The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 334 Industry Boss

Chapter 334 Industry Boss
The studio is very busy. Even though it has been busy all day, from the sunrise to the dead of night, everyone is tired and sleepy, dizzy, and has constant tinnitus, but the work is still not over, and they still have to cheer up and procrastinate. He continued running with heavy steps.


The door of the studio was slowly opened, and a head was looking around, then turned to look behind, and asked questions in a dumbfounded way.

"Are you sure this is here?"

"Did you see the photo taken? If you saw it, that's it."

After a rustling discussion, two figures pushed the door open one after the other and stood at the entrance from a distance, observing from a distance for a while until their presence finally attracted the attention of the on-site staff, and then they saw The oncoming figures both smiled.


When they saw Anna Wintour, not only were they not nervous, but they also opened their arms enthusiastically and gave Anna a hug——

Although Anna refused with a look of disgust, did not hug, and kept a polite distance, she still completed the kissing ceremony and muttered a complaint.

"Do you have to choose this time? After working all day, when your face is shiny and your body is smelly with sweat, God, I feel like a homeless person now, and I shouldn't be in anyone's sight."

There is still a sense of competence in the chattering words, and the familiarity between the words is naturally revealed. You can feel the closeness between them without any introduction.

Edgar noticed Anna's movements and glanced subconsciously. All the lights in the studio were concentrated on the set, so that other corners were slightly dim and he would not be able to see clearly for a while. He was about to take his eyes back, but he noticed that there was something in the air. Relaxed and cheerful, I took another look.

Etc., etc!
Edgar felt as if he had been struck by lightning and was completely stunned on the spot. There were so many thoughts in his mind. He did not expect to see these two big guys here.

The light was slightly dim, but Edgar was sure that he was not dazzled.

So why are Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks in Paris on a Vogue shoot?

In Hollywood, people may not know Anna Wintour, but it is absolutely impossible not to know these two top bosses in front of them.

Steven Spielberg, one of the four major directors in Hollywood in the 1980s, along with Martin Scorsese, George Lucas, and Francis Ford Coppola (Francis-Ford-Coppola) and other directors are equally famous.

From the "Raiders of the Lost Ark" series to the "Jurassic Park" series, from "Schindler's List" to "Saving Private Ryan", it has swept the box office and awards, and is undoubtedly the most popular and widely acclaimed film at present. One of the legendary directors for sure.

And Tom Hanks, one of the two legendary "Toms" in Hollywood, the other is Tom Cruise, but this Hanks is even more amazing, "Philadelphia Story" and "Forrest Gump" This makes him the second actor in film history to win back-to-back Oscars. In addition to awards, this actor has swept the box office with movies such as "Sleepless in Seattle", "Cast Away", and "Apollo 13".

It is worth mentioning that Tom Hanks has served as the president of the Screen Actors Guild of America for a long time and has worked tirelessly to fight for the rights of actors. He is undoubtedly one of the most prestigious and influential figures in the entire Screen Actors Guild.

So, what happened when Steven Spielberg met Tom Hanks?
"Saving Private Ryan".

What is very interesting is that the two tycoons did not collaborate for the first time until 1998 on "Saving Private Ryan", but this beginning marked the birth of a golden partnership.

Just last month, Steven and Tom co-produced the HBO series "Band of Brothers," which once again aroused overall praise from the entire industry.

This series is known as the most expensive production in the history of Hollywood, with production costs comparable to movies; but the series successfully exploded word-of-mouth and ratings as soon as it was aired, and it has undoubtedly become the most important and exciting one this month. The popularity of the work and discussions has surged out of the circle, and continues to rise.

Be it Steven or Tom, their resumes are far more than that, extending from the 1970s to the 21st century. Thirty years later, they are still standing at the top of the pyramid, and there is no sign of weakening at the moment. momentum, they are still expanding their influence. Anyone who sees these two big guys cannot take it lightly. No one is willing to miss the opportunity, but the problem is——


Because the two tycoons are very pure filmmakers who rarely cross boundaries and have nothing to do with fashion. Not to mention shooting fashion blockbusters, they don't even have many opportunities to be interviewed by "fashion" magazines.

After all, the tonality is a bit strange.

Occasionally, their works enter the promotion period, and they may also be interviewed by "fashion" magazines, but it is often not themselves who appear on the cover or inside pages of "fashion" magazines.

So, with them here, the whole situation seems extra weird.

Of course, there is no doubt that Steven and Tom must know Anna, and judging from Anna's attitude, they must have a good relationship in private, but this still cannot explain the reason for the appearance of the two big guys in front of them.

Edgar had many questions in his mind at this time, but he could not find answers.

Could it be...that you came here for Anson?

Edgar calmed down and thought about it carefully, and found that this was indeed a possibility; but after thinking about it, Edgar denied the speculation because there were no rumors in the industry, not even rumors.

Moreover, to take a step back, assuming that Steven and Tom are really interested in Anson and hope to collaborate on a work, they only need to make a phone call and Edgar will adjust the schedule. How could two big bosses be needed to come to Paris for a meeting?
You know, these two big guys really have nothing to do with fashion. In the past twenty or thirty years, Edgar has never seen Steven or Tom appear in any fashion week show, except for filming movies. , they really have no reason to make a special trip to Paris——

Vacation? You shouldn’t go on vacation during fashion week either.

Calm down and analyze from different angles. Edgar remains rational. Anson should not be the target of Steven and Tom's trip.

However, this is better.

Because this also means opportunity.

An opportunity for Anson to appear in front of the two bosses, a perfect opportunity.

Edgar's brain started to work quickly. He couldn't appear too proactive. There were as many as eight thousand people in Hollywood trying to curry favor with these two big bosses. If they were too flattering, they might not be able to leave an impression. But he couldn't appear too aggressive either. They were too passive and looked like they had emerged from the mire without getting stained. It was impossible for the two bosses to take the initiative to understand the situation.

Once an opportunity arises, there is no reason to miss it.

Taking a deep breath, Edgar had already collected his thoughts.

However, Edgar did not step forward immediately. He withdrew his gaze and continued to look at Anson——

The more opportunities there are, the more calm and planning is needed, and one cannot rush forward recklessly. In the blink of an eye, Edgar has already entered a fighting state.

(End of this chapter)

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