The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 200 Ceremony Crasher

Chapter 200 Ceremony Crasher
Applause, thunder.

When Helen Hunt appeared on the stage, the audience stood up and applauded, expressing their welcome in the most solemn and warmest way. Whistles and cheers could even be heard.

The reason is——

Everyone has experienced Helen's dilemma at one time or another, being told "you're not pretty enough", "you're not strong enough", "you're not good-looking enough" and other shortcomings in appearance, and then hitting the wall again and again during the audition process. This is also the reason why the plastic surgery industry in Los Angeles is so developed. They involuntarily and uncontrollably begin to doubt themselves.

However, Helen always stood up for herself and, after many hardships, finally earned her moment to shine.

Since 1996, Helen has won an incredible four consecutive Emmy Awards for Best Actress in a Comedy for her outstanding performance in "Mad About You"; she also won the Oscar for Best Actress for "Absolutely Perfect".

All the hardships come.

Until the finale of "Mad About You" last year, Helen was not nominated again this year, and other actors finally got their chance.

At this moment, when Helen takes the stage, these applause, lights, and cheers are a tribute and an inspiration, and no one is exempt.

Helen, standing in front of the microphone with a smile on her face, quietly faced the audience's attention. This actor has a kind of elegance and calmness that is not public but blooms silently. The unique temperament that has been washed away and precipitated by time, with another A way to interpret the meaning of "beauty".

Until the applause died down.

"When we discuss dramas, we always focus on the characters who accompany the audience day and night, and are concerned about their lives, destiny and experiences, but it is often easy to ignore the sudden accidents and surprises in life. That’s the strawberry on the cake.”

“In the series, such roles are filled by guest stars.”

"Yes, they don't go through countless busy and dizzy days like our regular cast."

"Yes, they simply show their faces but easily steal the audience's attention, proving once again that all humans are animals that love the new and hate the old."

Haha, hahaha!

The whole place burst into laughter.

Obviously, this is irony, but Helen still injects energy into the awards in her own way.

"Yes, you guys are laughing because of my words now, but when they come on stage you will turn around and forget about me."


Hahaha, the laughter is very rampant.

Helen herself paused slightly and showed a faint smile.

"But, I still like them."

"Because they are willing to take time out of their busy schedules to come and play a guest role, bring us laughter and then leave happily with a check."

ha! Laughter!
“Because they’re willing to use their performances to be the catalyst for our series and reawaken those passions before we get tired of our jobs and our lives.”

"Hey, I think you guys already know, I'm going to be giving out an award for the best guest."

"Here are the nominees for Best Male Guest in a Comedy Series."

There was laughter and touching, ridicule and sincerity. Amid laughter and applause, performance clips of the five nominees began to play on the big screen.

The lingering aftertaste lingers.

I have to say that Helen is indeed very outstanding. She exudes a unique temperament and is very comfortable standing on the stage. She also successfully grabs the attention of boring award-winning guests. This skill is really amazing.

Even though the eyes were already looking at the big screen, the temple auditorium was still filled with relaxation and joy, without the expected tension and anxiety at all.

Of course, this also perfectly fits the overall atmosphere of the guest department. It is not a life-and-death kind of thing, but it is completely relaxed.

However, not being nervous does not mean that it is not intense. This year’s nominees are still outstanding, especially in the comedy department. It is still the heyday of comedy. There are endless excellent comedies, all of which have classic potential. In order to compete for ratings, each drama series invites guests I was always working hard when I was a guest.

It is precisely because of this that countless big names have made guest appearances, and the chemical reactions brought by the guests have also placed higher demands on the actors.

This year is no exception.

The five nominees are - Carl-Reiner, "Beggars and Voters."

Anthony-LaPaglia, "Happy Family."

William H. Macy, "Sports Night."

Tom-Selleck, "Friends."

Anson Wood, "Friends."

Competition is fierce.

Carl Reiner and Anthony LaPaglia are both golden supporting actors of Hollywood legends, while William Macy and Tom Selleck are solid mid-level actors, plus Anson who emerged like a comet.

This nomination list perfectly covers three generations of actors, old, middle and young.

Every time a nominee appeared, the scene became lively. To some extent, it was even better than when the supporting actor awards had just been awarded. The main reason was that the guests were all big names, and their recognition and popularity exceeded In the supporting category, both Carl Reiner and Anthony LaPaglia have won the award and have been nominated multiple times, so the Temple Auditorium was naturally noisy.

Even Anson, the most junior person, also benefited from it——

The whistles and applause are not because of his popularity, but because among a group of legends and stalwarts, this strange and fresh face is more like an unexpected surprise that accidentally broke in like a wedding crasher, a guest on the guest list. , the ideal comes into reality, which is really a sense of joy.

When Anson's guest appearance on "Friends" ended on the big screen, the live broadcast camera was focused on Anson, and his cool and handsome face appeared on the big screen expressionlessly, his eyes bright and he looked at the camera and nodded slightly.

mystery. Chic. High-spirited. Alienation.

Amidst the noise in the audience, the unique temperament displayed from the inside out instantly stood out, showing a completely different style from the other four nominees. For a short moment, the audience was in a trance——

gap. Compared.

The impact hit him, and it was obvious that Anson was different from anyone else.

The atmosphere reaches a climax in another way.

So, who gets the award?
Although it may not seem that important, the awards ceremony ultimately needs a result. Is it Tom Selleck or William H. Macy?


Helen opened the envelope in her hand and glanced at the card without pausing——

The answer lies above.

Anson also had some curiosity.

Although he is also one of the candidates, Anson did not include himself at all. He is the one with the least chance of winning, and it is estimated that he will not get his turn.

For his part, Anson voted for Tom Selleck, the actor who memorably played Monica's ex-boyfriend on "Friends."

If it is William H. Messi, it is a small upset but still reasonable.

In fact, Anson was most impressed by Frank in the later classic series "Shameless", but from another perspective, "Sports Night" was the famous work of screenwriter Aaron-Sorkin. It has been widely praised, especially among professionals.

Boom boom, boom boom.

The drumbeats of the live band are getting denser and denser, falling on the heart like a violent storm, making people breathless, and all the blood rushes to the heart. Even if you are not nervous, you can feel the excitement and excitement surging.


Helen's voice came to my ears——

"The winner is, Anson Wood, 'Friends.'"

 First update.

(End of this chapter)

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