The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 333 Caught off guard

Chapter 333 Caught off guard
Although Anna Wintour is not visible on the surface, the entire studio can see it:
Anna was very satisfied.

Staff who are familiar with Anna should know that this fashion devil has clear likes and dislikes. If she doesn't like it, she will attack her mercilessly with the most vicious, terrifying and sharp words, which are enough to make people collapse.

At this moment, Anna did not make any critical remarks. This was simply shocking news, enough to shock every staff member present, even more shocking than Anson's appearance itself.

This also proves that their surprise is correct.


Anna kept a poker face and asked, "How did you think of this combination?"

"Shirt. Bomber jacket."

Anson followed Anna's line of sight and looked down. It took him a moment to realize:

Once again he inadvertently breaks the imagination.

For 2023, mixing and matching is no longer a trend but a habit. The mixing and collision of various different styles has completely become a daily routine, including men, and there are no certain rules.

However, in 2000 and 2001, such choices were exceptional.

Bomber jackets are often paired with tennis shirts or T-shirts; and, more strictly speaking, bomber jackets are not common now - as the name suggests, more pilots are wearing them, and they have not yet broken out of the industry. Enter ordinary daily life.

Choosing a bomber jacket is already a step ahead of its time; pairing it with a shirt subverts perceptions and completely breaks the rules.

Of course, the bottom line is: fit.

Such a strange and contradictory combination looks natural on Anson. It not only shows the proportions of the body and highlights the advantages of personal body shape; it also slightly changes the temperament to show different colors of the individual.

At the end of the day, “fashion depends on your face.”

No wonder!
Even the well-informed Anna was amazed by Anson.

For Anson, this is just a comfortable, natural and simple choice, but for 2001, it is a trend-setting move.

Anson raised his eyebrows slightly, "Intuition."

Be open and accepting of judgment.

Anna is not surprised. Fashion taste is an innate skill. Some people may be able to summarize their own style by reading a lot of fashion magazines and referring to trend matching, and continue to learn and grow. But in the final analysis, talent is still a leading advantage that cannot be replaced.

"The only thing."

Anna didn't praise, but gave a suggestion.

"Boots, you can change them to big leather shoes."

In Anna's view, Anson's toughness and chicness are restrained in his bones, so the clothing style should also choose a more restrained and low-key style.

Of course, Anson can support tough combinations such as leather, military boots, and rope knots; but in comparison, restraining those rebellious and stubbornness can better highlight Anson's mixed and contradictory unique temperament.

——The shirt on the red carpet at the premiere of "The Princess Diaries" was like this. Eddie Slimane really captured Anson's unique texture.

It's the same thing in front of me.

There is no problem with military boots. As Anson said, paired with a helmet and a motorcycle, the unrestrained youthfulness is enough to make everyone look at you; but if you replace it with big leather shoes, the elegance and rebellion outlined on the basis of the academic style can make Anson Transformed into a superstar.

Anna thinks that the pride and elegance accumulated in Anson are the most charming. Unfortunately, the current characters in "Friends" and "Princess Diaries" have not been able to capture it, but she doesn't know when he will meet such a character. , really allowed Anson to shine.

Anna has such a character——

If you love, you will love to the extreme, and you will protect your shortcomings unconditionally; similarly, if you hate, you will love to the extreme, and you will never leave any room for killing and killing. If you like it, you will be satisfied no matter how you look at it, and you sincerely hope to show the whole world to the other person and push the other person to the top of the world in one fell swoop.

Now, Anson has officially entered her field of vision.

Anna had a hunch that this adventurous challenge would be a great success.

"Okay. Enter the set."

With an order, the staff gathered around Anson and entered the set aside——

Wait, who is this?


Bruce Douglas didn't say hello at all, nor did he give Anson a chance to say hello. He pressed the shutter immediately and recorded the moment.

After a shower of flashes, Bruce put down the camera and smiled.

"Hey Anson, long time no see."

The person in front of me is none other than Bruce, the photographer who shot Anson for "GQ" magazine.

Bruce has cooperated with major fashion magazines, but it has to be said that there are still fewer opportunities for "fashion". After all, this is the top magazine in the global pyramid. Photographers who are eager to cooperate with "fashion" need to queue up, even if the industry has already Bruce, who has some status, is no exception.

But this time, after learning about the topic of "Fashion" magazine, Anna chose several photographers, but Anna's idea and layout were too bold, and the target was a newcomer without any modeling experience - the photographer of "GQ" magazine The filming results may be due to luck. Anson finally entered the important field of vision as an actor. Naturally, Anna encountered some difficulties in contacting the photographer.

In the end, it was Bruce who bravely seized the opportunity to meet the challenge.

Perhaps, this is an excellent breakthrough opportunity for Bruce's career.

After the first cooperation, Bruce had already figured out Anson's habits and had already conceived a shooting plan for this topic from the beginning.

random. random. casual.

They must capture the flowing, jumping and shining vitality of Anson, otherwise no matter how beautiful the shape is, they will not be able to be conveyed to readers.

Looking at Bruce, wearing the iconic turban again, Anson was slightly startled and smiled, "Hey, stranger."

With a greeting, Bruce pressed the shutter again, showing a satisfied smile, "How about this, we won't enter the set. Now you start to choose the second outfit, and we will shoot while we choose."

All eyes were directed towards Anna.

Ana picked it up lightly with her fingertips without any objection.

In a daze, they went back to the early summer eighteen months ago, when Anson shot "GQ" for the first time, but this time the level was different.

Busy, lasting from ten o'clock in the morning until nightfall, the meaning of time has long been lost in the studio. Paris outside the window is shrouded in night. It is not clear whether it is six o'clock in the evening or ten o'clock in the evening, but there is still no work. At the end, the physical and mental exhaustion is unimaginable.

Modeling is a physical job.

Anson didn't believe it before, always thinking that models just stood in front of the camera and posed a few times; but now he finally understands that things are not that simple.

Anson couldn't even remember how many sets of clothes he had changed into all day today, fifteen sets? Twenty sets? Wait, it’s still twenty-five sets?
By the end of the filming, I really felt the pain in my back. It was more tiring than shooting a movie anyway.

The work was still not over, but the studio, which had always been calm, welcomed guests. There was a commotion at the door. Anson and Bruce were still filming, but Edgar noticed that Anna personally greeted them.

Edgar was a little curious about who the visitor was and that Anna could greet him personally. He subconsciously turned around and looked over, and then froze in place as if struck by lightning:
This? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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