there's the behind-the-scenes story of Anson's sympathy with the powerful actors. Everything is complete.

Eve couldn't help but applaud.

Immediately, Eve took out her mobile phone and searched for reporters on the live broadcast screen and her address book to find a suitable partner.

Then he saw a familiar face, and to his surprise, Anson also found him.

Nicholas Flynn!

"...Hey, how about it, are you interested in an in-depth exclusive story?" Eve's voice came from the phone receiver, and Nicholas looked up at Anson and Jane, the light in his eyes flowing and flickering.

He could tell that Anson was sincere, unabashedly sincere and kind.

This is also true.

Although Anson has already filmed two films and worked with legendary stars such as Julie Andrews, the awards ceremony is still a first.

The figures I once saw on the screen broke the fourth wall and appeared in front of me. The line between reality and fantasy was completely blurred at this moment. There was an illusion of walking into Disneyland, and everything came to life.

Anson likes Jane Kazmalak, it's true.

In Hollywood, Jane has never been a star, but she is the kind of down-to-earth and capable person, and her non-exaggerated comedy performances are always impressive. In addition to "Malcolm", which earned her numerous praises and nominations, her He can also be seen in episodes of "The Big Bang Theory," "The Simpsons," "The Family," "Law & Order," and many more.

She is not a nobody, nor should she be.

Although Brad and Jennifer are superstars, Anson always believes that without the support of supporting roles, there will be no brilliance of the protagonists, and without the dedication of hard-working blue-collar actors, there will be no foundation for the prosperity of the entire entertainment industry.

When Anson saw Jane's hesitant, hesitant, confused figure, wanting to leave but reluctant to leave, he immediately felt the same and took steps naturally.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I lost my composure." Jane used a tissue to carefully absorb the tears. Because she was worried that her eye makeup would be smeared, she didn't dare to wipe it away so she could only tap lightly.

Anson nodded slightly, "I think so too."

Jane was stunned.

Anson, "The eyes of the audience are now all over my back. Although I am not sure where the rumored version of the story has developed, my situation should not be good."

The subtext is that now everyone misunderstands that Anson made Jane cry.

Jane: ..."Haha." Finally reacted, but couldn't help laughing anymore, "Hahaha, more than one person must have said that you are very humorous."

Anson's face was calm, "I get compliments on my handsomeness more often."

"Haha." Jane's smile bloomed completely, "What they said is sincere, I believe it. So, do you really like my performance?"

"Really." Anson admitted straightforwardly without joking.

Jane was stunned again. She thought Anson would say a polite word or a joke, but such a sincere response hit her heart hard, "Thank you. I need such recognition."


After a pause, she said, "Sorry, I haven't seen your works." She also looked sincere.

Anson didn't mind, "So, this is an ordinary TV viewer confessing to his favorite actor, and things immediately became simple."

Jane smiled again, "You are indeed a humorous guy, you know? Generally speaking, handsome guys are not humorous, and humorous guys are often not handsome. You are an exception."

Anson nodded gently, "I'll tell you a secret, I'm actually the latter."

Jane's eyebrows and expression were completely relaxed, "You almost deceived me."

Anson made a generous invitation gesture, "I'm going to accept a brief interview from the reporter. How about it? Do you have time to join us? Let's talk about your feelings tonight?"

 The fourth update.

(End of this chapter)

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