Chapter 302 Chivalry
In the El Capitan Theater, Bob Iger kept his appearance low and talked and socialized calmly, showing Disney's confidence and calmness.

But in fact, he was paddling like a duck, and his feet under the water had to kick hard. Only in this way could he maintain calm on the surface.

The uneasiness and anxiety in my heart are uncontrollable.

Judging from the current situation, the premiere promotion effect of "Princess Diaries" is mediocre. I am afraid that it will have limited help at the box office during the opening weekend. It will not be able to break the blockade of "Rush Hour 2" and cast a shadow on the box office prospects.

What to do?
Perhaps, they should have placed their hopes on "Princess Diaries" from the beginning. After all, this work has not been positioned as a heavyweight box office bomb from the production stage, but now it needs a movie to play such a role. It is really difficult for them. The temporary strategy is still too hasty.

All of a sudden, there were so many thoughts.

They won't be in a state of chaos, but they do need to be prepared -

Continue to increase publicity expenses and launch more publicity; or change strategies?

Just now.

An incredible heat wave broke out outside the theater. Everyone turned and looked over. Even if they were not there, they could feel the vibration of the air. The billowing air wave instantly filled the Emirates Theater hall.

Moreover, it is still rising.

"Ah! Ahhh!"

"It seems that Julie should be here. Sure enough, Mary Poppins is still very popular." Some people made guesses and exchanged glances one after another. Even they had some expectations for Julie Andrews.

Bob felt a little more reassured. It seemed that they had made the right move in focusing on Julie. Maybe they should invite Julie to appear on some talk shows to further increase the exposure and awaken the audience's childhood memories.

"No, Julie hasn't arrived yet, it's the movie's leading actor Anson who has arrived on the red carpet."

Someone next to me explained.

"I heard that Anson's look was shocking and caused a heated discussion at the theater door. The reporters went crazy."

Everyone looked at each other, unsure for a moment whether they should be happy or worried——

Attention and popularity are good things; but styling controversy? Disney doesn't need that.

Anson, who? Is there a male protagonist in "Princess Diaries"? How shocking is the styling controversy? The last thing Michael Eisner needs right now is controversy. Even if "The Princess Diaries" fails at the box office, it doesn't matter, but the topic controversy may become an excuse for the board of directors to launch an attack.

For Disney, they would rather the movie box office suffers some pressure than damage their own image.

Bob was a little irritable, kept calm, and moved towards the door calmly. Although he had restrained himself and did not show his emotions, everyone present was a human being, and they all knew what this meant.

The air was slightly tight.

at the same time.

Outside the Emirate Theatre, Anne Hathaway felt the heat wave as soon as she arrived at the scene. The densely packed figures on the red carpet were so crowded that she couldn't see the end, and she didn't know what she was feeling.

Apart from being excited and excited, I was also more nervous.

Annie leaned forward and asked, "Are there many people here today?"

After all, this is Annie's first official appearance as an actor. Compared with Anson, she is inexperienced and naturally more nervous.

"I don't know. The situation is a bit unusual. But I heard that Anson just arrived."

Someone gave an explanation before.

Annie breathed out softly, "Anson has arrived? That would be great."

The uneasiness and tension subsided a little, and then Anne smiled.

"I'm ready."

The car stopped slowly at the entrance of the Emirate Theatre.

Annie pulled up the hem of her lace skirt, adjusted her breathing again, calmed down her nerves, and showed a sweet smile. She was finally ready to step into the field surrounded by spotlights and officially start her career as an actress——

It was only at this moment that I felt a sense of reality. It was like ice cubes falling into my stomach, and my whole stomach curled up and spasmed. Snapped.

The car door opens.

At this time, there was no time to hesitate, and Annie had already walked out.

A heat wave rushed towards me with claws and claws, and a black crowd filled the field of vision. Silver flashing lights roared down like a waterfall, swallowing up hearing and vision in an instant. The world fell into boundless darkness and silence. His right foot stepped on the air, he lost his center of gravity without warning, and then he started to fall.


In the silence, a voice exploded in my ears. Before I even had time to react, my right hand was held, and my right shoulder and body felt a force of support. The chaotic and bumpy center of gravity found support again, a warm ball. The air currents surrounded her, and the storm calmed down.

A ray of sunshine breaks through the darkness.

Then, Anne saw Anson's eyes, which were like the Aegean Sea in August, deep and clear, with the gentle breeze blowing the fish-scale waves, and the lazy sunshine dancing on the waves, making her feel relaxed and happy.

"Be careful, Your Highness."

Another joke came to her ears, and Annie instantly regained the weight of gravity. A trace of annoyance appeared on her face, and she grinned and closed her eyes.

"Has everyone seen it?"

"Ha." Anson's laughter surged in his chest and he comforted, "It's okay. We hid it well. I believe no one will notice."


Click, click, click.

The sound of shutters was overwhelming, and the hustle and bustle of the scene continued to surge. Anne could feel her skin getting slightly hot, and she knew that the situation was definitely not that simple——

Not only did they notice it, they recorded it on camera.

Embarrassing, really embarrassing.

So, is this his debut?
But miraculously, Anson's voice sounded quietly in his ears, so that the surrounding turbulence all receded like a tide, and his frantically beating heart calmed down again and regained its strength again.

With Anson by his side, all this doesn't seem so bad.

"Here, grab my hand, support your body, straighten your knees, and regain your center of gravity."

"Stand up straight."

"Calm down, smile, pretend nothing is wrong, and continue to get out of the car."

"As long as you are calm enough, other people's eyes will no longer matter."

Anson's voice made the corners of Annie's mouth rise again.

Click, click, click...

When Bob Eagle returned to the entrance of the El Capitan Theater, he happened to see this scene.

The flashlights were bright in the audience, and all the reporters pressed the shutter in unison, without even shouting or cheering. Just the sound of the shutter roared throughout the entire Hollywood Boulevard, and the echoes continued to explode.

In a silver halo, two figures at the beginning of the red carpet can be vaguely outlined——

The dressed-up princess was leaving the car. The elegant knight stretched out his left hand to help the princess on the stage. The beautiful white lace skirt swayed in the wind.

The two people exchanged glances. After the small crisis was successfully resolved, they looked at each other and smiled, with the corners of their mouths slightly raised, exchanging ideas in a tacit understanding until the princess stood on the ground.

One left and one right, a man, a woman, a beauty, a perfect match made in heaven, like an oil painting, so perfect that time is frozen forever at this moment.

Record a classic.

(End of this chapter)

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