The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 199 Suspense is imminent

Chapter 199 Suspense is imminent
"……last question."

Nicholas was a little reluctant to give up——

Anson is still awesome, he talks and laughs, advances and retreats appropriately, and he is able to move with ease. Just like in his memory, he is completely in control of the situation calmly, and he can still excel even with the simplest, most polite and ordinary questions.

Moreover, Anson was just right. He not only accepted the interview head-on, but also took care of Jane. Anson even pretended to be a reporter and asked some questions, scratching the itch, so that there were cheers from all around.

Quietly, reporters gathered nearby, forming a circle.

Brad and Jennifer obviously steal all the attention on the red carpet, but the light in this corner is still hard to ignore.

The last question was originally Nicholas wanted to ask Anson about his predictions for the awards, and what he thought of the award for Best Guest in a Comedy tonight. But as the words came to his lips, he couldn't help but be curious about another question.

The Anson in front of you is like a fascinating novel and an encyclopedia that embraces all rivers, making people unable to put it down.

"You are a bit unfamiliar tonight, tell us about this look."

The words just blurted out, and Nicholas couldn't help but be curious.

Anson was not surprised and raised his chin slightly, "Unfamiliar? That means the strategy is successful. After all, this is the Emmy Awards. There is always something new to come up with. Since there are no new works or new scandals, at least there should be new model."

One second, two seconds——


Although I don’t know if Anson was referring to a couple who used marriage as a gimmick; but I have to say that this self-deprecation is indeed witty and humorous.

After all, as for Anson himself, after his guest appearance in "Friends", no works have been released for the time being. "Princess Diaries" is still in the late stages and has not been promoted, so Anson's self-deprecation is a stroke of genius.

Then, without stopping, Anson made a polite invitation gesture towards Jane, put his hands behind his back, escorted Jane away as a knight, and entered the temple auditorium side by side, leaving only a silhouette behind.



The noise couldn't stop at all.

But that's still not all.

There was a loud noise, and the overwhelming silver flashes engulfed Anson in front of the photo area. The sound of the shutters collided with a roar, and the first climax came at the entrance of the temple auditorium.

Until now, the emotions that have been endured and endured and expected and expected have finally been released. From the moment Anson stepped on the red carpet, the photojournalists had to use all their strength to suppress their excitement, looking forward to overturning the red carpet tonight. The protagonist of carpet fashion is in place as soon as possible.

It finally arrived, and no one wanted to miss it.


Literally, the dazzling strobe lights took center stage on the red carpet.

Anson was a little overwhelmed——

He really doesn't know how to take pictures.

If he freezes his poses, his expressions and movements will become slightly stiff, so he must remain dynamic, constantly shifting his gaze and changing his movements.

The reporters kept shouting about taking another picture and taking another picture, or changing the angle and position, but Anson only stayed for a moment and ran away.

From behind, there was a sigh of relief.

Everyone wanted to stay in the photo area for a while, and wished they could camp there. After all, the only thing left on the red carpet of the award ceremony was the photo. This was the only proof that they had stepped onto the red carpet of the Temple Auditorium; however, Anson was in a hurry He hurriedly left, leaving behind a group of photographers who still had unfinished business, complaining, and chattering incessantly.

Accident! Accident! Still a surprise!

From the unexpected appearance at the entrance of the red carpet to the unexpected surprise in the middle interview area to the unexpected exit in the final photo area, Anson's red carpet debut tonight was absolutely shocking. A series of unexpected collisions burst out an incredible chemical reaction. And it left a lasting impression on the red carpet.

Even after Anson had left, the discussion continued. Legends about him were circulating at the door of the temple auditorium. The discussion was as heated as Brad and Jennifer. This aftertaste did not dissipate until the red carpet ended.

Here, the award ceremony has just begun. At that time, different versions of Anson's story were already circulating among industry insiders in Los Angeles and New York. Word of mouth was full of magic, and there seemed to be an invisible force behind it all.

And at the same time.

The annual top and most important event in front of television in North America is now taking place, and the winners of important awards are being announced one after another.

There was no doubt that the atmosphere was electric.

Anson had no expectations——

This is the truth.

This is the first nomination in his career, and "Friends" is also his first work. The nomination is already an incredible surprise. He does not think that the Academy judges may have heard of his name, so the hope of winning is slim.

Instead of expecting an illusory trophy, it is better to relax and enjoy this event.

What if you win a prize?

Very good, very good, that's an important affirmation from the academy.

What if you don't win?

There is no problem, because there is no winner or lose in performance and art. Winning does not mean victory, and missing does not mean failure. Applause to the winners and enjoy the party tonight is enough. .

This open-mindedness and calmness are the wisdom and experience that Ansen has sunk in after experiencing countless ups and downs of human relationships in his previous life. He has been able to face it calmly.

Compared with filming and auditions, Anson was indeed not nervous at all tonight. The only nervousness he had had had all disappeared after the red carpet.

So, for Anson, the award ceremony became a party.

In the first award, NBC became the winner——

Sean Hayes and Megan Mullally of "Will & Grace" won Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series respectively.

"The West Wing's" Richard Schiff and Allison Janney won Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series respectively.

NBC TV station has achieved all the supporting roles, defeating its biggest competitors HBO and CBS, once again demonstrating NBC's strength in recent years.

Among them, the Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy category is attracting much attention.

Because Jennifer Aniston and Lisa Kudrow of "Friends" are both insured, and because the other two nomination seats belong to "Sex and the City" and "Everybody Loves Raymond" respectively, the Emmy Awards are especially popular. works, the competition is as fierce as a bayonet seeing red.

In the end, I didn’t expect that the second season of “Will & Grace” would break the balance and blaze a trail in the golden age of comedy. Megan Mullally won the Emmy Award for the first time in her career, and she was amidst the exclamations. There was a round of applause.



Awards for the Guest Guest Department will be awarded soon.

Guests also have four trophies to be awarded, ranging from comedy to drama.

Originally, Anson had no special ideas, but when he saw the award presenters, his eyes lit up——

Helen Hunt!

It's actually Helen Hunt, who won the Best Actress in a Comedy category last year for her outstanding performance in "Mad About You" and will appear as an award guest tonight.

Similarly, Edgar in the audience's eyes also lit up. The Helen Hunt who was hand-picked by Laura Zekis to be the heroine of "As Perfect" and win the Oscar for Best Actress?

 The fifth update.

(End of this chapter)

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