The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 336 Self-introduction

Chapter 336 Self-introduction
In 1988, -year-old Tom Hanks starred in the movie "Grown Up."

This movie tells the story of a twelve-year-old boy who made a wish that he could grow up overnight. Unexpectedly, his wish came true. He actually grew up to thirty-two years old overnight. He thought this was what he longed for, but he slowly fell into the adult world. Confused and confused, he who had just turned thirteen began to think:
Is this the life you want?
There is no doubt that such a movie places strict requirements on the actor. He needs to look thirty-two years old in appearance, but his eyes and mentality need to remain twelve years old.

Tom Hanks, who was thirty-two years old and still had a baby face that was so tender that he could squeeze water, gave an incredibly outstanding performance in this movie. A little exaggeration would be an idiot, and a little less would be hypocrisy. However, Tom Hanks The pure and innocent eyes perfectly show the gap.

Later, this movie earned Tom Hanks the first Oscar nomination for Best Actor in his career; at the same time, it took in a box office of 1988 million U.S. dollars in North America, becoming only five movies in to have a box office of over million U.S. dollars. One of the works that really launched Tom's career as an actor.

At this time, Edgar mentioned this movie, not only to avoid directly comparing Anson and Tom, which would appear to be overestimating, but also cleverly used analogies to remind people not to form stereotypes due to preconceived views. As an actor, Anson also has Potential worth exploring.

The art of language is evident.

Moreover, there is another detail here, a detail that few people know.

The screenwriter of "Grown Up" is Anne-Spielberg - yes, the same surname as Steven's Spielberg. She is Steven's sister, three years younger.

It was the last screenwriting work of Anne's career, and earned her an Oscar nomination for Best Original Screenplay the following year.

Kill two birds with one stone!
Not only Tom looked at Edgar, but Steven also looked at Edgar, and the air was filled with a subtle atmosphere.

One second. Two seconds.

Then, the smile on Tom's lips rose, he turned to look at Steven, spread his hands, "You have to admit, his words make sense."

Steven glanced at Tom, his eyes slightly helpless behind his glasses, and joked half-jokingly, "Of course, everyone wants to be Tom Hanks."

Although there was no positive response, the atmosphere relaxed.

Tom looked at Steven with confusion on his face, then looked at Edgar, raised his hand to hold his chin, "Fifteen years ago? I guess there is no problem, but if I know what it will be like fifteen years later, I think Everyone will hesitate for a moment, right?" As he said this, he raised his eyebrows.

A sentence of self-deprecation made the atmosphere completely relaxed.

Edgar quipped appropriately, "So, will these fifteen years include two statuettes and a series of works with a box office of 300 million US dollars?"

"Haha." Tom laughed heartily.

Steven's expression was also completely relaxed, "He only has a movie worth 300 million yuan."

Tom didn't refute at all, "Who's counting? Anyway, I'm not counting."

Then, Anna, who didn't say anything for a while, said with a look of disgust on her face, "Oh, God, man."

There was a roar of laughter.

Including Edgar, they also relaxed and started laughing.

The noise here was finally conveyed. Bruce and Anson, who were filming, both looked over and looked around in the dim light. It was not known whether they could see the face of the person coming, but after all, they did not interrupt the filming. Anson Getting busy again.

Until Bruce was satisfied, all the filming ended with a gesture. The tense and tired atmosphere in the studio instantly spread, and there were applause and whistles, announcing that this busy day had come to an end.

At this time, Anson came over——

Before I had time to change my clothes, I put on my last set of shooting clothes, walked towards him gracefully, and stood still in front of the two bosses.

Exhaling a long breath, Anson looked at Anna and then at Edgar, his expression seemed to be waiting for an introduction, but before Edgar could speak, Anson confidently stretched out his right hand towards Steven. .

"I'm very surprised to see you here, Mr. Spielberg, Wood, Anson Wood." Neither humble nor arrogant, but with a little excitement.

Anson did not hide his surprise, and took the opportunity to introduce himself without waiting for an introduction. He did not deliberately hide his surprise at seeing the two big guys, and his true performance seemed much more natural.

But what really surprised Steven was the temperament that Anson exuded.

Completely different from the childish look he had just now, the Anson in front of him looked calm and elegant. The temperament he exuded from the inside out suddenly matured. His unconcealed excitement and excitement were filled with the vitality of youth, and his whole person appeared fresh and vivid. , which is eye-catching.

It turns out that this is the real self-introduction——

It's not just a name, it also shows the charm of an actor and a person. A little contrast and subtle differences leave an impression instantly.

This is not easy.

If Steven were not 100% sure that his reaction was random, Anson and Edgar had no communication at all; he would almost suspect that this was the result of the two people communicating in advance, which was a good show.

Steven stretched out his right hand and took Anson's right hand.

But before Steven could speak, Tom's voice cut in from the side, "What about me? Aren't you surprised to see me here?"

Anson was not in a hurry, looked at Steven politely, made eye contact while shaking hands, completed the greeting very formally and calmly, then released his right hand and turned to look at Tom.

"of course not."

"Maybe it's a surprise, but not an accident. I think people also look forward to seeing some special figures in fashion magazines occasionally."

Tom held Anson's right hand, "Special?"

Anson shook it gently and said, "Yes, the figure outside the vase."

Tom did not expect such an answer, and a smile overflowed in his eyes, "Well, sometimes, I also envy Leonardo, Brad Pitt, and Tom Cruise. The looks scream for me.”

"Ah, ah, ah, Tom, Tom!" Anson immediately fulfilled Tom's wish.

Tom was stunned and said, "Haha." He couldn't hold it back. The more he thought about it, the funnier it became. He held Anson's right hand tightly and said, "Hahaha." He couldn't stop laughing at all.

Steven's eyes lit up slightly again:
Mature, wise, funny, and calm.

Seeing big guys like Steven and Tom for the first time, Anson showed a completely different temperament, enthusiastic but not flattering, friendly but not nervous.

Steven admitted that he was mistaken. How could this be just a child?

Looking back at Anson's work at this time, it is not so much childish as it is pure heart and fresh energy, which makes people's eyes brighten at once, which once again proves what Edgar said.

This is indeed a surprise.

Steven thought that maybe this trip to Paris was worth it, and he spoke during a pause in the conversation between Tom and Anson.

"I guess you haven't had time to enjoy dinner yet, right? We haven't had dinner either, how about we go together?"

(End of this chapter)

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