The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 35 Naturally made

Chapter 35 Naturally made
Rubbing shoulders?


Some people may be confused. Isn't it a big deal if we just rub shoulders and can't continue to perform? It's not like someone fell and fell on his back.

The key is, surprise.

It has nothing to do with the size of the accident, but the accident itself.

First of all, it would disrupt the rhythm, and the context of the scene would be different.

Secondly, it will trigger reactions. Each actor has a different reaction to unexpected situations, and their reactions may cause drama, may deviate from the plot, or may cause laughter.

And so on and so forth.

One of the many differences between movies, TV and theater stages is that on the theater stage, the audience often cannot see the details of actors’ expressions and movements, and some small deviations may not be noticed at all; but on the big screen and small screen, everything is invisible. Be amplified and leave no room for error.

Therefore, a brush-off that is not in the script may lead to an NG.


In the 0.5 seconds of rubbing shoulders, the first reaction in Anson's mind was not nervousness, annoyance, or panic, but a conditioned reflex reaction.

make a fist. hold high. Kick your eyes. Posturing.

All in one go!
That posture and posture were like an angry bull, full of energy and ready to explode.

Anson was completely in character and seemed to think that Ross was provoking, but Paul was not afraid at all.

That expression and movement were perfect.

Indeed, mistakes can occur at any time. There is no need to be upset or angry. What is more important than mistakes is how to deal with them.

Natural, smooth and just right.

On one side, Paul made a fist.

On one side, Ross held his head.

David Xiumeng was experienced and sophisticated enough. The moment they rubbed shoulders, he was stunned and his first reaction was NG.

David Schwimmer turned his back to the camera, looked up at Anson, raised his hands to give Anson a hug, and offered comfort as a senior actor.

But I didn't expect that what came into view was a face that suddenly exploded with momentum. The previous chicness and calmness were swept away. The lines of the face became tougher, and the resolute and powerful aura was vented like a midsummer rainstorm. From the play to Being pulled into the drama again, I couldn't help but feel heart palpitations.

Almost instinctively, David Xiumeng's hands that he had just raised hugged his head. His head shrank, his shoulders closed, and he entered a defensive posture like a turtle.

If David Xiu Meng faces the camera and the audience, you can see his wonderful expression changes on the spot, from surprise to smile to fear. It is comparable to Sichuan's face change. It is precise, fast and in place in just one second. Just a few rounds back and forth between heaven and hell, an absolute master.

At the same time, absolutely true.

But precisely because of this, David Xiumeng's panic was not captured, and what appeared in front of the camera was a completely natural scene.

A brush with each other leads to sparks from the accidental friction. Paul strikes out and Ross runs away with his head in his arms. The characters and colors of the two characters are in sharp contrast——

Director Michael's face was full of astonishment, this effect?
So, should I shout this NG or not?
It was just this short moment of lightning, a 0.5 second change and pause, and then, the entire studio burst into the loudest laughter ever.


Gloria was absolutely hilarious.

Before this scene, "Paul" always wore a mask, trying to act as a knowledgeable and good brother in front of his sister, elegant, unrestrained, and humorous.

But now "Paul" takes off his mask in an instant and shows his true thoughts in a crisis situation. There is no cover up, and the contrast comes out.

too! good! laugh! Got it!
Gloria rolled over laughing.

And, she's not the only one.

At the scene, there were two reactions.

One type was men, one or two clenching their fists and booing.

One is a woman, one or two screaming, their faces full of nymphomaniacs.

Crowded! this……

"NG" was already rolling on the tip of his tongue. After a slight hesitation, Michael swallowed it hard, with a smile on his lips.

David Klein's eyes lit up slightly: Is this okay?
But think about it seriously, why not!
To be precise, a small accident did interrupt the context. However, such an "interruption" not only has no harm, but also enriches the characters and plot.

Moreover, Anson has a natural temperament that can attract attention quietly when standing under the light or in front of the camera.

Even if there are no extra movements or special expressions, just stand there quietly and you can quietly exude a unique aura.

The day before yesterday, David Klein felt this in his office, and today, he proved that his vision was not wrong.

You can see it directly from the reaction in the studio.

David Klein glanced to the side with his peripheral vision, and then saw Marta's dumbfounded expression, unable to hide his surprise at all.

A smile crept onto the corner of David Klein's mouth, and his eyes fell on Anson again. This kid actually has a surprise?

Even if it's a true performance, so what?

Just look good!

In a flash of lightning, they passed each other, and then Paul and Rose moved on.

Here, Paul walked towards Elizabeth.

Elizabeth glared at Paul and protested with her eyes; but Paul innocently raised his hands and spread them out to show that he had not done anything.

Over there, Ross walked towards his friends.

Ross held his head, turned around, staggered forward, and fell on Monica and Chandler, half hugging and half hanging.

Moreover, he might as well be more exaggerated and start shouting with a bit of crying.

"Oh, God, thank you."

The effect came out immediately, completing a circle, and the rhythm and atmosphere of this scene seamlessly switched back to the original established track.

It was this fluttering and crying that once again showed David Schwimmer's experience and skills as an actor. After the accident, he quickly regained the status of the character.


Amid the laughter in the audience, the three actors Matthew Perry, Courteney Cox, and Lisa Kudrow also understood it deeply——

As long as the director doesn't call a break, the show will continue.

Matthew, who plays Chandler, reacted very promptly, with a look of disgust on his face. He waved his hands to swat flies and spat, and shook Ross away, as if he was shaking off something dirty. He responded just right. It was a perfect ending to the temporary performance in front of me.

At this time, Ross had also regained his composure. He moved horizontally like a crab and came to the side of Paul and Elizabeth. He placed his left hand next to his thigh and kept waving, asking the three friends to come closer.

"Stevens, these are my friends, Phoebe, Monica, Chandler."

Phoebe was initially reluctant, but once her steps were in place, she couldn't help but take a small half-step forward, boldly and directly looking Paul up and down.

"Oh, so you are Elizabeth's father? No wonder she has a... rough beauty."


The laughter surged again, and Phoebe's choice of adjectives was truly unique.

Rose's face was full of panic, and he quickly wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead, "No, Phoebe, this is Elizabeth's brother."

Phoebe's eyes lit up and she responded meaningfully, "Oh."

The words were filled with joy and excitement, and then Phoebe boldly licked her lips with her tongue.

Haha, hahaha!

The laughter became even crazier.

(End of this chapter)

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