The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 342 Stretching the Stage

Chapter 342 Stretching the Stage
Robert-Boyd-Holbrook has an angelic face and a sense of youthful fragmentation in his eyebrows. He is obviously one year older than Anson, but his slender and tall figure makes him The boy's aura is more distinct, showing a little gloominess when he is quiet.

He is a model.

He was discovered as a model when he was working as a carpenter in a theater in Kentucky. He has not been in the industry for a long time. He was recognized by Eddie Slimane and became a member of this year's Dior October Fashion Week. He will soon appear on the much-anticipated fashion show. The stage, literally standing in the spotlight.

Previously, he had been active in print magazines. This was his first official catwalk, and it was also his first time leaving the United States. You can imagine his nervousness and uneasiness.

Hearing Anson's teasing, Boyd was a little panicked and looked around, "No, I didn't drink... Where can I..."

After a moment's delay, Boyd realized that Anson was joking. A slight blush appeared on his pale face, and he could finally see some blood.

Boyd showed some helplessness, but didn't know how to defend himself, "I, I prefer others to call me Boyd."

Such a name is too ordinary and does not stand out at all in the modeling circle, but Boyd is different. He can easily stand out from the crowd.

Anson raised his chin slightly, "Boyd, so, is the wine bottle hidden?"

Boyd looked at Anson speechlessly, and finally he could only lower his head in resignation, "Hide it."

"Shh. I will keep it a secret for you." Anson looked at Boyd, who was desperate for life, with a serious face.

In fact, when Anson met Boyd in his previous life, he was not a model, but an actor——

Although the barriers for models to cross over to become actors still exist objectively, with the development of the Internet, the rise of grassroots, and the popularity of self-media, it is a common trend for artists to become more and more diversified. In particular, the emergence of streaming media provides more work opportunities. The range of actors has also expanded step by step.

In 2017, Boyd appeared in the critically acclaimed film "The Wolverine 3", playing a villain who is hated to the point of irritation. The vicissitudes of life and tough image of an evil tough guy caused Boyd to arouse a lot of discussion, which also became his position as an actor. A turning point and a breakthrough, and then win more performance opportunities.

That was the first time Anson knew Boyd as an actor.

From the brutal tough guy in "Wolverine 3" to the innocent angel in front of you, I have to say that this is a visual impact that completely subverts stereotypes.

In fact, this also proves that actors are malleable. Whether they are shaping characters according to stereotypes, breaking stereotypes to create contrast, or breaking certain shackles through their own changes, different methods can inject vitality into the characters, thereby bringing about Come and be surprised.

At this time, looking at Boyd in front of him, Anson would have some inspiration for the next "catwalk audition".



The continuous calls interrupted Anson's thoughts. The crowd automatically gave way, and then a figure could be seen staggering in the rolling heat wave.

Eddie Slimane.

There was another figure behind him, and he didn't even care about Eddie. He took the lead and said before Eddie spoke, "Anson, count down to three minutes."

This is the stage manager. He needs to be responsible for ensuring that the models appear on time, adjusting the order of the catwalk, coordinating the entire catwalk process, and completing the entire show according to the vision of the catwalk director and designer.

There is no doubt that he is a key figure on the catwalk. Even when facing Eddie, he still needs to send out his own reminder to ensure that everyone knows their current position——

If Eddie and Anson already know the time but still delay the show, then the responsibility does not lie with him.

After speaking, he looked at Eddie and nodded politely. Without stopping, he turned around and continued walking, continuing to inform the next group of models.


Even though his words were interrupted, even though he was anxious and irritable now, he still controlled himself, took a deep breath, and looked at Anson.

"Phew, how do you feel?"

Anson could see that Eddie's face was slightly pale, there was no sweat or blood, and the focus of his eyes was slightly broadened - imagine, this is the first release of Eddie's hard work, not only bold but also risky , even subversive, what is his mood at the moment?

Anson raised his chin slightly, "I feel like a vampire waiting for the sunrise."

With a cold sense of humor, everyone else was shocked, and Boyd even had a question mark, but Eddie laughed out loud, "Very good, we just need this kind of spirit."

Anson lightly shrugged, "So, does the designer have anything else to say?"

Eddie wanted to say: Yes.

But when he really saw Anson, Eddie's nervousness and anxiety slowly calmed down.

Eddie said more than once that Dior's first men's wear series was inspired by Anson, which is why he invited Anson.

Eddie knew that it would take risks for actors to guest model on the catwalk. The launch of men's clothing this time was already full of variables. If he chose to be an amateur model, he would have to face more challenges; but Eddie still extended the invitation without hesitation. The reason very simple--

If there is anyone who can express the essence of his design naturally, it is Anson.

Eddie hopes to see Anson stand on the stage, and even more hopes to see Anson interpret these costumes in his own way and style.

Thinking of this, Eddie regained some composure and said, "No, just be yourself."

Since Anson arrived in Paris, they have rehearsed it many times, and have communicated everything they should and should not say.

Speaking of this matter, Eddie remembered another important point, "Boyd, remember, keep your shoulders steady, your steps steady, and keep your entire center of gravity steady."

Boyd is also walking on a catwalk for the first time. His problem is that he walks too erratically and has an unstable center of gravity on his heels. He sways seriously and the entire stage appears erratic. In fact, he is not suitable for catwalks and is more suitable for flat surfaces. He can do it in a still picture. Captures a unique temperament.

From this point of view, Boyd and Anson are exactly the opposite.

But no matter what, Eddie believed that Boyd was the model besides Anson who could best interpret the essence of design. After much hesitation, he summoned Boyd to Paris.

Boyd was also a little nervous and nodded repeatedly.

The air that finally relaxed became tense again.

Anson stopped persuading, "Rock and roll. Guys, rock and roll, we should let the audience see the rock and roll spirit underneath these ordinary fabrics."

However, no one responded——

Their mouths were ready to move, and their arms, shoulders, and bodies couldn't hold back, but after seeing Eddie, no one dared to move.

Eddie looked at Anson and smiled, a shy smile like a skull, like the resurrected skeleton in "Pirates of the Caribbean".


Steven was a little nervous. He was even more nervous than the models. He felt uncomfortable all over. He was really not suitable for such an occasion. And he was still sitting in the front row. Every cell in his body was screaming "escape".

I originally thought that Tom would not be able to adapt to it, but when he arrived at the scene, Tom was completely at ease, which made Steven life hopeless.

He was thinking about whether he should leave early, since it would be the same if he auditioned another day anyway, when he heard Tom's voice.

"here we go."

(End of this chapter)

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