Chapter 341 Fashion Show

In the narrow space set up by the white tent, there was an endless stream of people coming and going, and every figure was busy walking through it. There were less than thirty minutes until the show started. Even walking was done by flying, and there was no time to take it slow. Adjustments slowly outline the tension and chaos behind the glamorous scene of Fashion Week——

The four major fashion weeks, New York, Paris, London, and Milan, are annual events. They hold autumn and winter fashion weeks in February and spring and summer fashion weeks in October, showing the new season designs of major brands to the world.

As the top, grandest and grandest event in the fashion industry, every model is eager to get on the catwalk here, and every fashion celebrity is eager to appear in the first row of the show to show off. No one should miss it.

This fall, Anson received an invitation to walk on the catwalk of Paris Fashion Week as a Dior model. This is also a rare cross-border cooperation. Eddie Slimane devoted all his efforts to this new product display.

After all, this is Eddie Slimane’s first new product line that subverts men’s fashion after entering Dior, and all inspiration is injected into it.

Eddie knew that this was shocking, and he also knew that it would completely subvert people's understanding, but he was not sure what the outcome would be. He was nervous and looking forward to it, and his contradictory and mixed emotions made his whole body completely tense.

In fact, there are still thirty minutes left before the show opens, and the show hall is already full, and every seat is packed——

Fashion Week lasts for a whole week, with dozens or even hundreds of brands on display. New York has its own brands, and Paris has its own brands.

The catwalks are the same as the movie release schedules. Big names and big names are staggered to ensure that the audience can enjoy the catwalks of all big names; but occasionally there are fights, and different big names choose to show at the same time on the same date, so that people Had to make a choice.

However, this time, no one wanted to collide with Dior head-on.

The reason is...Anson.

From last year's Emmy Awards to the red carpet at the premiere of "The Princess Diaries" two months ago, Anson has made a strong impact on men's fashion by wearing Dior, especially the shirt from the premiere in August, Eddie confirmed That is one of the main designs of the Dior men's product line that will debut at this October's fashion week, which also dropped a big hit in the fashion field.

No one wants to miss Dior, and no one should miss this show——

Even Anna Wintour arrived at the show immediately.

The entire venue was packed, and the VIP seats in the first and second rows had already been filled. What was even more exaggerated was that all 400 seats in the venue were occupied, but the crowds lining up at the entrance of the show still surrounded the entire tent.

long. Long, long, long.

There's no end in sight.

Everyone realized that Dior might revolutionize men's fashion, and even if they couldn't see it with their own eyes, no one wanted to leave the first scene.

Such a grand occasion, such madness, all the pressure is piled on Eddie Slimane——

Either climb to the top in one go, or vanish into ashes in an instant.

Eddie's entire career as a designer seemed to hang on this one show.

The uncontrollable restlessness can be felt inside and outside the entire show.

And Anson?
Originally, he was a little nervous. After all, this was his first time on the catwalk, just like when he performed in a band on the set of "The Princess Diaries".

But now, surrounded by other people's nervousness, anxiety and uneasiness, and even seeing some people start vomiting uncontrollably because they were too nervous, but only retched some stomach acid because they didn't eat, this actually calmed Anson down. He felt like an outsider:

There is no sense of reality.

Then, as if worried that things were going too smoothly, fate made a joke, or some director made a joke, and Edgar came to tell Anson——

Anson doubted his ears and looked to Edgar with confusion on his face for confirmation.

Edgar nodded solemnly. They were caught off guard. Forget it when they were taking pictures in the studio before. Anyway, they didn't know what was going on. Even if they were panicked, they quickly regained their footing; but today, they understood the ins and outs of the matter. Later, his plan was disrupted again, and he was inevitably nervous. A layer of sweat could not help but form on his palms.

After calming down for a while, Anson had a guess:
He felt that Steven and Tom did it on purpose. They did not happen to appear at the Dior show at the invitation of Anna, but came here specifically to disrupt Anson and Edgar's plan. Of course, Anson had no proof, but that was his gut feeling.

So, what to do?
They come, the security.

The tension reached the extreme, but Anson calmed down. As always, he looked at Edgar and said, "Calm down, just proceed as planned. There is no need to pretend not to know. Just come forward and say hello."

Edgar nodded to show his understanding, "What about you?"

Although Edgar did not speak, he believed Anson understood what he meant:
It wasn’t the catwalk that he was worried about, it was the auditions.

According to the plan, they are going to arrange another meeting to show Steven and Tom Anson's ability and charm, proving that he is suitable for the role of Frank.

But now?

Before the audition even started, we met in advance on another occasion; and this was an away game, what could Anson do on the runway?

The smile on Anson's lips rose slightly, "Maybe this is a good thing."

Edgar:? ? ?

Anson did not explain, "Don't worry, I have a bold idea."

Edgar was a little hesitant; but it didn't last long. He still believed in Anson. He had believed in Anson's ability since they first met.

"Spider-Man" is like this, and so is the current "cat-and-mouse game."

Ed took a deep breath and said, "Okay, then I'll go ahead and prepare the ground for you."

He has his mission, and Anson has his responsibilities. They need to cooperate with each other to achieve their goals.

Edgar appeared briefly, then turned away and disappeared into the crowd.

Anson let out a long breath. He did have a bold idea:

What is Frank Abagnale Jr.’s most legendary and powerful experience?

He successfully played doctors, pilots, lawyers, etc. without being a gangster.

Versatile, cunning, clever and calm, these are the characteristics of a fraudster.

Now, Anson has crossed over from an actor to a model. This is also an identity change. Although such a change is not difficult, today's Dior show is an innovation in men's fashion, which can just show Anson's ever-changing temperament.

Maybe he could just complete the audition on the runway and seize the opportunity to show himself to Steven.

Steven hoped to catch Anson off guard and not follow Anson and Edgar's plan. The purpose was to see an unprepared Anson and a real Anson, but now it seems that this can become an opportunity for Anson to perform.

Modeling is actually a kind of performance.

The ideas in Anson's mind are slowly taking shape. Not only is he not nervous, but he is also excited. Such opportunities do not come often.

Looking back, Anson saw a pale face in the makeup mirror. Seeing that the child was about to burst into tears, the smile at the corner of his mouth rose slightly:

"Robert, hide your wine bottle so it won't be discovered."

(End of this chapter)

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