Chapter 327 A Door

Three consecutive!
"The Princess Diaries" fought back and exploded with incredible box office stamina, incredibly becoming Disney's best-performing film this summer; moreover, its production cost was only a mere US$26 million, coupled with low publicity costs, The profit-to-revenue ratio is exceptionally good, helping to save Disney's abysmal summer season.


Just when everyone at Disney was excitedly looking forward to the film's continued success, a globally sensational event occurred in New York on September 2001, . The jubilant and noisy atmosphere fell to freezing point overnight, and the entire North American film market was plunged into chaos. A state of mourning.

This turning point led to a cliff-like decline in the film market, which lasted for a period of time. Even after people resumed their daily lives amid grief, the desertion of movie theaters continued to spread.

It is a slap in the face to the entire film industry and even the entire entertainment industry, including "Princess Diaries" naturally.

In the end, the North American box office figures of "Princess Diaries" unfortunately stopped at US$190 million. After all, it failed to cross the threshold of US$200 million.

Despite this, "The Princess Diaries" surpassed the North American box office figures of "Pretty Woman" and became director Gary Marshall's career high.

From "Runaway Bride" to "Princess Diaries", Gary, who is 67 years old this year, regained his second youth overnight and found inspiration again in the romantic comedy market, which once again verified the Hollywood fairy tale——

Here, everything is possible.

And, that's still not all.

"Princess Diaries" has also been released in 2001 countries and regions outside of North America, but the scope is not wide, because this kind of fairy tale and this kind of campus type are very characteristic of American middle schools, and it is difficult to promote them in overseas markets; in addition, In , the United States' promotion of overseas markets was still in the exploratory stage, so Disney's caution was no surprise.

The scope is limited and does not meet the market taste. This also indicates in advance that "Princess Diaries" will be difficult to replicate the box office performance of North America in overseas markets.

Facts have also proven this -

It really can't be copied.

Despite this, "The Princess Diaries" still grossed US$70 million at the box office in 23 countries and regions, giving the film a total box office of US$260 million worldwide, and the media was in an uproar.

A beautiful battle, the performance of "Princess Diary" won countless applause!

More importantly, "Princess Diaries" witnessed the emergence of two super new stars:

Anne Hathaway and Anson Wood.

Two newcomers, two young newcomers who made their debut on the big screen, showed their unparalleled charm and undoubtedly became the biggest winners.

Compared with Gary Marshall, the discussion surrounding Anne and Anson could not stop at all. They also both experienced a Hollywood fairy tale——

Become famous overnight, become famous overnight.

In just one night, their lives have undergone earth-shaking changes, and the door of Hollywood seems to have finally opened to them.

There is also a difference between actors and actresses, and there is also a difference between living in New York and Los Angeles. Not all actors living in Los Angeles are meant to enter Hollywood Vanity Fair. Things are different after all.

And now, Annie and Anson both pushed open the door.

Of course, for Anson, it may have been opened during "Friends" last year; this time, he unexpectedly opened another door.



The curtains were opened, gray light spilled through the windows to dispel the darkness, and the dense night was dispersed like smoke. But, it's not bright.

There was no golden sunshine to be seen. It was already nine o'clock in the morning, and the sky was still not completely bright. It seemed that there had just been an autumn rain last night, and layers of overcast clouds were hovering in the sky, making the sky not bright enough.

Looking out the window, the wet road is full of fallen leaves, but there is no sign of cleaning. The city seems to enjoy this scene very much, a little desolate and gloomy, which makes the mood settle.

Edgar thought that this kind of Paris was far from the romantic city in his mind. Instead, he could see painters, writers and philosophers gathering in front of cafes to think about life. The whole city was dyed with a layer of literature. and artistic colors.

It has been thirty-six hours since they arrived in Paris, and they still have not fully adapted to the weather here——

Well, at least he didn't.

Two months ago, Edgar received a call from Anna Wintour. When it was confirmed that the other end of the phone was the Devil Wears Prada of Fashion magazine, Edgar almost choked on his own saliva. , but he still controlled himself, stayed calm, and performed his duties as an agent.

Anna came up with a plan, and "Fashion" magazine was going to plan a theme, and the protagonist was Anson.

They need Anson to cooperate with the magazine shooting and travel to Paris to participate in Fashion Week.

Edgar would definitely not miss such a God-given opportunity, at least he thought he shouldn't miss it; but facing Anna's invitation, Edgar hesitated.

Because Anna needs Anson to participate as a model, not as an actor, to completely show men's fashion, as a model.

Edgar hesitated.

Both he and Eve have reached a consensus that they don't mind highlighting Anson's appearance advantages, but they must exercise caution and not let Anson be labeled a model, otherwise Anson's career as an actor may encounter serious obstacles.

The reason is very simple. In today's Hollywood, people don't like idols.

Specifically the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which awards the Oscars.

The most intuitive example is Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt, two top stars. They are already at the top of the actor's career pyramid, but Oscars are still out of reach, and there are many constraints on their roles.

Matthew McConaughey, George Clooney, Keanu Reeves, Johnny Depp, etc. are all like this, and the latest victim is Leonardo DiCaprio. "Titanic" swept fourteen nominations, and the only one that was ignored and forgotten was the leading actor Leonardo.

There has always been a saying in the industry that being an idol is equivalent to being labeled. Don't even think about winning an Oscar in the next ten years. Even being nominated is difficult. If you break through the one in ten thousand chance of winning a nomination, that's the limit.

Now, Anson has appeared in idol movies. If he further becomes a model, this will be equivalent to narrowing Anson's path as an actor. Even if he is invited by Anna Wintour, Edgar needs to be cautious.

On the contrary, Anson was more calm——

Now that I haven't even started my career as an actor, I start to worry about the Oscar. Isn't this worrying? Instead of worrying about those illusory possibilities and suspicions, it is better to seize the opportunity to build your own edges in a down-to-earth manner.

Anson is more willing to be an actor with his own characteristics than to win an Oscar.

He doesn't think that modeling is just a thing, instead, he should use it to his advantage.

So, they agreed and came to Paris, the fashion capital.

This is another door, leading to a completely new world.

(End of this chapter)

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