The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 362 Before Sunset

Chapter 362 Before Sunset
In my ears, I can catch the noise, the wind brings bustling crowds and rustling chaos. The turbulent crowds coming and going during Paris Fashion Week are slowly being attracted to this corner, gathering quietly, and they can be seen from the space. Feel the rolling waves of people gathering.

The atmosphere suddenly became subtle——

Anson and Winona's openness and generosity instantly put the paparazzi at a disadvantage.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the paparazzi are now besieging Guangmingding.

So, what to do?
In the crowd, the paparazzi could feel Anson's bright gaze falling on him, and the surface of his skin was slightly hot, stinging his pride.

When had the paparazzi ever been so embarrassed in front of the target of siege?
He raised his voice and said, "Is this a threat?"

Preemptively strike, and the bad guy will complain first. This is a trick that paparazzi are all too familiar with.

Anson smiled.


The corners of his mouth raised lightly, but his eyes were still clear.

"I'm guessing you have some misunderstanding of what a threat is?"

"This is negotiation, this is consultation, this is communication."

"Of course, if you want it to turn into a threat, I have no problem with it. Mr. Jerry Lewis, are you threatening that we must cooperate or you will hurt us?"

Counterattack, this is coming.

The paparazzi was stunned and said, "My name is not Jerry Lewis."

Anson shrugged lightly, "If you say yes."

What's that nonchalant attitude about?

Seeing the paparazzi's face flushed and looking like he was about to explode in the next second, the other paparazzi around him looked at each other in confusion. Those who know the current situation are heroes.

Not because they were afraid that Anson would kill them all, but because Anson was right. The paparazzi were just there to make ends meet. Since Anson and Winona were cooperating, there was no need for them to kill them all to avoid cutting off their escape route.

Of course, the most important reason is that Anson just stood there with a calm face, no hot spots, no gimmicks and no news.

Are they really planning to stay here forever?

Someone moved to get out of the way.

With the first there comes the second, and a passage slowly appears in the dense encirclement, just like Moses standing in front of the Red Sea and casting magic.

That "Jerry Lewis":? ? ?

I can't believe my eyes, so what's going on here?
The same goes for Winona.

They have always been embarrassed and embarrassed by the paparazzi. Just look at Leonardo DiCaprio and Dustin Hoffman.

They are always dodging and running away, and even have to do bizarre things.

For example, Leonardo covers his head with a shopping bag, or pulls the zipper of his hat all the way to the top to completely hide his cheeks in his clothes.

For example, Dustin hides behind a trash can or a telephone pole. Whatever he can find nearby, he hides himself temporarily.

In fact, they are not stupid. They also know that they cannot hide themselves in this way. Only a seven-year-old child would believe that he can hide behind a telephone pole without being discovered; but why do they still insist on doing this?

A gesture.

Because they know they have nowhere to escape. The paparazzi are like lingering flies. As long as they are still breathing, they cannot get rid of these flies; but this does not mean that they are willing to compromise. At least they need to express their attitude in such a way. Protest, a little rebellion.

However, Anson gave another attitude - he did not escape or dodge, but showed rebellion in different ways: he would not disrupt his life because of the presence of paparazzi; he would not shrink from the siege of paparazzi. Trembling with fear.

He has his own life.

Winona was a little stunned. She didn't know how Anson did it, but the fact was that Anson did it and escaped unscathed from the paparazzi.

In full view of everyone, Anson and Winona left the encirclement in a hurry.

Winona cautiously and sensitively glanced back at the paparazzi who had not dispersed, then quickly looked back at Anson, "Shall we run away now?"

Even Winona thought Anson's words just now were a delaying measure.

Anson smiled and said seriously, "No, we won't run away."

Winona was stunned.

Anson, "They'll still follow, but they'll soon realize there's nothing worth photographing."

"Actually, they are not complicated. They want to be exciting and have gimmicks, just like sharks want to see blood; but if these are not available, they will soon become bored and leave on their own without us driving them away."

Winona expressed doubt, "Really?"

Anson lightly shrugged, "Actually, we are all just ordinary people. Just because we have a job standing on a big screen does not give us superpowers. We still need to eat and drink water, and we still don't know how to To move instantaneously, you still need to rely on your legs to walk.”

"Ha." Winona couldn't help but laugh loudly.

She was a little nervous, like a fox on the ice in winter. She would calm down and catch the slightest disturbance, ready to escape at any time.

Subconsciously, Winona looked back again——

The paparazzi didn't leave, but they didn't come near either. They followed them neither far nor close.

Anson and Winona fulfilled their promise and walked along the road towards the Seine River; the paparazzi did not attack, but Winona discovered a detail.

"They are nervous." Winona looked at Anson as if she had discovered a new world.

Anson nodded, "They are worried that we may escape at any time, so they need to tighten their nerves all the time, but we don't need to."

"It's the same as usual."

"They try to dig out flashpoints to create conflicts. They need to stay tense. If we are involved and break the rules of our lives, then we become victims; but if we choose to ignore it and continue to insist on our own rhythms of life, they It won’t cause any trouble, on the contrary, they are the victims of this profession.”

"How do you say that?"

"Like flies. Yes, paparazzi are like flies."

Winona was still tensed, and looked back again, only to find that the paparazzi immediately raised their cameras because of her actions, and the conditioned reflex movements were spectacular, but she was still strolling leisurely.

This made Winona slightly raise the corners of her mouth, and even raised her right hand to wave at the paparazzi, as if she was playing a prank——

Click, click, click.

Winona laughed happily, with a smile on her eyes, brows, and lips. She patted Anson's arm, "Did you just see that?"

Anson also laughed, "If you try a few more times, they will get tired, then they will get bored, and finally they will disappear."

"So, there's really no need for us to ruin our lives because of them. Look, it would be a shame to miss out on the beauty in front of you."

Winona didn't know why, but the smile was still on her lips. She followed Anson's line of sight and saw a bright and warm orange rippling gently on the Seine River. The breeze was blowing, the leaves were whirling, and the whole world was enveloped in glory. Time passed by. It is frozen at this moment, making people unable to take their eyes away.

(End of this chapter)

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