The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 339 is left for review

Chapter 339 is left for review
"I don't agree with your opinion." Tom said bluntly.

Instead, Steven calmed down and looked at Tom. After all, he invited Tom to Paris just to listen to his opinions. Of course, the most important reason was to hope that Tom and Anson would collide and see the chemical reaction.

Tom looked at Steven, "If you need me to shut up, feel free to speak up."

"In my opinion, Anson has shown Frank's potential today, his purity and simplicity, his confidence and ease, his charm and fun. To be honest, I haven't seen such a young man in a long time."

Steven looked at Tom with a playful expression, "Why didn't I see it?"

Tom lightly shrugged, "Maybe it's because of preconceived impressions? You see, as soon as you saw him, you were labeled as a 'child'; and I was labeled as a 'child' because he reminded me of myself when I played 'Grown Up', The conversation has already gone sideways before it even begins.”

Steven chuckled, "His agent deserves a lot of credit."

Tom was noncommittal, "But let's put aside these prejudices for the moment and think seriously about the situation you created, as well as Anson's response, including the studio's reaction, and the demeanor he showed at the dinner."

"Come on, Steven, you really can't ask for more."

"An eighteen-year-old kid, a newcomer who has only appeared in two works, the magnanimity and attitude he shows are already convincing."

"He is a malleable talent and may still lack experience, but I don't think this will be an obstacle for him to play the role of Frank Abagnale Jr."

There was a crackling sound and a gust of wind and rain.

Involuntarily, Steven fell into thinking and began to reflect——

Perhaps, he never gave up on Leonardo and insisted that Leonardo was the best choice. However, he had to make other considerations due to Leonardo's schedule conflicts. However, he still did not abandon his preconceived stereotypes when auditioning other actors. Was the decision made before the audition?
After calming down and thinking about it seriously, Steven recalled a detail:
First meeting in the studio.

When Anson appeared in front of him to formally greet him, the calmness and enthusiasm he showed were just right. It really overturned his preconceived impression, and even made his eyes a little surprised.

The chaotic thoughts were sorted out bit by bit, and Steven also regained his sense, "Okay."

Tom, "What?"

Steven, "Let's give him another chance to have further contact."

"This time, we told his agent that this was an audition to see how the kid performed and whether he could continue to surprise."

Tom glanced at Steven, and slowly and leisurely complained, "There is no need to be so solemn. Even if we don't tell them, they will probably know it later. It will be obvious to you what will happen next time we meet." To go out of your way to reveal an answer that they are not even curious about, believe me, you are the one who is embarrassed."

Steven laughed dumbly, "Tom, are you sure? Don't look at how troublesome and difficult it is for me now, but after the actors are confirmed, I basically won't care. When the filming officially starts, I won't be the one who is really in trouble."

Steven trusts the actors, it can even be said that he relies on them.

When selecting actors, he is particularly careful to match the actor's image, temperament and feeling, and then relies on the actor to give the character soul.

Therefore, when filming, unlike other directors, Steven seldom talks about the scene and rarely makes requests. He usually just lets the actors throw out something based on their own understanding and interpretation of the script. He is responsible for capturing, refining, and structure, so that The camera revolves around the actors.

In other words, once Steven determines Anson, he will not find fault with him, but will tend to trust the actors completely, even if they are newcomers; naturally, the real troubles and difficulties will fall on the actors.

For example, Tom.

After all, Steven has made it clear that "Cat and Mouse" is all about the subtle and complex tension between the two characters of Frank and Carl.

After saying this sentence, Tom's smile paused at the corner of his mouth, with a simple and honest look, he met Steven's gaze with a kind look, "Okay, just take a look and take another look. We are not in a hurry anyway." "It's rare." After a trip across the Atlantic, there is no need to turn around and take a ten-hour flight back again. Paris is still worth seeing.”

Being able to serve as the chairman of the union and being a good mediator between major film companies, Tom is not as honest as he appears.

Now, the initiative comes to Steven.

Steven shifted his gaze slowly, "The Paris I see is different from what you see. If I want to experience Paris, I will come with Kate, and you should come with Rita."

Obviously, this is a joke.

Kate-Capshaw, Steven's wife; Rita-Wilson, Tom's wife.

Tom's face was calm, "Don't worry, I will come here alone with Rita."

Here, Steven and Tom are having a discussion.

On the other side, as expected, Edgar immediately launched an investigation.

The investigation is somewhat difficult.

The news that Steven is selecting a cast for a new work is not a secret, and you can find out with a little inquiry; but the problem is that Steven and Tom came to Paris on an official mission, specifically to promote "Band of Brothers", because The series will be released on DVD in France.

The conversation between Jeff Robinoff and Steven Spielberg was very secretive, and no news leaked to Hollywood. As a result, the puzzle was missing a key piece, and Edgar couldn't put it together quickly.

It would make sense if Steven and Tom were visiting Anna to promote the DVD release in the French edition of Vogue.

Could it be that visiting Anson was really a coincidence?
"'Cat and mouse game'."

Turning around, Edgar told Anson the answer.

Although Edgar is not sure of the real situation, a good agent should firmly grasp the opportunity, even if it is not possible, he should create the possibility.

Now that they're on Steven and Tom's radar, and now that Steven is actually casting a cast for a new project, coincidence or not, Edgar thinks they should seize the opportunity.

"Anson, I know that I haven't seen the script yet, so I have no way of knowing the character and the quality of the script, but I think we should actively strive for it."

"That's Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks. This reason is enough. Even if it's a bad movie, it doesn't matter even if it flops at the box office, but we should seize it. It's a rare opportunity."

Edgar was a little excited, and his thoughts expanded rapidly.

"Perhaps this work can break the stereotype of idols as a vase and enter the academy's field of vision. Even if you fail to win any nominations this time, at least people will not simply continue to view you as a vase."

This also means that Edgar's worries about the possible negative effects of modeling work are easily solved. Even if "Cat and Mouse Game" is a commercial movie, it doesn't matter -

After all, it was Steven and Tom.

Edgar looked at Anson with bright eyes. He was ready to continue persuading, but unexpectedly, Anson nodded sharply in reply.

"Okay." He said.

(End of this chapter)

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