The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 315 Standard Ending

Chapter 315 Standard Ending
San Francisco Chronicle, 33. "If you're a girl between twelve and fourteen, you'll like it, but only within that range."

A critical opening attack.

Without spoilers, the film is complained in the most concise and direct language, sharply grasping the key points, and going straight to the essence of the movie.

Media comprehensive review websites have their own characteristics. If it is a positive review, it is green; if it is a negative review, it is red; if it is a neutral review that is neither good nor bad, neither good nor bad, they will use yellow to indicate it.

It's clear at a glance.

On the comment page of "Princess Diary", you can see the dazzling red color at first glance, hanging high at the top, and your emotions immediately become tense.

Brad couldn't hold it back and exclaimed. It took him a moment to react, covering his mouth and sneaking a glance at Anson with worried eyes.

Those eyes and movements made Ansen burst into laughter without holding back.

"This is not the end of the world." Anson comforted Brad in turn.

Brad was a little anxious, "But..."

It is impossible not to be anxious. Even if you keep telling yourself that there is no need to make a fuss over a review, human nature is like this. Ten positive reviews are not worth the harm caused by one negative review.

What's more, when you open the screen, you will be hit by negative reviews.

Anson looked calm.

From the time he took over the filming of "Princess Diaries", Anson knew that this was not a word-of-mouth hit that everyone would love. The market positioning of this type of commercial popcorn is very clear. It is to satisfy the daydreams of boys and girls. There is nothing wrong with it. The profound meaning also lacks artistic value, Bojun just smiles.

For such a work, it is impossible to get a round of applause from media reviews, and it is even possible to predict the accusations and criticisms that the film will encounter in advance.

Of course, even though I was mentally prepared, I was still a little disappointed when I actually saw the dazzling red color; but under Brad's exaggerated performance, everything became easier and a smile crept onto the corner of his mouth.

Anson made a little joke, "What actor hasn't been in two or three bad movies?"

Brad was speechless, "Anson!"

Suddenly, James woke up from his sleep again, sitting upright like a zombie, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Anson looked at James, "It's okay, Brad saw a negative review of the movie."

James yawned, "Where is it? It can't be from the Times, right?"

In Los Angeles, the "Times" refers specifically to the "Los Angeles Times"; across North America, the "Times" refers specifically to the "New York Times", but no matter which "Times" it is, its influence is second to none in the entire North America.

To be more precise, the two Times plus the "Wall Street Journal" are currently the top three most influential media in North America, and the "Washington Post" is still slightly behind.

If it is a negative review from the "Los Angeles Times", it will have a very direct impact on the box office of the movie. After all, it has a large user base and is trusted and favored by users.

Anson looked at Brad, "Not 'The Times'."

Brad rolled his eyes angrily, "The 'San Francisco Chronicle' is enough, okay?"

On the West Coast, the San Francisco Chronicle also has a large number of subscribers.

Anson gently pressed his right hand down, "It's okay, it's okay, this is just a media company."

Then, the webpage slowly refreshed, and the air became quiet - twenty-seven points, "childish, stupid, sugar water without any concentration."

Thirty-six points, "If you use bubble gum to describe it, it is simply insulting bubble gum, because at least bubble gum still has sweetness, and you can chew it and then spit it out. However, this movie does not even have the value of chewing."

Forty points, "Gary Marshall should stop producing such nutritionally useless visual garbage, which is neither beautiful nor colorful nor gorgeous nor romantic nor good-looking."

Forty-three points, "If you have hope in a movie because of Julie Andrews, it's best to kill it."

Seventeen points, "Please don't get me wrong, I am very much looking forward to and very welcome Julie Andrews to return to the big screen; but if it is a work like this, I would rather she not come back."

Forty-eight points, "A daydream with no nutritional value. The movie is not only simple but also stupid. The unrestrained spoof and disgusting comedy are like a shoddy middle school stage play. The mental age of this script is at most fifteen years old. It cannot be any more." too much."

Bad review. Bad review. Still a bad review.

Bad reviews meet bad reviews, and the negative reviews are completely washed out. Such a page is really shocking. Brad even forgot to exclaim and was completely stunned.

Including Anson.

If Anson said he was indifferent, he would be lying.

Even if he knows that "Princess Diaries" is not a critical hit, even if he knows that "Princess Diaries" still does well at the box office and gets the chance to make sequels, even if he knows that "Princess Diaries" has become such a classic that Disney has wanted to reboot it for years, or Shooting the third episode, all signs proved that this was the right choice.

But now seeing the one-sided negative reviews still affects my mood very much.


Brad noticed a movie review, and Anson also noticed-

Robert Ebert, the famous film critic from the Chicago Sun-Times.

In the entire North American film market, there is one professional film critic who is very special.

He is the first and only film critic in history to win the Pulitzer Prize for his film reviews. He has his own books, columns, websites, and even film festivals. Although it is a bit exaggerated to say that his film reviews are the Bible, but There is no denying the profound influence his film criticism has.

There is no other reason. He insists that the quality of a movie is a relative value rather than an absolute value.

A simple example, as a disaster movie, "Tornado" is inferior to "Titanic"; but compared to "Molten City", it is an excellent movie.

In addition, he also believes that a movie with a mediocre reputation does not mean that it is not worth watching, because some commercial popcorn is worth enjoying a moment of relaxation in the cinema; a movie with an outstanding reputation does not mean that it must be watched, and some art films are worth watching at the beginning of their creation. Not intended for widespread dissemination.

Thanks to such unique insights, he has indeed won a place in the circle of filmmakers. Not only the audience, but also producers, directors and actors are willing to refer to his opinions.

This film critic is Robert Ebert.

And Robert Ebert didn't like "The Princess Diaries."

Thirty-eight points, "The quagmire monster is pieced together by recycling a bunch of discarded stories, sometimes falling into sitcom-style funny plots, sometimes staying at the self-destruction of stupid spoofs."

Bad things happen after all.

Although the negative review from the "Los Angeles Times" that James was worried about did not happen, the emergence of Robert Ebert's negative review was still a fatal blow.

Obviously, the debut of "Princess Diaries" did not receive a round of applause and cheers. After experiencing the praise and popularity of "Friends", is it a wrong decision to choose a role like "Princess Diaries"? Anson's acting career is still Officially hit the wall before you have time to gain a firm footing?
So, what to do, what happens next?
(End of this chapter)

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