Chapter 359 Aboveboard
In the past, journalism believed that the backlash of public opinion would only affect public figures; but with the comprehensive development of the Internet, the definition of public opinion has become wider and wider, and the definition of public figures has become more and more blurred. The harm of backlash is also spreading across the board, and ordinary individuals May also be the target of attacks.

In other words, the harm will not stop. The range of perpetrators and victims is expanding and is no longer limited to paparazzi and entertainers.


They have nowhere to run.

Anson is pessimistic about this, because he has experienced the violence of social networks, which is overwhelming and pervasive; but at the same time, Anson is also optimistic, because he has experienced hardships and rebirth, and he knows that he is stronger than them.

Winona looked at Anson, her pupils trembled slightly, not sure she understood what Anson meant, "So, do you mean we're just going to catch him like this?"

Anson shook his head and did not speak in a hurry. Instead, he raised the corners of his mouth slightly. The shallow smile naturally revealed a touch of confidence and calmness, as well as a hint of mischievous cunning. "No, I mean we break through head-on."

Winona was stunned.

Anson continued, "What do the paparazzi want to see? They surround you and pursue you, invade your life pervasively, and launch attacks using camera lenses as weapons. In essence, they want to catch you at the moment when you lose your composure."

"Your embarrassment, your fear, your vulnerability, your collapse, the crazier the better, the more exciting the better, this is their real purpose."

"In the whirlpool of negative events, your haggardness and loss will become their weapons to attack you, and your sadness and pain will become the talking points for entertaining the public."

"But what if you don't?"

"You are calm and calm, you are calm and generous, you still live your own life, you do not fall into negative emotions and stay where you are. When others try to laugh at you, you have moved on."

"You can't arouse any interest like this. At most, people will complain that you are cold-blooded and that you are like a robot. But the point is that no one is interested in the daily life of a robot, because it is just a bunch of 1's and 0's programs."


Winona herself didn't realize that she could still smile in such an embarrassing predicament, but looking at Anson, the smile gently climbed to the corners of her mouth, and the haze hanging over her head seemed to quietly dissipate.

The smile still lingered on the corner of her mouth, but Winona was still uncontrollably nervous. She looked back at the tent door, and the lingering fear surged into her heart again, and her brows inevitably became disappointed, "It's easy to say, but how can things be so simple? "

Anson understood that everything was the same. Talking on paper seemed easy, just using words; but after personal experience, he realized that the pain, struggle and hesitation were not that simple.

Anson thought for a while, "How about you go out with me?"

Winona's first reaction was to shake her head, "No, I can't implicate you." She shook her head again, "You have given me too much help today, I can't drag you into this muddy water."

Anson's face was calm, "How do you know that I'm not using you?"

Winona's expression visibly stiffened.

The traces of being hurt never disappear.

However, Anson did not avoid his gaze and met Winona's eyes calmly.

In fact, from Anson's point of view, this is just a piece of cake. He needs to get out of here. Before the wolves and leopards in the fashion industry swarm in and bite, Winona is obviously a much better shield than Edgar. ; Helping Winona is also helping yourself——

This is called helping each other.

Winona looked at Anson's eyes and wavered for a moment:
Anson did help a lot in today's encounter; but the stress reaction to the injury made her start to question the whole process. Even if her reason told her that it was not necessary, the pain deep in her soul was still gently tugging.

Then, Anson made an inviting gesture.

Between hesitation and swaying, Winona finally took Anson's left arm, stepped forward uneasily and nervously, and walked towards the exit again.

Close. Closer.

"Relax. Smile. Just like preparing to dive, hold your breath in advance and meet the challenge with perfect posture."

Anson's voice came to her ears, and Winona realized that she couldn't help but become nervous again, and then she could hear a joking joke.

"Just use me as an oxygen tank. This is not a deep dive, but you still brought an oxygen tank. It's overkill, and you seem to be overly prepared."

Poof, Winona couldn't hold it back, and her smile completely bloomed.


The tent curtain was opened, and the dull sunshine of Paris poured down, but then the flash came over, swallowing Anson and Winona in an instant.


The smile is fixed like this.

Everything seems to be carefully designed and just a performance; however, Winona's smile is so natural that it seems to light up the whole world. Looking at Anson's relaxed and freehand style, the freeze-frame scene reveals a naturalness that makes it so natural. The paparazzi in front of them were stunned.

Isn't this wrong?

Anson was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he stood at the door of the tent and looked up. Although the number of media was not as exaggerated as in the opening scene, the shots of long guns and short guns were still very threatening.

Then you can see some figures in light clothes, ready to start, mixed in the crowd. You can tell they are paparazzi at a glance.

Anson looked over and leaned slightly closer to Winona, "Are they those? Familiar old faces?"

Winona subconsciously looked away, "Don't look at them."

Anson also understood that if you deliberately provoke the paparazzi, it would probably hurt both sides; but there was no need to avoid it. Anson looked at it calmly and said, "Winona, how long do you think that paparazzi has been in the industry? Before he became a paparazzi, he was a reporter. Is it? Or is it a photographer?"

Winona:? ? ?

Most people are like this. When faced with a general, huge and magnificent thing, it is easy to feel fear, because the power of an individual is too small after all; but if faced with a specific image of an independent individual, fear can be effectively controlled. .

Paparazzi, that’s it.

Imagine yourself facing a group of paparazzi, an indeterminate number of people, who represent endless possibilities for doing whatever they can.

But imagine yourself facing a thirty-year-old passerby who is worried about baldness. He likes pizza, French fries, and a lot of extra ketchup. He often spills ketchup on his pants clumsily while being watched in the car. Such a specific The image is less scary.

In fact, paparazzi are human beings too.

Anson raised his chin slightly, "I think he simply liked a certain actress and was even obsessed with it, and then imagined that he could get up close to her, and then he became a photographer and then took paparazzi as a career."

"Which actor do you think he likes?"

Winona followed Anson's line of sight and looked over. The black shadow with claws and teeth slowly became more concrete, and her thoughts couldn't help but be involved, "Uh, Audrey Hepburn?"

Wait, why does something seem a little wrong?

(End of this chapter)

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