The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 314 Accepting Judgment

Chapter 314 Accepting Judgment
The conversation was going on, but neither Brad nor Anson moved. They all relied on their mouths, and their bodies stayed completely in place.

Then, the two people raised their heads and exchanged glances. After noticing each other's motionlessness, they both laughed, "As expected, I still want Chris."

Last night, two roommates, Hayden Christensen and Chris Evans, were absent. It was not that they did not want to attend, but that they both had work——

Hayden is still filming "Star Wars Episode II".

Compared with "Star Wars Episode II", the production cycle of "Spider-Man" is already short.

Hayden joined the crew in November last year and went to work at 20th Century Fox's Sydney studio. After three months of filming, Hayden took a short three-week break.

Then he joined the crew for the second time in March this year and went to shoot around the world, including Serbia, San Diego, London, Vancouver, and also started some shooting in Italy and China. However, due to confidentiality, the shooting location was not disclosed, and it did not end until July. All work.

Originally, they all thought that the filming was over, but unexpectedly, director George Lucas believed that the plot on the timeline was incomplete and the crew still needed to return to the studio for reshoots, so July was not over yet. All actors returned to the Sydney studio.

Moreover, no one knows when the filming will end when we return to the studio.

Of course, the entire shooting cycle is so long, and post-production has also started simultaneously. For projects like "Star Wars Episode II", the release schedule has already been arranged, and publicity has been carried out in conjunction with the shooting cycle. Every link has a plan, so naturally Plans cannot be changed easily.

At the same time, Chris finally ushered in an important turning point in his career——

Played the leading role in a movie for the first time.

After going through the ups and downs of being rejected, ignored, and forgotten, Chris finally got his first important role in his career, starring as the male lead in "A Very Couple."

Under this roof, Chris had the most difficult career. It was not until all the other roommates had gotten their chance that it was finally his turn.

However, despite being late, it does not mean that Chris is lagging behind others. In fact, in "Extraordinary Man and Woman", Chris plays the absolute leading role.

"Very Cosmic" is the same as "Princess Diaries" in that it is a youth love campus type movie, but the difference is that the movie is from a male perspective, and Chris will play this role, which is equivalent to Anne Hathaway in " "Princess Diary", you can become the protagonist in one step.

He won the absolute leading role earlier than Brad and James.

The crew started filming in early July, and Chris is working hard on the filming. In fact, Chris is very, very eager to attend the premiere of "The Princess Diaries" to cheer for Anson, but unfortunately he can't leave the filming work.

Chris was extremely sorry.

Yesterday, Chris called Anson in advance to express his congratulations; now it seems that Chris' absence is bigger than expected. Early in the morning, while hungover, they began to miss Chris.

However, with Brad's reminder, Anson's groggy brain finally started to work, and he remembered one thing, maybe they don't need to be so original -

Before 2001, when a movie premiered, if you were curious about the word-of-mouth reviews of the movie, you had to read the newspaper; this was the only source of information.

For agents and actors, they must buy all the mainstream and authoritative newspapers, spread them on the table, and read one newspaper after another. Only in this way can they fully understand the reputation of the movie.

In this way, inconvenience is indeed inconvenient, but it also has a positive side.

For the general public, they tend not to buy so many newspapers, and may only buy one or two. If this newspaper says that the movie is worth looking forward to, it doesn’t matter even if all other authoritative media are complaining about it, they will be willing to do so. Buy a ticket and go to the cinema to cheer.

of course there are exceptions.

"Hollywood Reporter" and "Variety", two professional and authoritative magazines in the industry, will count the comments of all media and give the movie a comprehensive score. If you are willing to wait patiently and are not in a hurry to enter the theater as soon as possible during the opening weekend, you can also wait for this Use this guide to choose a movie to watch. This has always been the case, so it is often seen that some movies have completely collapsed in reputation, but still achieved excellent box office results. The lag in information made the audience willing to enter the cinema for the director or actors; later, the Internet became fully popular, and the speed of information disclosure became faster and faster. Coming faster and faster, the impact of the first batch of film reviews on box office performance is becoming more and more obvious.

This turning point occurred in 2001.

At the beginning of this year, the Metacritics website was officially launched. This is a review comprehensive website. They will collect film reviews from major mainstream, professional, and authoritative media, and uniformly convert the scores, and finally give the movie a score to determine the quality of the work. word of mouth.

The purpose of the establishment of the website is very simple, which is to try to use the convenience of the Internet to share information, and the founder's screening mechanism is also very strict. All the selected comments are traditional professional authoritative film critics to ensure that the ratings are professional and objective, which also makes the website Stand out quickly.

Everything is like the French "Cahiers du Cinema".

In just six months, media reviews have made a name for themselves in Hollywood, because they are not responsible for scoring themselves, but only collect objective reviews, which is equivalent to a database, not only for the latest movies, but also for professional reviews of old movies. Comments said that major film companies, agents, and publicists found it easy to use, and it quickly spread.

Especially now that Rotten Tomatoes has not yet appeared, the reference value of comprehensive media reviews has become even more prominent.

However, it is still unfamiliar to the actors.

The reason why Anson knows this is because media reviews have become the most authoritative reference data for major film companies and countless movie lovers twenty years later, especially when other rating websites have fallen into suspicions of cheating, manipulation, and trading. Among them, comprehensive media reviews from professional and authoritative media sources of information are like a breath of fresh air and always maintain their own image.

This is even more true now in 2001.


Anson put his laptop on his knees, opened the screen and entered the website address. Looking at the router that was still dialing up Internet access, he felt strangely like driving a tractor.

"...Are you sure? Is this reliable?" Brad was full of doubts about the Internet.

Anson couldn't help but smile, "It's just a reference anyway."

As he spoke, he entered "ghost world"——

This independent film has received rave reviews. It won a round of applause when it was screened three weeks ago, and now the media reviews have been compiled.

Ninety points.

In the scoring system with a perfect score of 100 points, "Ghost World" scored high.

Anson showed the computer screen to Brad.

Brad, "O", looked stunned and couldn't believe his eyes.

Then Anson entered "Princess Diary" again, pressed the Enter key and waited for refresh.

Zi. Zi. Zi.

The network speed of dial-up Internet was tortured like never before, and it was not until the end of the world that the page finally appeared.

"Ah!" Brad exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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