The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 201 The scene-stealing expert

Chapter 201 The scene-stealing expert
Helen Hunt herself has experienced such a moment. No matter whether she is looking forward to it before the award ceremony or not, the moment the award is announced, the atmosphere at the scene can still stimulate adrenaline and make her uncontrollably nervous, without even realizing it. Already holding my breath.

Therefore, she did not pause, did not create suspense, and was ready to tell the answer when she saw the card.

However, the name on the card was a bit unexpected, and the words that came to her lips paused for a moment, and Helen couldn't help but confirm it again.

Unintentionally, there was a pause for half a second.

In this half second, the temple auditorium seemed to have entered a gap in time and space, completely frozen and stiff, with the sound of heartbeats and breathing surging in the air.

The blood is rushing and burning——

"...Anson Wood, 'Friends.'"

Helen announced the winning results.

The whole audience pressed the pause button and were all stunned.

Edgar suddenly covered his mouth and used all his strength to suppress his urge to scream, but he still couldn't hold it back. He turned his head to look at Eve, his round eyes leaking turbulent and boiling mixed emotions:

Anson won the award?
Anson! Winning an award?
Eve was equally confused. Just now, she was thinking about the public relations after the award ceremony, but in the blink of an eye, all plans were disrupted, so that her brain could not turn around.


Unable to help herself, Eve sighed.

Looking at Edgar's gaze, a thousand words condensed into one sentence, Eve sighed again, "Wow", and then stood up.

Excited as she was, Eve still did not forget her work. She signaled Edgar with her eyes, stood up, clapped, and whistled, taking the lead in stirring up the atmosphere.

Only then did Edgar finally react. He stood up with a bang, his eyes filled with disbelief and disbelief, and he clapped his hands with all his strength.

hoo hoo hoo!

Edgar did not suppress his emotions and was the first to shout.

The applause spread like ripples. Amidst the stunned and unexpected looks, the temple auditorium finally came to its senses and realized what had happened——

Anson, who only turned eighteen in two months, won the Emmy Award for Best Guest Actor for the first work of his career as an actor. He emerged from the sky like a comet and stepped onto the Hollywood stage.

Surprise not surprise?
Accident or not?
The sights are busy looking in the same direction.

Anson, where is the person?
Anson:? ? ?
If the most unexpected person in the audience is none other than Anson, he really didn’t expect that the main purpose of coming to the Emmy Awards ceremony today is to gain knowledge and increase exposure for the casting of "Spider-Man". That's all, only to hear Helen call his name?

Everything is like a dream.


clap clap.

Hua Hua Hua.

Applause from the audience poured in from all directions like a rolling wave, surrounding Anson. The unreal feeling instantly filled his whole chest, and mixed emotions of absurdity and happiness danced in the corners of his mouth.

The sight was released like a midsummer rainstorm, causing a faint pain on the skin.

But those pains made me wake up, and finally it felt real.

He stood up, left his seat, and came to the aisle. At this time, the live camera slowed down for a full beat before finally switching to Anson's lens. The slightly messy steps regained order and locked firmly on Anson.

Anson, keep moving forward——

Like a dream.

The steps were shallow and deep, stepping on the clouds and never touching the ground. The state of floating in mid-air continued until the stage.

Anson had no memory of how he got on stage, and then finally returned to the ground after seeing Helen Hunt. The Emmy Award trophy fell into his hand and pressed heavily on his stomach, and all the ups and downs calmed down.

Helen, gave Anson a hug.

She didn't say anything more, she just hugged her for a little longer. Compared with thousands of words, this action was more sincere and more straightforward——


she says.

The hug loosened, Anson looked into Helen's eyes, a smile bloomed at the corner of his mouth, "Thank you." Finally.

Standing in front of the microphone, Anson looked at the darkness in front of him. The bright and dazzling lights were a bit dazzling, so that he could not see clearly, but the surging applause and the burning eyes were extremely real.


Anson stamped his foot.


Stomped again.

With a look of astonishment in his eyes, Anson approached the microphone, but found that the microphone was too low, barely reaching his chest, and he had to bend down.

"Sorry, I need to find the ground to make sure this is not a dream."

The self-deprecating sentence successfully made the audience burst into low laughter. Looking at Anson's performance at this time, the whole situation was reasonably explained and the atmosphere relaxed.

But when Anson was about to speak again——


The microphone slowly rose.

Anson paused, leaned back, tilted his head and looked up and down the microphone, which was rising at a snail's speed, and spread his hands with a look of helplessness on his face. But just such an interaction, like a pantomime, transported him to Charlie Chaplin in one second. In the era of Charlie-Chaplin and Buster-Keaton, joy came naturally.


Amidst the roar of laughter, the microphone finally reached the position of Anson's chin. Although it was still not completely aligned, at least there was no need to bend down.

"Sorry, I'm confused again now. Did someone interact with me just now?"

Anson only used one sentence to make the laughter that had not calmed down become even louder. Especially Anson's cold face, exactly like Buster Keaton, the contrast of the cold-faced smiler made the scene even more joyful.

A small episode finally made Anson calm down.

"It was a surprise."

"It's like I show up on 'Friends' and give Ross and Rachel a 'Hey, surprise!' But this time, it's a surprise for the whole cast, David, surprise."

Wonderful, wonderful beyond words.

Completely breaking the fourth wall and connecting the inside and outside of the play with ease, the last sentence is obviously a shout-out to producer David Klein——

This is an award for the entire "Friends" cast, not just him.


All the cooperators here are veterans, and they could immediately hear the profound meaning in the words. I had to admire Anson's handling method, which immediately won a round of applause.

Anson knows that guest awards often test not acting skills, but the ability of the screenwriter and the spark of the cast, and finally the personal charm of the actor, especially in the comedy category, so he did not forget about it.

"It's been a pleasure working with the crew, and I don't want to thank anyone individually because we all know I'm bound to leave someone out and be the target of a lot of criticism, but the point is, no one should be forgotten, This is a team, and everyone is an indispensable protagonist.”

"So thank you for giving me a warm welcome and allowing me to stand here and enjoy a moment of the spotlight, and I wish you all a great night."

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

The whole audience burst into applause——

Crazy, completely crazy.

The "Friends" crew headed by David Crane took the lead in standing up and applauded, even Jennifer Aniston was no exception. Brad Pitt was helpless but still stood up reluctantly.

Because Anson has just responded again on behalf of the "Friends" crew——

Everyone is a protagonist.

 Second update.

(End of this chapter)

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