The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 331 Challenge Mission

Chapter 331 Challenge Mission
The air was slightly tight, and the presence of chaos and tension could be felt in the silence, but it did not leak out at all, and it felt like you were holding your breath.

There were obviously more than a dozen staff members on site, but only Anna Wintour could be seen moving, while the others were doing their best to hide their figures.

This small detail can be seen——

Here, Anna is indeed the God with the power of life and death.

Although the work started half an hour earlier than expected and everyone was a little nervous, the team could still be seen operating in an orderly manner amidst the chaos; however, everyone was doing their best to avoid entering Anna's sight for fear of being noticed. , he may become the next sacrifice sheep.

As soon as the brakes were applied, Anna suddenly turned around, and her actions without warning caused the entire studio to freeze for an instant, as if pressing the pause button, so much so that Anson and Edgar also stopped reflexively, only then did they notice. Anna looked up and down:
She was observing Anson.

Finally, Anna took off her sunglasses and looked at it carefully without any hindrance.

He tilted his head slightly and said, "A little disappointed. Are you always dressed so mediocrely?"

He was attacking as soon as he opened his mouth, and it was obvious that Anna was not looking at anyone's face.

However, Anson was not nervous. Instead, he chuckled and said, "It's always been like this."

“I guess that’s why I’m not a trendsetter?”

He even made a joke, but obviously, Anna didn't buy it at all and stared at Anson expressionlessly, with eyes like Medusa's.

Anson lightly shrugged, his expression relaxed, and a slight smile spread between his brows.

"Actually, I have always had a curiosity. It would be great if Ms. Wintour could answer it for me. What is fashion and what is trend?"

"'Scream' Richie's extremely ugly mask paired with a black gown with no lines, no color and no cuts has become a topic because of people's curiosity. Countless young people are wearing it to attract attention. Is this a trend? "

"Can a piece of clothing that is avant-garde and fashionable but not suitable for anyone be called fashion? The same outfit, if worn by David Beckham, looks handsome and good-looking, but if worn by Charlie Smith, it looks weird. Is this considered fashion? ?”

Anna was stunned, "Who is Charlie Smith?"

Anson spread his hands and said, "Nobody."

A casually made-up name highlights the gap between the seller's show and the buyer's show.

Anna understood immediately and realized that this was Anson's counterattack, but Anna was not prepared to be led around. "Is this your resistance? So you chose the old school combination of a shirt and a sweater?"

"Using tradition to resist the trend is indeed a perspective." Anson's eyes were full of smiles, "But unfortunately, no. I just follow myself."

"Clothes, before someone puts them on, are just a pile of fabric. People give them life, and then they have meaning. We like fashion and we pursue fashion not to make clothes meaningful, but to give ourselves Life is given meaning, and we hope that we can touch some splendor and beauty and find the warmth of life."

"So, before we blindly pursue trends for the sake of pursuing trends, maybe we should calm down and ask ourselves: What kind of person do we want to be."

Calm, gentle, plain.

However, the power is thick.

Anna stared at Anson quietly, and suddenly the answers to all the questions surfaced. Why did "GQ" magazine set off a fashion trend? Why did Dior, which had been in the doldrums for a long time, suddenly gain vitality? All the mysteries and secrets were standing in front of her eyes - —

Clothes, until someone puts them on, are just a pile of fabric. Therefore, the ordinary and simple outfit in front of you can make people shine, and the answer lies in Anson.

There is no arrogance and pride as imagined, nor the tension and uneasiness as expected. The calmness and calmness exuding from the inside out, with the power of being unfazed by humiliation, are tenacious and warm, quietly blooming.

As Anson said, such a dress is completely inconspicuous on the streets of Paris. It may be a student preparing to go to the library, a professor who has just finished class, an ordinary architect, or a passerby browsing philosophy in a bookstore. It’s nothing special; but when worn on Anson, the color levels and proportions of the design easily catch the attention of others.

Fashion, trend, life, it turns out that there is still such an interpretation.

Involuntarily, Anna's heart also surged.

The vague and hazy topic selection, outline and framework in her mind were becoming clearer little by little. It was only now that Anna finally looked directly at Anson, standing on an equal footing and looking at the young man carefully.

Anna had a premonition:
Perhaps, this boy in front of him can change the trend of the entire men's fashion era.

In the eyes of others, such an idea is really crazy, but Anna knows that it is not actually the case. This is how history often changes its trajectory. There are no stormy waves or earth-shaking changes, but it seems particularly quiet.

However, Anna is not showy on the surface. After all, she is a war-experienced female devil.

She didn't even raise her eyebrows, as if Anson had just been discussing the weather in Paris - all useless nonsense.

"Then give it a try." Anna said lightly.

Ignoring Anson's long speech, Anna calmly got to work and firmly took the initiative again. The stunned and shocked emotions in the entire studio quickly gathered together, and everyone became busy around Anna.


Slightly helpless, Edgar was shocked again by Anson's words just now. Although this was not the first time, he could still feel the power of his heart hitting his chest, but he did not expect that he would be taken away by Anna with a punch. The frustration and helplessness in cotton.

Then, Edgar noticed Anson and approached him calmly, without being affected at all. This made Edgar secretly clenched his fists, regained his focus, and faced a demon like Anna - who should be a big one. Man, they must pay attention.

Immediately afterwards, Edgar saw the dazzling gantry in front of him——

Shirts, T-shirts, jeans, hats, T-shirts, short-sleeves, long-sleeves, etc., from jackets to tops to pants, from shoes to hats to accessories, from formal wear to casual wear to dresses, there are so many varieties to choose from.

At a glance, there are at least 600 pieces of clothing here, but the actual situation is only a lot more.

Even Edgar couldn't help but hold his breath and couldn't help sighing. Paris is indeed the capital of fashion. A small studio is enough to dazzle people. It seems that they will probably stay here for a whole day today.

However, the real surprise was yet to come.

"You choose your own outfits. Let me give you a theme first, which is autumn daily life. Choose your daily outfits based on your taste and style."

When Anna spoke, Edgar doubted his ears and almost dislocated his jaw, but Anna seemed to have not noticed what weight he had thrown, and confirmed it again.

"It's all about you. Our theme is to see who you really are. Real taste, real fashion."

(End of this chapter)

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