The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 313 Hangover State

Chapter 313 Hangover State

Without warning, there was a blasting sound in the air, as if a hole had been broken in the sky, and all the sunlight and stars in the universe would be released in the next second; but the strange thing was that there was a time lag when the sound landed on Anson's eardrum. , leaving waves of echoes, so that the reaction speed is slow.

Before Anson could stand up, a shout filled the air.

"I'm fine. I'm fine!"

"do not worry."

That slightly vague voice should be James Franco, if he was not mistaken.

Anson thought in his mind that he should go over and take a look, but his body still sat motionless. Against the will of his brain, his body had no intention of moving.

I sat there blankly for a while, my mind was blank, I had no thoughts, I was in a daze for a while, and then my body finally reacted slowly.

I dragged my tired body into the bathroom and took a hot shower. My sore and tight muscles relaxed a little. I almost fell asleep while standing under the showerhead, but I finally woke up in time and left the steamy space. The heavy pain accumulated in my head was The weight is finally lifted and I feel relaxed.

He left the room, stood at the top of the stairs, and looked around for a while, but he didn't see James, and he couldn't tell the source of the loud noise just now.

Walking into the lobby, you can see Brad Renfro curled up on the sofa holding an empty whiskey bottle.

Anson patted and called, "Brad?"

Unexpectedly, Brad did not respond. Instead, a figure sat upright among a pile of wine bottles next to him. James Franco, who was holding a chicken coop on his head, looked around blankly, "Who? Who called me?"

"Seth Rogen." Anson threw a name casually.

James was too confused to distinguish reality, "Ask him to come back later, I'm not free now." After saying that, he actually lay back again, with his mouth open, as if he was welcoming flies to visit him.

It's ridiculous.

Anson looked around, found an open space on the sofa diagonally opposite and sat down. He stared blankly at the mess on the hall. The sense of reality finally slowly returned to his body, and the scattered memory fragments vaguely awakened and lit up, although not Complete, but he can be very sure and certain of one thing:

Yesterday, the first premiere of my career as an actor actually happened.

To be precise, it was not just the premiere of "The Princess Diaries". Three weeks ago, another movie previously shot by Brad Renfro also landed on the summer schedule.

"Ghost World".

It wasn't until recently that Anson knew that the independent film Brad shot last year was actually a collaboration with Scarlett Johansson. It was a weird work, full of personality and edges; however, he did not expect that this film would actually It also chose to be released in the summer to meet the audience.

In Hollywood twenty years later, this situation will be very rare; but now, there is still room for these independent films to survive in the summer season.

However, even now, "Ghost World" faces serious challenges in the summer season. The film is not released in a general release, but will be released on demand.

In the North American film market, different types of films have different distribution strategies, which can generally be divided into three types:

Click. A limited release. Full release.

The so-called spot screenings are often special screenings in less than fifty theaters, or even one or two theaters, relying on word-of-mouth to spread. Awards season movies and independent films often use this screening method to wait for word-of-mouth to spread. After that, we will increase the number of theaters.

There is no exact numerical standard for the so-called small-scale public release, but generally speaking, more than 100 theaters and less than 700 theaters fall into this range. For independent films that lack distribution funds, they will be released in theaters Controlling within this range can often achieve better results——

Because the audience for this type of movie is relatively fixed, even if it is released on a large scale, it will not attract the attention of the general public. That is, those senior movie fans and literary and artistic groups are willing to go to cinemas to watch it. Therefore, there is no need to release it in more theaters and keep it to a small range. Guilt is enough.

As for the so-called comprehensive release, as long as it is more than 700 theaters, it falls into this range, but more often the number of screening theaters will be more than 1,500, because entering this range means that the film hopes that the general public can You see, the work has more ambitions for the box office. "Ghost World" belongs to spot screening.

Three weeks ago, five theaters.

Two weeks ago, eight theaters.

This week, the movie will be released in 23 theaters and is still in the screening stage.

As for whether the movie can enter a small-scale public release or even a full-scale public release, it needs to be decided based on the box office performance of the weekly expanded screenings, one step at a time.

It is precisely because of this that James held a small party for Anson and Brad to celebrate the two friends' debut on the summer stage.

Or to put it another way, an excuse to drink, revel, and party openly.

Fortunately, "Ghost World" has no promotional schedule, and the main promotion task of "Princess Diaries" is not on Anson, otherwise they would drag their hungover bodies to work today.

But it's not unusual if it does happen, with Hollywood actors regularly showing up hungover on shows just because the party never ends.

Bang dang dang.

Amidst the sound of a bunch of bottles colliding, Brad finally sat up straight and glanced at Anson sleepily. However, he felt a stinging pain when he saw the light. He quickly closed his eyes and saw in a daze. Anson was sitting on the sofa with his eyes in trance, and his old brain was slowly starting to work.

Brad thought Anson was worried about the feedback from the premiere, "Don't worry, wasn't it said that the response from the audience last night was particularly good?"

Indeed, the release of the movie is only the second step. After the second step of making the movie, the next third step is the most critical——

Be judged, wait for feedback, box office results.


The decision-making power on these matters is no longer in their hands. When the actors and directors finish shooting the movie, they have lost control. Now everything will be left to the audience.

Everything is unknown, and this is the scariest part.

"Princess Diaries", what's the reputation?

In fact, Anson was still hungover, his brain was not functioning, and he was unable to think. He was just in a daze just now.

Only then did I remember after hearing Brad's words, "Ah, the comments will come out today, right?"

I looked around, but my vision was still unfocused.

Brad finally opened his eyes, carefully avoiding the sun, like a vampire, and muttered in a low voice, "It should be out by now."

"Ah, Chris is not here, we all forgot to get the newspaper..."

After a pause, Brad remembered this important thing, and then looked towards the door, "The answer is right there, we should get the newspaper."

Talking, talking, Brad didn't move at all, clearly had no will to move, and seemed incapacitated the day after his hangover.

Anson was also stunned, and then his brain finally came up with some ideas, "Ah, wait, I thought of another way, a more convenient way."

(End of this chapter)

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