The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 385 1 exciting spirit

Chapter 385 A thrilling spirit


Long, long, Anson let out a breath, letting out all the turbid air that was heavy in his chest, but he still couldn't feel the fresh air.

He was very calm, very calm. His mind was blank, without any negative emotions, no sadness, no anger, no disappointment, no pain. There was only peace, like the endless deep sea in the darkness.


My chest was burning, as if there was a weak flame burning. It was not fierce or hot, it just continued to burn quietly.

Looking up, you can see that the whole room is extremely crowded with people, and the field of vision is filled with figures, and there is no room to stand.

Involuntarily, he was stunned——

Who is he, where is he, what is he doing?
Everything becomes blurry.

For a moment, he seemed to have returned to his previous life, to that nightmare afternoon again. The bank seals, the neighbors' onlookers, and the victim's heart-rending shouts filled his vision and hearing, and his brain was about to explode.

For a while, it seemed like I was going down a rabbit hole, like Alice in Wonderland, because the dream was too real to distinguish between reality and illusion. I saw a sleeping figure through the keyhole but I didn't know what to call.

Little Frank? Or Anson?

Someone at the shooting scene finally came to their senses and slowly returned to reality from the shock and impact. Their minds were filled with roaring emotions, and their emotions were surging, but they couldn't find an outlet to vent——

So, applause.

I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that things would take such a turn.

The crew is already used to Steven's shooting rhythm, and is used to the actors being part of the movie - this means that the actors have no room to show off their skills, and just the right performance is enough without going overboard.

The filming just now is enough and very good, there is no need to add any extraneous things; Anson's ambition and greed, in the eyes of the crew, are the expansion of the actor's narcissism and arrogance, thinking that the world should revolve around them.

no need. real.

However, now all thoughts have been overturned, and I am deeply shocked.

It has a long lasting aftertaste.

Calm but distinct.

There is no ostentation, no exaggeration, no show off of skills, everything is so simple and so natural, but the edges and colors of emotions are perfectly presented in the eyes and movements, and even a hair is dramatic.

With just such a gentle tug, all the viewers were dragged into the bottomless abyss.

The shock didn't hit me in the face, but spread from the inside out.

It turns out that this was Anson’s real intention when he said he wanted to film it again; it turns out that they were the frog in the well who didn’t see the layers behind the characters; it turned out that they were the assembly line workers who said “sixty cents is a waste”; it turned out that filming the movie was really should embrace some artistic pursuits.

It turns out that this is performance.

As an audience, witnessing all this up close and personal, truly seeing the process of actors and characters becoming one, showing a completely different look, and releasing all the energy of the plot and characters, is an experience and a shock, which is in my mind. The mountain roar and tsunami became more violent and crazier, burning in the blood.

Until I can no longer control it, I get excited and tremble uncontrollably——

It evolved into applause, a cathartic release.

There was no cheering, no whistling, just the simplest and purest applause, an instinctive reaction, mechanical clapping of hands.

Slowly, slowly, I discovered that my emotions were burning, and I couldn't help but feel excited. I clapped harder and harder, and my eyes became brighter and brighter.

There was a burst of impassioned enthusiasm.

Applause swept across the audience like a tsunami, and no one was exempt.

How impatient I was before the shooting, and how shocked I was now. Steven is no exception.

Looking around, Steven could see many people showing helpless smiles and shaking their heads gently, admiring and shocked in a way that words cannot describe at all; but more people still exchanged glances with their eyes wide open and their mouths agape, looking at each other in disbelief. Looking for a similar shock in his eyes.

When they looked at Steven, there was only one thought in their eyes:
Where did you find this treasure?
Steven smiled silently, with a mysterious expression on his face.

After waiting for the movie to be released, Steven can share the behind-the-scenes footage of how he and Tom Hanks finalized Anson at Paris Fashion Week.

This may shock countless people.

Steven himself admitted that the main reason for choosing Anson was that he had a versatile image and could perfectly display the charm of Frank Abagnale Jr. In Steven's mind, he hoped to turn this character into a model The same, constantly showing the character's personal charm.

But, how much of that original intention is left now?

It was also a surprise for Steven.

From the kitchen scene in the morning to the divorce announcement in the afternoon, a character's psychological changes over several months can be shown in just one day, but it can still be so delicate, rich and real. Praise is simply not enough to describe Steven's mood.

In fact, Steven has just responded with practical actions——

A close-up.

Aim at Anson's face.

Shooting a movie is like this. The overall layout is carefully planned before shooting, and the director controls the overall situation, but the specific work is left to professionals, and they wait for the opportunity to be inspired by the shooting process to complete the creation.

Just now, that's it.

Everything was a plan, but an unknown variable appeared in the plan:


It was at this time that Steven responded, and the photographer and lighting engineer responded immediately, seizing the inspiration and perfectly capturing the detailed changes in Anson's eyes and expressions.

If the reaction of the photographer and lighting engineer was completely expected by Steven, they have been working together for a long time, and "Saving Private Ryan" is the work of the same team. They all know Steven and firmly seized the opportunity; then Christopher The performance opposite the two actors Natalie was a surprise. It was completely eye-catching and completed the collision between you and me.

Wonderful, wonderful beyond words.

Generally speaking, Steven would not change the shooting plan, let alone for the performance of the actors; but just now, Steven caught his intuition and chose to believe in inspiration.

At that moment, Steven truly felt the arrival of the movie gods.

A smile crept up to the corner of his mouth.

Steven couldn't help but wonder, was it because Tom saw this trait in Anson that he unswervingly recommended Anson in Paris?

Clap, clap, clap.

The applause was rising steadily, surging in this dilapidated apartment, things began to fall from the walls, and the whole world began to shake.

No one expected this scene. The first blowout moment since the start of filming would actually appear in the most difficult scene in New York. It was an absolute surprise. All the eyes of the crowd fell on Anson.

Then, someone finally noticed Anson’s anomaly——

He if he couldn't breathe. The daze and confusion in his eyes not only did not dissipate, but became more intense.

Is Anson okay?
At this moment, before he could speak, Anson broke the silence and stood up suddenly.

Then, he rushed out of the door and rushed out in one go.

(End of this chapter)

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