The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 358 Facing the paparazzi

Chapter 358 Facing the paparazzi
Innocent and charming, fragile but strong, Winona has a special temperament in her body. This is why she was called a "genius girl" in the 1990s. Her presence really lit up the big screen.

At this time, standing in the crowded show field, she also quietly declared her presence, unassuming but still bright.

After a pause, Winona stood up straight and stretched out her right hand towards Anson, "Winona Ryder."

The slender arms stretched out straight and stubbornly, the palms were fully stretched, and the eyes looked at Anson sincerely. Compared with the verbose self-introduction, the concise and clear eyes and gestures conveyed more information.

"Wood. Anson-Wood." Anson held Winona's right hand.

Winona smiled and said, "Oh, so you are Anson Wood."

Anson raised his eyebrows lightly.

Winona explained, "Standing here, my ears have no time to spare. A certain name has crossed over more than once or twice, and now it finally matches."

Anson chuckled, "It seems I need to be more cautious. If I accidentally do something bad, I will be exposed immediately."

Winona gently raised her chin, her slightly tired eyebrows gently stretched out, like the sparse white clouds with fish scales on the sky in midsummer in June, and her smile danced lightly in her eyes and corners of her mouth.

"Shh," she said.

The two exchanged glances and laughed softly.

Then, after letting go of her right hand, Winona seemed to relax a little and breathed out gently, "Thank you."

Anson, "Huh?"

Winona pointed to the scarf on her shoulder and the handkerchief in her left hand, "I just made a special trip to express my gratitude. I was worried that I might accidentally miss you, and then I would have to ask Anna for help."

"God, I'm worried she might not answer my call."

He complained a little to himself.

"But, anyway, thanks, you know..."


He let out a long breath, and his expression inadvertently showed a hint of sadness.

"Here, at fashion week, everyone is worried about how they will look when they appear in magazines and newspapers, and no one will notice the embarrassment of others."

"I'm sorry, I'm not implying anyone, I'm just talking about myself. To put my best foot forward today and prove that I'm not depressed, I eat some grass with every meal, drink a lot of alcohol, and then, poof... I My internal organs made a strong protest."

"Look, the clown is me."

Unconsciously, Winona talked a little too much.

She also realized it, and there was a hint of loneliness in her expression, which was fleeting, and she tried hard to raise the corners of her mouth to hide her true emotions——

She looked a little fragile, as if she had more than just a stomachache.

"Anyway, I need to thank you."


Before Anson could speak, Winona ended the conversation herself, then smiled broadly and tried to look cheerful.

"Then, that's it for today. Haha, trust me, you don't want to be spotted with me by those paparazzi. Maybe you will be on page six tomorrow, looking embarrassed and ugly."

The sixth page of a newspaper is often the entertainment page. If it is some inferior newspaper, it is often gossip and gossip——

Mainly based on scandals.

Ansem can detect that Winona and others are sharp, like hedgehogs, but those spikes are not to hurt others, but to protect themselves. They use the spikes to scare away the other party before they get close.

Anson knows this all too well. In his previous life, he was like this in the two years when those things happened. This was the only way for him to protect himself, in a way that hurt the world and himself, but he completely forgot about it. He just kept covering the wound and slowly rotted away. .

The words were already on his lips, but he swallowed them in the end.

She doesn't need sympathy or charity.

Anson smiled and said, "I'm very happy to be able to help."

Click till.

Winona was stunned for a moment, raised her head and glanced at Anson quickly, showing some surprise, but it was fleeting, and then she covered it up, pretending to be calm and said, "I hope we have a chance to meet again next time."

After saying that, Winona turned around and prepared to leave before Anson could speak.

Turning a corner, Winona's figure had already left the tent and walked out, without even giving Anson a chance to say goodbye; but Anson didn't mind, turned around and looked around, continuing to look for Edgar and Eddie, but suddenly saw, The tent entrance reopened, and a figure left and came back.

Involuntarily, Anson was stunned.

Anson looked at Winona, and Winona looked at Anson. Their eyes met and they looked at each other. The air suddenly became quiet, and an awkward atmosphere spread.

Anson noticed the shock in Winona's expression, and took a closer look at the roar of the shutter outside the tent and the voice that continued to call Winona. Combined with Winona's words just now, the answer came out——


Actually, Anson was a little surprised. Is there any news about Winona recently? Why do the paparazzi still catch Winona even during Paris Fashion Week?
After all, fashion week is so star-studded that there is plenty of fodder for the paparazzi.

But after searching his memory, Anson didn't find the corresponding answer.

Or did Anson guess wrong?
Anson took a step forward and was about to go out of the tent to find out what was going on, but Winona stopped him one step ahead, "No, don't go out. There are paparazzi outside now, and they will eat you alive."

"How?" Anson asked.

Winona was stunned, "Huh?"

Anson, "How to eat me alive?"

Winona blinked, unexpectedly being asked.

Anson smiled, "I understand what you mean, this is just a metaphor; but I am also serious, those paparazzi should not dare to really hurt you."

Winona was a little ridiculous, angry and speechless, with many expressions on her face. "The camera is their weapon. They will surround you and attack you, and then expose your most embarrassing and ugliest side."

"You haven't experienced it. You don't know that it is a nightmare that you don't want to wake up from. People don't know the truth at all, but they look at the most shocking and explosive scene intercepted by the paparazzi and judge you. They despise you, attack you, slander you, and destroy you. You It’s like a cockroach, everyone is trying to spit on you and kill you.”

"In their lenses, you will feel that you are ugly, dirty, twisted and disgusting. You will feel that you are worthless and nothing!"

Even though it cannot be seen with the naked eye, one can still feel the wound deep in Winona's soul at this time. It is dripping with blood, bloody and bloody, and has long been disfigured.

"But we have nowhere to escape, right?" Anson asked back.

Winona tried to refute, but when she opened her mouth, she denied herself. The turbulent emotions got stuck without warning, and she was stunned like this.

Anson continued, "I mean, we can't control them, we can't make them stop, the initiative is always in their hands; the only thing we can control is ourselves, our own posture and movements."

The gossip and scandals will not stop.

Those injuries and attacks will not stop because of the pain of the person involved, because in the media - in the future network, you are just a label, a set of data, and an image, without flesh and blood, and people can put your personal information without any burden or guilt. The soul is torn into countless pieces.

They won't stop.

Not now and not in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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