The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 384 A stroke of genius

Chapter 384 A stroke of genius

He just felt suffocated, as if a pair of invisible hands were tightly locking his throat. He couldn't breathe and couldn't make a sound. The world was roaring, spinning... falling apart, and all the faces and pictures in his field of vision were peeling off.

Where is the father? Silent, he was avoiding his calls for help and his questions, trying to whitewash the peace, but it was clear that he was no longer peaceful.

Where is the mother? She was so focused on getting him to sign that she didn't even have time to tell him what was going on, and there was no breathing room at all.

So, what should he do?
What else can I do?
"...Write your father's or mother's name. You don't have to worry, but when you come back to this room, I want to see the name written on that line."

"Frank, just write down a name and this thing will be over, haha, everything will be fine."


He just wanted to escape, far away from here.

As long as he escapes far enough, everything that happens here can be left far behind. Press the pause button, and there will be no way for his father and mother to divorce. Until he finds a way, he can solve all problems like a superhero.

He would find a way to save this, he would.

But, but...

What should I do?
Suddenly, he was hit and was at a loss.

He raised his head and looked forward, and involuntarily froze on the spot, forgetting to think, move, or even breathe, and just stared straight ahead.

Silent, breathless.

However, you can clearly see that the world in those blue eyes is falling apart bit by bit. In ten times slow motion, you can even see the peeling off of those bricks, dust, and fragments, and the clear and deep blue reflection. Follow every detail of the action.

It turns out that they can really see the process of the destruction of a world, just like the ending of "Fight Club", quietly watching everything happen.

No anger, no fear, no roaring, nothing.

There was just silence. Deathly silence.

Then, the surrounding noise and hustle and bustle gradually faded away until they completely disappeared.

The entire set was completely stunned.

Originally, no one cared about this scene. What age has it been now? The divorce rate remains high and has long become an ordinary thing in people's daily lives. There is really no need to make a fuss. Whether they are couples or children, they all I should feel more at ease.

But reality is not like that.

Some people don't care, some people care. This thing will not become less hurtful just because it becomes more and more common. For some people, it is still a huge gash. When you pull it, you can see the bones. It is difficult to heal.

A family is a world.

At least, for little Frank Abagnale, that was still the case, and those beautiful, happy and magnificent dreams turned into bubbles.

He didn't yell, he didn't cry, he didn't even burst into tears.

He was just stunned, as if he could clearly see the light in those blue eyes dimming little by little, and the whole world fell into darkness.

But there is a kind of power that can destroy the world.

He looked at the camera as if he was looking at everyone in front of him——

One or two of them, involuntarily, turned and avoided their eyes.

Just two minutes ago, they were complaining and complaining, and the only thought in their minds was to get off work; but now, they were witnessing a child's world being shattered, and they felt unbearable and gripped their hearts.

Just like that, hold your breath.


He caught his father's voice in the commotion. He turned around and looked around, his eyes searching in the void with focus, "Dad, what's your name?"

He didn't get an answer, at least not from his father.

Christopher avoided his gaze again, even though this time the gaze did not fall on him at all, but he could not face Anson's eyes and lowered his eyes in embarrassment.

The lawyer stepped in and fulfilled his duty, "For your mother or your father, write your name there, it's that simple."

"Don't be afraid, this is not a test, there are no wrong answers." The lawyer raised the ballpoint pen in his hand and placed it in front of little Frank's eyes.

He was slightly startled——

It was not until this moment that fear suddenly grabbed hold of the heart and shrank it hard. If it was harder and harder, it would almost crush the heart.


Anson gasped and held his breath.

The nightmare is back.

There was no tension, no anxiety, no timidity. Instead, his facial features slowly relaxed and he looked particularly calm. Even the trembling in his pupils had disappeared.

All was calm.

Like the scene before a hurricane, an abnormally deep calm.

In his pupils, there was only ruins, everything was still, and there was deathly silence.

For a brief moment, the entire world pressed the pause button, time and space stopped, and even the sounds of breathing and heartbeat disappeared.

At this moment——


He breathed again.

It was just a breath, but all the energy was detonated in one breath. There was a roar above the eardrums, and bursts of energy continued to surge.

The explosion just happened. Even if you don't have to see it with your own eyes, you can still imagine the sky falling apart, the mountains roaring, and the tsunami. A wave of sadness and bitterness just grabbed the ankle, held it firmly, and then——

come down.

Falling freely, falling into the infinite abyss, being swallowed by darkness, and seemingly never reaching the bottom.

A moment, a freeze, and it becomes eternity.

The camera is firmly locked on the face in front of you, a close-up, a focus, the light and shadow carefully capture all the details in the face and eyes, but make the light become light and gentle, falling brokenly between the eyebrows.

At this moment, everyone was deeply immersed in that emotion and couldn't extricate themselves.

Not only the audience, but also the two senior actors Christopher and Natalie were completely involved in it, as if they were really going through a divorce, and as if they were really destroying Little Frank's world with their own hands.

Christopher tried to make some noise, but found that everything was too weak and too pale. He turned his head away from his eyes in embarrassment.

Natalie's words came to her lips, "Write me," but she couldn't speak. The worst part was here, she wasn't sure whether she wanted little Frank to write her name.

Suddenly, Natalie remembered what Anson said to her before the shooting.

"do you know?"

"In real life, Frank Jr. never saw Frank Sr. again. The last time they met was Frank Sr. avoiding his eyes and refusing to give any answers."

"And Frank Jr. only saw Paula once. Paula later remarried and had other children, and they did not keep in touch."

Reality, breaking the fourth wall and intruding into the cinematic lens.

Natalie was stunned when she looked at the face in front of her and that look in her eyes——

It turns out that this is indeed the collapse of a world that can never be undone.

One second. Two seconds.

No one spoke and no one dared to break the silence for a moment, for fear that any sound would turn the barely-maintained world in front of them into fragments all over the ground, until there was a roar in their ears.


However, instead of breathing a sigh of relief, his heart sank deeply and he escaped into darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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