Chapter 332 A new realm
There is a hint of interest hidden in Anna's calm eyes——

There is no doubt that this is a challenge, a challenge that even Anna has not tried, and it can even be said to be a challenge that subverts the concept of the fashion industry.

As we all know, shooting a fashion magazine photo shoot is a difficult challenge. The model needs to interpret the soul of the clothing style; but fortunately, the model is responsible for the performance, and the matching is handled by professionals. This is also the way to show the fashion magazine A platform for editors’ abilities.

Simply put, the reason why fashion magazines are considered trend-setters is because those professional editors are responsible for telling the general public what to wear, how to match, and how to keep up with fashion trends.

The success of "fashion" comes precisely from Anna's keen sense of fashion.

However, now?

Anna left the choice of matching to Anson, which has never happened before. It is equivalent to handing over the core soul of the fashion magazine to the model herself.

But this is exactly what Anna is trying to try——

Show a real Anson.

This is not just the Anson sharing brunch on a motorcycle in the New York Times, but also the Anson who just discussed how to give soul to clothes, and more importantly, the Anson who combines fashion with personal temperament.

Of course, the choice is left to Anson, but the decision is still in Anna's hands.

How to match, how to accessorize, how to adjust details, these professional tasks are still handled by Anna. Adjustments are based on Anson's choice. Anna will not risk the reputation and reputation of a "fashion" magazine for a special topic. The quality of the final product is still handled by Anna. check.

However, Anna has more ideas——

This was a chance to see Anson up close and see if Anson could be the key player in changing men's fashion trends.



Anna opened the entire warehouse to Anson's eyes, with a bit of narrow-mindedness and cunning. She herself was also a little curious about where this topic would lead.

For this adventurous challenge, "Vogue" magazine has also mobilized its energy and received help from "Vogue" France, covering major sponsors and a series of independent designer brands, aiming for the November issue.

If the results are good, Anna is also considering making a series——

After all, the topic is special, and it would be biased to only choose autumn and winter clothing. At least spring and summer clothing should be done again.

Now, it's up to Anson.

Anson was a little confused.

As I said before, Anson just has his own ideas about fashion. I have never seen such a battle before. His wardrobe in two lifetimes combined is estimated to be less than half of what is in front of him. It is really exaggerated.

So, where should you start?
No way to start.

The confusion was only short-lived. After taking a deep breath, Anson had already regained his composure. He took it as he came and regarded it as a rare shopping experience.

Thinking about it this way, he became slightly excited.

Autumn routine?

Anson likes autumn. Among the four seasons of the year, autumn is often the most comfortable season. It is neither cold nor hot, nor humid nor dry. The crisp autumn weather is very suitable for outings. Moreover, there is room for dressing and dressing, and it will not feel like summer. It is simple and not as cumbersome as in winter, and can often enrich your personal style in different levels of matching.

Normally, Anson is used to starting with a top, choosing a top to establish his style, and then choosing matching trousers, jackets and shoes; but there are so many options in front of him, and there is relatively little difference in the styles and styles of tops, so it is really difficult to choose them one by one. It’s laborious and difficult to get started.

So, this time I started with the jacket——

A dark blue bomber jacket, what is very special is the color matching of the clothing, which is a rare choice of bright and vivid orange.

There's not a lot of bright orange, it's not a big one, it's just slightly embellished on pockets, zippers, collars, etc. as trim. A low-key coat suddenly becomes gorgeous.

Once you choose your jacket, the rest of the work will be much easier.

After a short while, Anson had changed his clothes and appeared in front of everyone.

The sound of rustling and chirping surged slightly in the air, and you could clearly feel a bit of surprise and admiration slowly burning up.

A pearl white shirt, black jeans and a pair of dark blue military boots are neat and orderly. The shirt is tucked into the waistband and all buttons are fastened. The whole combination looks clean and refreshing. The real highlight is the fit and slim fit, and the soft fabric perfectly wraps the figure. The lines and proportions invisibly reveal a tough and unrestrained temperament.

Then, pair it with a jacket.

In an instant, the whole person became wild.

Generally speaking, when a man wears formal clothes, he will bring a mature and stable quality; but the wonderful thing is that Anson can always retain the innocence and simplicity of a boy, a little rebellious but with a wanton and public youth. The smell, such a contradictory yet harmonious texture is really special.

However, this is still not over.

It can be seen from the sight that Anson was still lingering around the accessories, and finally selected a woven narrow black tie. The position of the tie can show three colors of orange, blue and dark green.

Anson tied his tie and pulled it loosely.

Turn around.

He casually combed his slightly messy hair back, and the golden brown hair spread out in the waves, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

"It's a pity that there are no helmets here, otherwise, I would ride a motorcycle to meet my friends."

There was silence in the studio.

The moment Anson tied up his tie and completed the last step of the outfit, all those trivial ear-bitings disappeared into the air, and one or two people stared at the deadly man in front of them with dumbfounded eyes.

Now I finally understand the meaning of what Anson just said:
It is people who give soul to those fabrics.

Before Anson put on these clothes, those clothes seemed to be nothing special; but now, all the fashion practitioners in the room couldn't take their eyes away.

From "GQ" to the Emmy Awards to the "Princess Diaries" premiere, it's still the man in front of them that really grabs people's attention.

One second ago, he was wearing a polka-dot shirt and a sweater, looking like a gentleman and scholar.

The next second, a white shirt paired with a bomber jacket transforms him into a rebellious rock biker.

Completely different temperaments are naturally blended in the same person.

All the discussions disappeared, leaving only the roar that continued to surge in his mind.

Perhaps Anna was the only exception, her expression did not change at all.

However, in fact, Anna's eyes never left Anson. Among the millions of living beings, there is such a special person. Even if he does nothing and just stands quietly, he can easily attract attention. , and let any gorgeous clothes be reduced to a foil, giving life to those fabrics with their own colors.

There is one right in front of you.

Anna was a little excited. After Kate Moss, she felt the excitement of fluttering butterfly wings again after many years. In the young man in front of her, she saw the possibility and the radiance of a superstar.

Perhaps men's fashion is indeed experiencing a turning point in its fortunes.

(End of this chapter)

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