The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 303 A natural match

Chapter 303 A match made in heaven

Bob Eagle was slightly startled:
He didn't expect Anson's shirt to break the constraints of the frame with a rock and roll rebellious spirit. It was obviously flamboyant and wanton but low-key and restrained. The unconventional spirit that words cannot accurately describe has become a landscape.

He didn't expect Anne's accident. She was ignorant, clumsy and cute, and completely lacked the etiquette of a princess. However, such a rough mistake fit perfectly with the movie and caused some disturbances at the premiere.

He didn't even expect Anson's agility. He originally just stepped forward to greet Anne, but he acted according to the situation and perfectly handled the accident with chivalry. This small episode actually set off the focus, and reporters immediately pressed the shutter.

Accidents, one after another, cleverly collided with sparks.

In just a short moment, the exclamation was still on the lips, and the admiration had already climbed to the brows, and then there was a burst of applause and cheers in the ears, and they continued to rise.

clap clap.

roar roar.

The rolling heat wave could not be suppressed at all, and the noise mixed with laughter and whistles filled the whole place. Even the reporters on the scene could not help but clap their hands——

Both of them are experienced professionals, and they can tell the truth from the lies at a glance.

Occasionally, for the sake of publicity, publishing companies deliberately create surprises, and even communicate with the media in advance to concoct news. There are many such cases, and reporters are no longer surprised.

But right now, that's not the case.

The reporter could tell that the accident was real, and both Anne and Anson were frightened. It was Anson who reacted quickly and controlled the situation, comforted Anne, and turned the situation around, creating an unexpected effect.

Press the shutter without hesitation just to capture such a rare moment.

Looking at the scene in front of me, the knight and the princess, Anson, with his rock and roll rebellious spirit, is obviously not a prince, but he has become the guardian of the princess with the will and strength of the knight. Who is willing to miss it?

No, of course not.

As a result, the Emirate Theater ushered in the first frenzy of this afternoon's premiere, and the enthusiasm was fully detonated.

Bob was about to step forward when he suddenly stepped on the brakes and stopped. The surprise had just emerged. The next second, his eyes fell on Anson. He carefully looked at Anson's exceptional white shirt. In my chest, my mind is filled with swear words.


Then I saw the frenzy at the scene.

The girls who came to attend the princess tea party fell into a frenzy, holding their hearts in their hands, watching the scene in front of them with envy and excitement, wishing they could become Anne and appear in Anson's arms.

Ah, ah ah ah.

Crazy, unstoppable crazy.

Bob was stunned: This?
"...Knight?" A surprised voice came from his ears, the sound rising.

Bob turned and looked over, "What knight?"

The other party didn't answer, but raised his finger and pointed at Anson.

Bob took a moment to finally react.

Ahead, Anson made an inviting gesture. Anne's eyes were full of smiles. She pulled up her skirt and made a standard squatting gesture of thanks to Anson. Then she took Anson's arm and the two of them stepped onto the red carpet.

The whole audience cheered.

Bob watched the scene in front of him quietly, and finally let out a long breath:

Perhaps, everything is God's will, and this is the best situation.

When his eyes fell on Anson again, his anger and irritability had disappeared, showing some contemplation, and a smile crept up to the corners of his mouth.

Without stopping any longer, he turned around and left and re-entered the El Capitan Theatre.

Everyone thought the red carpet of the premiere of "The Princess Diaries" was lackluster. There were no star actors or big-name guests. A princess tea party was really not enough to watch. Julie Andrews was the only attraction, just like children's family wine. It's just a child's play.

But he never expected that climaxes would come one after another. Anson appeared first, and once again became a hot topic with his unconventional outfit.

Then there is the encounter between the knight and the princess, a famous scene born out of accident.

Finally, Julie Andrews appeared on the stage, which undoubtedly ignited a frenzy. Even if people were mentally prepared and expected that Julie's appearance would trigger a topic, the actual situation was still far beyond imagination——

The girls who came to attend the princess tea party, the reporters who came to cover the premiere, the guests who came to attend the red carpet, and even the parents who brought their children to join in the fun... saw Mary Poppins and After all, Sister Mary couldn't hold back her excitement when she came out of her childhood memories.

The audience cheered and applauded, welcoming the arrival of the "Queen" with the highest standards of treatment.

Even Anson and Anne were still slightly inferior in front of Julie.

Julie's topicality and attention are still beyond people's imagination.

"Julie Andrews returns to Disney, and a half-century agreement once again awakens classic memories."

"From princess to queen, Julie Andrews is still the perfect presence in the fairy tale world."

"After ten years, Julie Andrews is back on the big screen and in the mainstream film spotlight."

"'Mary Poppins' returns to the El Capitan Theater for another dose of magic."

"A knight protects a princess, from movies to reality, the premiere of 'The Princess Diaries' writes a Disney fairy tale."

"Anson Wood makes an exceptional appearance and once again becomes the center of fashion talk."

“Disney’s Princess Tea Party, the first live-action princess to grace the big screen.”

Bustling and swiping the screen -

Not inferior to "Rush Hour 2" at all.

The premiere, which New Line Cinema put in countless efforts to create, successfully ignited the topic and preemptively led the focus of the North American box office in the first week of August.

Disney quietly reaped the benefits, and the official press release that had been arranged was still released as usual. The unexpected topic reports of the premiere were like a volcanic eruption, overwhelmingly occupying the audience's attention.

Moreover, thanks to the publicity of "Rush Hour 2", when the media reports on this work, they will also mention "The Princess Diaries" released in the same week, forming a new wave of publicity.

Little by little, the publicity momentum of "Princess Diaries" continued to rise, rising steadily amid the exclamation, praise, and surprise. The downturn and disadvantage that Disney was worried about did not appear.

Surprise, absolutely surprise.

At least, the audience now knows that there is such a movie, and it will be released together with "Rush Hour 2". Anyway, the target markets of the two works are not the same. Even if they compete head-on, they will not compete with each other for the audience. If it is operated properly, it will be very popular. Potentially a win-win situation.

So, now let’s look at the movie quality——

No matter how lively and turbulent the promotion is, success will only be considered if the audience is willing to enter the cinema.

My eyes returned to the premiere.

The seats in the Emirate Theater were packed, and the media, audience, and creative team all took their seats. As the lights in the screening room slowly dimmed and went out, the rustling sounds of discussion disappeared, and everyone looked forward.

Annie was a little nervous and a little looking forward to seeing herself on the big screen for the first time, and her palms couldn't help but sweat.

As soon as she turned her head, Annie saw the slightly tense profile of Anson. She swallowed, and then Anson also turned her head. The two of them exchanged glances, equally nervous and curious, reflecting each other's faces.

Involuntarily, smiles crept up to the corners of his mouth.


The movie has begun.

(End of this chapter)

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