The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 340 Wonderful Character

Chapter 340 Wonderful Character
"Cat and Mouse Game" is undoubtedly a breath of fresh air in biographical movies.

Generally speaking, biographical films often focus on the life of a character, and they must cover a long time and many events. If you are not careful, it will become a running account of proposition composition and evolve into another boring routine.

Many directors believe that biographical films are the most boring genre, but they are mass-produced every year because the old academic judges in the academy like them.

So in 2010, when a biographical film like "The Social Network" came out that subverted genres and subverted traditions, it aroused awe in the industry and outside the industry; but at the same time, it also aroused the disgust of the old academics in the academy because it was too shocking, so much so that it lost the Oscar the following year. The smooth "King's Speech"——

Another biographical film.

From this point of view, Steven was indeed very discerning when he caught David Fincher's "Cat and Mouse" at first glance.

Although the combination of David Fincher and "Cat and Mouse" did not work out, "Cat and Mouse" did break the genre restrictions nine years before "The Social Network".

Perhaps, Steven's directorial style is not as sharp and angular as David's, but the story of "Cat and Mouse Game" itself breaks the convention of biographical films——

The root lies in the character of Frank Abagnale Jr.

A bizarre criminal experience, a colorful and ups and downs life journey, a childhood memory that is too scarred to look back on. Against this background, Steven keenly captured the lack of relationship between Abagnale and his son, and cleverly It was passed on to the FBI agents who were hunting Frank, and finally the biographical movie evolved into a new genre.

A crime movie based on family relationships and finding your roots.

"Cat and Mouse Game" is undoubtedly excellent, exciting and surprising.

In fact, the film has indeed achieved very good results after its release, with a good harvest at the box office and awards. It not only achieved good box office figures in North America and around the world, but also won multiple nominations at the Oscars and Golden Globe Awards.

Of course, a major factor in the film’s box office success lies in its two leading actors——

Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks.

According to the original historical trajectory, Leonardo still caught up with the schedule after going round and round, and returned to the crew because Steven was in charge of the director. This also made "Cat and Mouse Game" a success at the global box office.

After all, Leonardo is a well-deserved box office star at the moment.

If we discuss the shortcomings of the movie, it is that the movie itself is too strong in its entertainment popcorn properties, leaving no room for the actors to shine. As a result, both actors Leonardo and Tom did not have much room to shine and relied solely on their personal charm. Supporting role, he did not receive much recognition for his acting skills during the awards season.

But this shortcoming is actually an advantage for Anson.

The reason is very simple. At this stage, Anson is still learning and delving into the process of acting. If it is a role that really requires a burst of acting skills, I guess Anson really can't handle it. He combines his own charm and injects some personal understanding and interpretation like he does now. , the collision of character sparks is perfect; the character attributes between business and art can also be the perfect choice for Anson's next step after "Spider-Man".

In addition, there is another point. It is not an objective analysis, but Anson's own subjective feeling.

A small regret in "Cat and Mouse Game" is Leonardo's performance.

When he was young, Leonardo was an actor with great aura and outstanding talent; but after experiencing the incredible madness of "Titanic", Leonardo thought more about life, career and himself, so that His understanding of performance slowly began to change.

Frank Abagnale Jr. in "Cat and Mouse Game" is a young genius. He was only fifteen years old when he committed his first crime. By the time he was eighteen years old, he was already able to evade the truth and navigate the adult world with ease. Leonardo's performance He was twenty-seven years old when he played this role.

Of course, during this period, Leonardo was still at the peak of his appearance, even more charming than his youthfulness during the "Titanic" period. He undoubtedly shined on the big screen, but Leonardo's performance slowly faded. He became deep and crafty, and although it was not obvious at this period, it also made young Frank look too sophisticated. Among them, a very important part of the reason is also Leonardo’s schedule——

On the front foot, he had just finished filming "Gangs of New York". In this movie, he wore a beard and a slicked back hair, playing the son of a legendary gang boss who shoulders the heavy responsibility of revenge after his father's death.

This is a character who endures humiliation and suffers great hatred. It also officially started Leonardo's exploration of a series of frowning characters later, causing Leonardo to fall into the frown trap of performance routines. The more he tried to break through himself, the more he tried to break through. The easier it is to exert too much force.

As soon as he turned around on his back foot, Leonardo seamlessly entered the "Cat and Mouse Game" crew. He had to quickly switch to the state of a fifteen-year-old boy. There is no doubt that this is difficult, and the difficulty is beyond imagination.

deep. Craftsmanship. Sophisticated.

These traits that should not appear in Frank Abagnale Jr. have also become a flaw in the character creation of the movie, which is really disappointing——

It’s not that Leonardo didn’t perform well, but Anson may be able to re-interpret it according to his own understanding and inject different colors.

From any point of view, Anson has no reason to reject the "cat and mouse game".

What's more, to take a step back, the names Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks are enough. This is the reason for joining the "Cat and Mouse Game"——

No, it should be the reason for joining.

Now all Anson got was an audition opportunity.

Obviously, Edgar and Anson had slightly different ideas but reached the same goal. They had the same idea. The moment Edgar said the name of the movie, Anson knew that they had to seize this opportunity.

So, how to catch it?

Edgar is still inquiring about the crew, trying to get more information about the crew. Anson has no way of knowing why Leonardo did not join; but it is conceivable that if Steven uses Leonardo as a standard, Anson now is really The odds of winning are slim——

Are we talking about box office appeal or the actor’s personal charm?

Anson should change his mind slightly and not be guided by the idea of ​​"beating Leonardo for the role". Instead, he should construct his audition in an all-round way with the theme of "prove that he is suitable for Frank Abagnale Jr."

But will things really go as Anson wishes?

Obviously not.

Originally, Anson thought that the next time they met, it might be at dinner; or it might be a formal audition, and he should show off the characteristics of Frank Abagnale Jr.; however, he never expected that on an unexpected occasion and at an unexpected time, Steven and Tom showed up again.

Dior show at Paris Fashion Week in 2001.

"Anson," Edgar said, also a little nervous, "Steven and Tom showed up and took their seats in the first row. Anna accompanied them."

(End of this chapter)

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