The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 36 Completed in one breath

Chapter 36 Done in one go

Rose's explanation failed to stop Phoebe, not only did it not, but the situation worsened, and Phoebe became bolder and more direct in her temptation.

That restless tongue really makes people laugh.

Fortunately, Monica squeezed out from behind and stopped Phoebe in time, but it seemed that Monica's purpose was not that simple.

While fidgeting with her hair, Monica looked at Paul secretly with a shy smile, "Is there a Mrs. Stevens there?"

Before Paul could speak, Chandler reminded him with an awkward smile, "Ahem, there is a Mr. Bing here."

Amidst the laughter, Monica quickly looked away, returned to Chandler's side, touched the back of her neck awkwardly, and looked back at her boyfriend:


Ho, ho ho ho!
The booing in the studio couldn't stop. After all, the main storyline of this season is the emotional progress of Monica and Chandler.

But... Gloria had to admit that she couldn't blame Phoebe and Monica because she felt the same way.

Although she was watching a performance and watching the live filming of "Friends" where she was looking forward to the stars and the moon, things seemed different now.

My eyes always circle around Paul involuntarily, even when others are talking. I can't help but want to capture that man's figure, his smile, his eyes, his movements, his posture, and his mood for no reason. Joy, it turns out that happiness is so simple.

See, that's it at this point.

Gloria saw the smile on Paul's lips rising slightly, and the corners of her lips also rose in a similar arc.

Paul's smile was not shy or reserved, but he accepted the compliments calmly, without appearing arrogant, and faced his gaze calmly and generously.


"But I have a daughter. Her mother passed away shortly after she was born. I'm trying to learn to be a good father."

Phoebe and Monica said in unison, covering their chests with their right hands, expressing deep condolences, "Oh."

I don't know when, Monica left Chandler again and stood next to Phoebe. The two of them stood side by side, leaning slightly against each other like sisters. Their expressions, movements and voices were completely synchronized, exuding a feeling of regret. and mixed emotions of joy, sympathy and care.

Women always have a special fondness for single dads, and this time is no exception.

Paul lowered his eyelids, and the light in the depths of his pupils disappeared, but the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and that touch of chicness and romance bloomed in the graceful arc.

"I get this reaction all the time."

There is no humility.

Moreover, he also showed off a little bit.

That tone and expression were a little showy and unassuming, but had a sense of romance of their own. The women in the studio burst into laughter.

And the men:? ? ?
off the field.

David Klein glanced at Marta and expressed with his eyes: So, this is the effect you expected when you designed this plot?
Marta noticed the warmth of her eyes, subconsciously looked up, and suddenly panicked. Her nymphomaniac look just now must not have been noticed, right?
In a hurry, he tightened the corners of his raised mouth, his face was full of seriousness, even a little stern, and he glared back with a cover-up.

David Klein smiled but said nothing and looked forward again.

"it is good!"

Ross was a little anxious.

Seeing that the focus of the discussion was completely focused on Paul, things went off the track, and he quickly clapped his hands and gave a high-five to attract his attention.

Although clumsy and crude, it works.

Ross forcibly changed the subject.

"Why don't we sit down first, what do you think?"

Ha ha.

Rose's smile was very forced, but he still managed to pull himself together and motioned for everyone to sit down on the iconic ginger chair in the center of the cafe. "And me, I'll help everyone order coffee."

Monica and the others found their familiar positions with ease, while Ross guided Paul and Elizabeth to sit down at the small round table next to them.

As a habit, Ross tried to help Elizabeth pull out the chair, but unexpectedly, when he pulled it with his hands, the chair didn't move at all.

Looking down, Paul was holding down the chair with only one hand.

Ross blinked, "Uh," and looked up at Paul with a flattering smile, "Why don't you come? Come on."


Like an Eskimo, Ross kept rubbing his hands together and carefully and slowly retreated, creating a clear gap.

Paul withdrew his gaze and looked at Elizabeth. When he met Elizabeth's eyes, he showed a harmless smile and pulled out his chair.

His face changed in a second.

But Elizabeth was not an idiot. She could see the tension between Paul and Rose, and she looked at Paul with helplessness and condemned him.

Paul shrugged lightly, his face calm and innocent, as if he didn't know what Elizabeth meant at all.

This picture——

Gloria knew that the focus was actually on Ross now, and everyone else was in the background. The eyes and body language in the background could be seen in the camera but no one cared about it, but she still noticed Paul and Elizabeth immediately. The interaction can't help but smile.

Paul, as the older brother, is really love-hate, right?
And as a man, it is like a treasure.

Ross came to the ginger sofa and raised his voice and said to his friends, "As for you, why don't you just chat for a while, just talk about whatever comes to mind."

After speaking, Ross glanced behind him with his peripheral vision, then faced his friend, secretly pointing his finger at himself, "Me, talk about me more."

This is the reason why Ross invites friends and companions, he needs them to be his backing——

He needs to clear his position so that his friends can praise him openly.

It is always inconvenient for the parties involved to be present at the scene.

So, with a turn, Ross finally left, but why did that action look strange?
The steps are obviously forward, but the upper body is always tilted back, especially the ears, which are elongated to eavesdrop, and the back has a look of reluctance.


Sure enough, comedy is not limited to language and expressions. Body language and the sparks of the entire situation can also bring smiles.


At this moment, director Michael's voice came from above the studio, but it was not because someone made a mistake, but because the first shooting of this scene was over.

at last!

The smooth shooting was completed in one go and finally ended.

Then, all the eyes of the audience were bustling in the direction of the source of the sound, including David Klein and Marta.

Outside the set, the producer spoke.

Inside the set, the director spoke.

During this filming, no matter how the bystanders feel, the director still needs to judge whether it is good or bad, and whether it needs modification or adjustment.

This is especially true for the live audience. Without the director's order, they cannot easily make a sound, otherwise it will ruin the filming progress, which would be terrible.

As a result, Michael was surrounded by thousands of scorching eyes, and the air was faintly burning. You could feel the temperature rising, and you had to do your best to suppress the surge of excitement, excitement, and excitement, just waiting for the director's order. Only then can this end.

Michael, “Perfect!”

(End of this chapter)

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