Chapter 335 Stereotype
Edgar did not rush forward, but continued to stand where he was, quietly observing Anson's filming work.

But in fact, with eyes and ears in all directions, Edgar has been paying attention to the exchanges between the three big guys, staying patient and calm.

Slowly, as they waited for them to approach the work area, the surrounding staff gradually noticed the figures of the three people. Edgar "finally" noticed them too, without hesitation or hesitation, and stepped forward "first."

Slightly enthusiastic but not too exaggerated, with a little surprise and joy in the enthusiasm, showing a big smile, and then looking slightly nervous.

However, neither humble nor arrogant, he quietly straightened his back and took the initiative to extend his right hand.

"Good evening, Mr. Spielberg, Mr. Hanks."

Immediately afterwards, he touched his pocket and was about to take out his business card but deliberately stopped. These big guys wouldn't keep his business card anyway, so they might as well act like they forgot to bring it with them, smiling a little awkwardly.

But there is no explanation.

"Edgar Cook, Anson Wood's agent."

This introduction was obviously well-intentioned. Tom Hanks immediately looked over and said with some surprise, "Is this young man?"

His eyes were focused on Anson, who was taking pictures.

In Hollywood, the relationship between agents and artists is quite subtle. Although from the perspective of partnership, agents are the helpers hired by artists; but because agents are responsible for the key business of career planning and cooperation negotiations, the status of the five major brokerage companies Unusual indeed.

Therefore, generally speaking, an agent’s self-introduction is often about promoting one’s title——

William Morris Agency, Innovative Artist Agency... Even if they are not the five major agencies, self-employed individuals or small and medium-sized companies need to make a name for themselves, hoping to get into the eyes of the big guys.

An agent is an agent, and an actor is an actor. These are two systems.

Edgar, however, did not.

Edgar's introduction is "Anson Wood Agent", treating himself as a subsidiary of the actor. This is often the introduction method of assistants or managers, because this sentence means that the meaning of their existence is determined by the actor. of.

rather than a brokerage firm.

In one sentence, Edgar positioned himself.

Naturally, Tom Hanks, who is also an actor, noticed it immediately. He looked at Edgar curiously and asked, "Independent agent?"

Only then did Edgar reply, "William Morris. Sorry, I didn't expect such a situation, so I didn't bring my business card. This was my dereliction of duty."

Tom showed a little surprise, "We know each other even without a business card, right?" He couldn't help but glance at Edgar again, and then looked at Anson again with a little amusement in his eyes, and there were a lot of thoughts in his mind.

On the set, Anson is working——

He is not good at taking photos. If he wants to take satisfactory photos, he must concentrate and not be distracted.

Of course you are tired, but precisely because of this, you should concentrate more. This is the only way to end the work on time.

Therefore, Anson didn't notice the movement outside at all.

The biggest difficulty in today’s shooting is that Anson has no way to leave the studio or exercise, because Anna hopes to create an autumn fashion texture, which forces Anson to move around the studio and the set, interact with the camera, and find the state. .


Bruce let Anson carry out activities according to his own habits, methods, and preferences, and he took the camera to follow Anson's footsteps to explore and capture.

This is a little different from ordinary shooting work, the photographer seems particularly... active.

"Bruce, Bruce..."

"Are you sure?" "This angle? You're so close, I feel like every pore on my skin is breathing in front of the camera. I don't mind appearing in a magazine like a mirror, but if it doesn't show up on clothes, it won't matter. Is something not quite right?"

Anson complained with a speechless expression.

In the end, Bruce didn't care at all. He pressed the shutter and captured a moment, watching Anson's entire facial features merge into a ball in the dazzling flash. This made Bruce reveal a narrow smile in his eyes——

After working all day, the photographer will also be tired and he also needs to relax a little.

"This is the effect you're after, why don't you let your pores breathe?"

Unexpectedly, Bruce actually complained back.

So, what about Anson?

Anson's face was full of seriousness and concentration. Not only did he not laugh or fight back, he also calmed down and began to take a deep breath, but it was not an ordinary breath.

Inhale, exhale.

Again, breathe in and breathe out.

Along with the rising and falling movements of his chest, you can then see that Anson's cheeks and body are swelling and converging little by little with the rhythm of breathing, which is incredible to create the visual effect that the whole body is breathing, so that other people's memories are also awakened. I couldn't help but breathe along.

Is this normal?

Looking at Anson's slightly childish response, Bruce was also surprised, but Anson's face was serious, and his blue eyes were shining with an eccentric light.

Subconsciously, Bruce pressed the shutter——


This is how a photo was born.

Anna's eyes lit up slightly. Although she didn't see the photo, she had a hunch that this photo should become a classic.


Tom couldn't hold it back and was amused by the scene in front of him. He couldn't see what was fashionable or not, and he lacked some inspiration for photography. He just found it funny and couldn't help but turn to look at Steven, "Now young people."

But Steven didn't look interested, with a polite smile on his lips, "He is still a child after all."

Edgar: Ding.

My heart skipped a beat. If a director determines that an actor is a "child," the subtext is that there are limitations to the image. It has nothing to do with whether the actor is truly an adult. The point is that if the appearance and impression are that of a "child," Hollywood movies can provide actors with The roles available are very limited.

The most typical representative is Matthew Broderick. This actor born in 1962 was born with a baby face. Although he has been trying to play some mature roles, he has never been able to get rid of the stereotype.

At the age of 24, he starred in "Spring is Not a Day to Study" and still plays a middle school student. At the age of 36, he starred in "Godzilla" and at the age of 37, he starred in "School" and finally started to play adult roles but he is still a nerd.

For actresses, they hope to stay in their mid-twenties so that they can play more roles; but for actors, this is not the case.

Of course, this is just Steven's first impression of Anson. Edgar also believes that Steven will change his impression with a little familiarity.

However, Edgar didn't like the stereotype revealed in Steven's words. He needed to save the situation, and the smile on his lips rose slightly, "Just like Tom."

Tom looked at Edgar, "Me?"

Edgar shrugged lightly, "'Grown up,' and while we should praise Tom's acting skills for convincing the audience to believe in that character, I guess appearance didn't hold it back."

(End of this chapter)

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