The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 326 Can’t Stop the Car

Chapter 326 Can’t Stop the Car
In 2001, the North American film market was still growing and expanding, but it had entered a relatively stable stage, and all release strategies had gradually matured, with a set of plans from promotion to release.

Generally speaking, the number of theaters for commercial movies released at this stage is generally stable at around 3,000. The more theaters, the better, because a greater number means rising costs and the need to distribute dividends to the theaters. More, three thousand is a standard number——

"Pearl Harbor," "The Mummy Returns," "Rush Hour 2," etc. are all around .

"Shrek" has the largest number of theaters released this summer. It was released in 3,600 theaters. It can be seen from the side that DreamWorks is confident that it is also targeting family audiences with comprehensive coverage.

"Princess Diaries" lacks some confidence. Although it also targets the family market, Disney only arranged for it to be released in 2,600 theaters.

Generally speaking, the movie's screening strategy is planned in advance after professional discussions. Although it will be adjusted based on the box office performance after the release, such adjustments are often small-scale.

Such as "Princess Diaries".

After a strong opening weekend at the box office, Disney added 26 theaters on a smaller scale in mainstream cities such as Los Angeles and New York.


After the box office figures for "The Princess Diaries" came out the next week, Disney aggressively added more than 400 theaters to further expand its release range. This move is very rare in the North American film market.

Not only in large cities, Disney has finally developed more ambitions for the family market of "Princess Diaries". It continued to expand in the third week of its release, and even made the headlines of the entertainment pages of major newspapers and magazines——

When "Rush Hour 2" and "American Pie 2" both faced word-of-mouth constraints, "Princess Diaries" bucked the trend and showed strong confidence.

Facts have also proved that Disney’s strategy is not a reckless and impulsive adventure.

In the third week of August, as the summer season was about to come to an end, things suddenly changed, triggering the most astonishing and exciting scene of the 2001 summer season.

This week's North American weekend box office rankings have been completely reshuffled.

Winner, "The Princess Diaries," $24 million.

Runner-up, "American Pie 2," $ million.

Third place, "Rush Hour 2," $ million.

The palace runner-up, "desperate to seize the treasure", 11 million US dollars.

——There are so many shortcomings and highlights that I don’t know where to start.

In 1990, "The Last Days" defeated "Pretty Woman" to become the annual box office champion in North America. A full ten years later, "The Last Days" director Jerry Zucker once again collaborated with "The Last Night". "Pretty Woman" director Gary Marshall competed in a summer showdown, but this time the result was a reversal of positions.

"Dead Man" comes from Jerry Zucker and brings together comedy superstars, including "Mr. Bean" Rowan-Atkinson, Whoopi Goldberg and Xiao Ku Cuba-Gooding and others, costing US$70 million to build, looking forward to making the audience laugh out loud at the end of the summer season——

After all, comedy always has a place in the summer calendar.

It's a pity that this was a squib and a complete failure. The opening weekend box office figure of 11 million US dollars made Paramount unable to cry.

No one expected that "Death and Treasure" would end up like this, completely failing to bring any impact to the box office market; the North American weekend box office rankings are still a showdown between several old rivals.

However, each one is more crotch-stretching than the other.

"American Pie 2" dropped as much as 53.2% the next week, even worse than "Rush Hour 2" last week. "Rush Hour 2" continued to decline in its third week, falling 42.6%. It suffered serious blood loss and saw its North American box office target of US$ million in jeopardy.

In such a situation, we can only say that we are not strong enough. Our opponents don't even need to exert force. They have already abandoned their martial arts and failed to form effective competition. This also becomes an opportunity for "Princess Diary" to take advantage of the situation and reverse the situation.

"Princess Diaries", in its third week of release, once again proved the power of fairy tales. Even if the reputation was lower than expected, the correct positioning and excellent publicity still succeeded in getting the audience to buy tickets and show incredible stamina. We can see the wisdom of Disney’s expansion of theaters.

A decrease of 17.8%.

In the third week of its release, "Princess Diaries"'s weekend box office decline actually narrowed further. It took in US$24 million at the box office on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, not only pushing the cumulative box office to over US$130 million in one go. threshold, and incredibly reached the top of the North American weekend box office!

Overtaking "American Pie 2" and "Rush Hour 2" in one fell swoop, it won the box office championship in its third week of release, arousing admiration throughout North America.

This, this is really incredible!
People did not expect that the box office of "Princess Diaries" would exceed 100 million, nor did they expect that "Princess Diaries" would surpass "Runaway Bride" at the box office, nor did they expect that "Princess Diaries" would actually be able to write a book while going on a low-key campaign. Such a magical box office curve.

Amazing, really amazing.

For a moment, people didn't know how to react. How did all this happen?

This is still not the end.

Amid shock and dismay, "Princess Diaries" has undoubtedly become the hottest topic in August, eclipsing even "Rush Hour 2"; in addition, the summer season is coming to an end, and the competitiveness of subsequent works has dropped significantly, making it difficult to It launched an effective impact, so that when people went to the cinema, "Princess Diaries" became the first work to come into view.

Three consecutive!
"Princess Diaries" not only topped the North American box office championship, but also held the title for three consecutive weeks. It continued its topical effect with an absolutely strong and absolutely popular attitude, completely reversing the disadvantage of being not optimistic before its release.

Although it's hard to believe, "The Princess Diaries" did succeed in easing Michael Eisner's woes at Disney, and the movie is becoming a popular phenomenon, replicating the wonders of Garry Marshall's "Pretty Woman."

"From Julia Roberts to Anne Hathaway, Gary Marshall once again completes the feat of turning a sparrow into a phoenix."

"Anne Hathaway: The next Julia Roberts?"

"As a young girl, Anne Hathaway shows off her unparalleled charm on the big screen."

Everything, just as Gary Marshall expected, Annie's big-screen charm was recognized, and this new actor who made her debut on the big screen soared; at the same time, just as Gary predicted, Anson was becoming the chemical reaction that changed the film from quantity to quality. Also set off a media frenzy.

"Everybody wants Anson Wood."

"The boy behind the mask, Anson Wood is becoming a new generation of Prince Charming."

"Actor or vase, Anson Wood knocks on the door of Hollywood."

It just so happened that Sony Columbia was also preparing to launch the pre-publicity of "Spider-Man", and they were very happy to hear about it. They just needed to add fuel to the flames. Overnight, Anson's news could be seen all over the sky——


Amid all the expectations, "Princess Diaries" has continued to gain momentum after ending its three consecutive championships. The heat wave of the summer season has invaded the autumn season, becoming another scenery in the deserted autumn season.

(End of this chapter)

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