Chapter 361 Deadlock
Crazy, incredibly crazy, every pore on the skin can clearly feel this energy sweeping through.

The whole place was in chaos.

At the first moment, Anson noticed Winona's panic and nervousness.

No wonder artists want to run away.

At this time, Anson was also startled. Subconsciously, Anson made a wrong move and stood in front of Winona, blocking all the paparazzi's shots.

Winona hunched her shoulders and hid behind Anson, reflexively holding Anson's forearm tightly, shivering uncontrollably. Those terrible dark memories instantly overwhelmed her, almost becoming an instinctive reaction——

The front legs thought they had escaped, but the back legs were surrounded by overwhelming flash lights.

Winona tried to call for help, but her voice was stuck in her throat, unable to come out at all. She was slowly swallowed by the darkness. The helplessness and fear weighed on her heart, making her almost breathless.

There is nowhere to escape.

On a physical level, but also on a spiritual level.

However, Anson remained unfazed.

She didn't speak in a hurry, but waited patiently for a while, waiting for the first wave of paparazzi's impact to subside a little. After using her face and body to bear it forcefully, she saw that the questioning and siege might be endless, and then she spoke, "Tell me Me, what do you want, if it’s an analysis chart of my skin condition, you can actually ask directly.”


What about panicking? What about losing control of your emotions? What about being furious?

In this brief moment, the pursuit and containment at the scene paused for a moment. The paparazzi were digesting the entire situation and trying to clear their minds; but this time, Anson did not give them a chance.

The next second, Anson started making faces——


Anson was not polite, and used all the grimace skills he learned from Anne, no matter how ugly it is, "If it's a photo of a grimace, you can just ask. I'm willing to cooperate, but there's really no need to get so close. Jesus Christ, the flash almost blinded me, so you’ve got the ugliest photo of the year, right?”

The air is a little quiet.

The paparazzi were all stunned. Things were completely different from what they imagined.

Looking at Anson, whose face was calm and calm, one or two of them retracted the camera lens slightly; but then they nervously poked it out again, fearing that this was a trap to lure the tiger away from the mountain, so they relaxed their vigilance, and Anson might Will escape with Winona.

However, it did not.

Anson still stood there with a relaxed face, and even made a face again in response to the flash, which shocked the paparazzi who suddenly attacked; but his body movements did not relax, and he strictly protected Winona behind him, which made The paparazzi looked particularly stupid in their actions.

Obviously, the routine that paparazzi are familiar with does not apply to Anson at all.


Finally, someone couldn't help it, and a smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth——

Such a scene is really funny.

But the paparazzi themselves also knew that they were grabbing news and should be serious. So, one or two of them controlled themselves to avoid making any noise with their smiles, but they still couldn't help but change their gaze, either looking at the sky or the ground.

So, what’s next?

The paparazzi did not continue to attack Anson, but they also refused to give up their position. The two sides were just deadlocked in place? This is an endless loop.

Paparazzi have no sympathy and will not stop until their goals are achieved.

Unexpectedly, it was Anson who broke the deadlock again.

"what's next?"

Anson raised the question openly.

"I would like to state here that you can take pictures and you can follow me, but Ms. Reid will not respond to any questions, and of course I will too."

--deadlock. "Why not, let me tell you, we will walk along this road to the Seine River, and then take a walk along the river to enjoy Paris in the autumn."

"We will not suddenly run away, and you are welcome to follow, but there is really no need to engage in those battles. You don't want to hurt us, and neither do we."

Anson looked calm.

The paparazzi looked at each other, confused. No one could figure out what kind of medicine Anson was selling in the gourd. The air suddenly became quiet. No one continued to attack, but no one easily got out of the encirclement.

Then, at this moment, there was finally a paparazzi who was not satisfied with Anson's control of the situation.


"What if we don't want to?"

Haha, a burst of laughter——

In front of the paparazzi, no one can bargain, absolutely no one!
Looking at Anson's young and handsome face, it has obviously not been exposed to wind and rain, nor has it experienced the hardships of the entertainment industry. It is so innocent.

Just look at Winona.

Winona pulled Anson's arm and said softly in a mosquito-like voice, "Anson, I, I can handle it, just leave now."

Although her voice was trembling slightly, Winona really didn't want to implicate Anson anymore. Anson had already helped enough today, and she couldn't drag Anson into the water.

Anson chuckled twice, "Haha."

But she did not respond to Winona, but looked in the direction of the source of the sound just now, "Excuse me, what is your name?"

They didn't understand the direction of the conversation, but the paparazzi was not afraid at all. He was ready to answer when he opened his mouth and contradicted her head-on.

What, how prepared is Anson to know his name? Send him a legal letter?

Who is a paparazzi without some lawsuits and personal injunctions? They rely on these breakthroughs and offenses to make a living, so how can they be afraid?
But unexpectedly, Anson didn't even wait for an answer and said, "Jerry, you must be Jerry, Jerry-Lewis, right?"

Jerry Lewis is a legendary American comedian. Although the younger generation is no longer familiar with him, he has a profound influence on the entire American comedy industry and can be described as a generational giant.

Jerry's most famous work is his partnership with Dean-Martin, who is both solemn and humorous, creating laughter with his clown-like self-deprecation and teasing.

"So, this guy next to you should be the legendary Dean Martin, right?"

"Jerry did the talking and Dean did the dancing, like a clown with a monkey."


The atmosphere at the scene was a bit subtle.

Because no one expected Anson's reaction, the development of the whole thing quietly went off track, and the paparazzi also had a look of astonishment on his face.

"Let's imagine what happens next."

"You need photos, you need responses, you need interactions, otherwise no newspaper or magazine will buy your news, that's how it works, right?"

"So, we refuse to cooperate, you refuse to leave, and things remain deadlocked here until nightfall. This is a dead end."

"Oh, no, no, my agent should be looking for me. Other media should be curious when they see what's going on here."

"Then, let's deduce the development of the story."

"We will cooperate with the interview with practical actions but refuse to compromise with the paparazzi. We will insist on our rights and interests until the Paris police are dispatched, but we will not accuse. We will be like the bedrooms of John Lennon and Yoko Ono It’s like protesting to express one’s opinions and then leave the judgment to the public.”

"Hey guys, who do you think the rest of the media and the general public are going to side with?"

The smile blooms, and the light in the eyes blooms in the autumn of Paris.

(End of this chapter)

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