The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 387 Heartbreaking

Chapter 387 Heartbreaking
In front of you is a dilapidated and desolate scene. Although they are also part of New York, they are two completely different worlds from Manhattan to Queens.

It's like falling from heaven to hell.

Dilapidated houses, incomplete brick walls, messy grass, needles and garbage everywhere, wastewater that has not been treated for a long time accumulated in a small puddle, the dirty soil has been covered with moss, and the abandoned houses do not even have Through the windows, you can still see a few homeless people building their own homes here.

It's not hell, but it's not far away.

The woman huddled up helplessly and painfully, but still refused to relax. She hugged the strong man's thigh with all her willpower, almost falling into coma, but clenched her teeth and kept shouting, over and over again.


"Don't come back...don't..."


She was shouting, and the strong man seemed to be stimulated. He became more and more brutal, and his fists the size of bowls hit the woman's back like a storm, so that the woman's shouts were intermittently broken, and her pain could be felt from her voice. .

The boy fell into deep despair, his steps were frozen in place, and the fists stuffed in the pockets of his sports coat were clenched tightly.

He just shouted, through tears, "Stop. Please, stop!"

Anson was stunned, frozen in place, unable to move——

He saw himself.

The victims came to the door. They couldn't find their father, but they found him and his mother. They thought he was harboring their father and forced him to reveal his father's whereabouts.

But he didn't know, he really didn't know.

So, they went crazy, crazy like crazy, first pushing and then fisting.

Subconsciously, he wanted to resist.

However, thinking of the harm his father had done to them, he finally loosened his clenched fists. If beating him could help them vent their anger, if beating him could atone a little bit, then he would bear it.

In the chaos, no one knew who pushed him down, and then punches and kicks rained down like a violent storm.

He could only curl up into a ball, hold his head tightly, grit his teeth and endure it silently.

Then, he saw his mother coming back carrying a piece of tofu and a handful of vegetables.

"Run, Mom, run."

That was the only thought in his mind.

The mother seemed to be stunned. She stood there and looked at this scene in disbelief. She tried to call for help, but all she saw were strange and indifferent faces, staring at the scene in front of her expressionlessly.

Finally, the tofu and vegetables fell to the ground and smashed to pieces.

The mother picked up a stone on the side of the road and shouted heartbreakingly, "I will fight with you."

As if she was crazy, she broke into the crowd, waving her arms regardless, and drove the crowd away irrationally. She would hit anyone she caught, clearing a space with a flurry of beatings, and hugging her tightly like that. He couldn't even cry, he just kept mumbling to himself.

"We don't know, we really don't know."


The crowd still did not vent their anger, and even the mother began to beat him, and fists and stampedes fell like a heavy rain.

They had no way to resist.

He tried to protect his mother, but there was no way he could get up. His mother just held him like this, holding him with all her strength.

The blood-stained face in front of him just overlapped with the memory silently, firmly grasping Anson's ankle and freezing it in place.

The biting cold rushed from the soles of the feet to the top of the head, causing numbness.

"Jack, run, run away."

However, that boy couldn't do it——

The strong man seemed to be stimulated, and he beat the woman frantically, with a murderous look in his eyes, and his punches and kicks became more and more crazier.

Finally, the young man could no longer control himself. An unknown premonition firmly gripped Anson's heart: Don't.

Anson noticed that the fists in the young man's pocket began to tremble slightly, and a trace of resolute murderous intent flashed in his eyes. There was no despair or anger, only indomitable determination.

He knew this look, the look of death together.

Anson, "No!"

The next second, the boy took out a pistol from his pocket and pointed it at the strong man.

Anson rushed forward and stood in front of the young man before he raised his pistol. His heart curled into a ball, "No, Jack, no."

The young man shook his head repeatedly and did not see Anson at all. He stared at the strong man and said, "It's over now. Let's make it over. We're all dead and clean. We don't have any worries anymore. In the next life, we don't want to meet again." "

not worth it.

Anson shook his head repeatedly.

He still has a bright future waiting in front of him. It's not worth spending his whole life for such a scumbag, and revenge shouldn't come at such a price.

At one time, Anson also thought about whether he should just end everything? If he meets his father again, what kind of emotion will he feel? Is hatred greater or yearning greater? Did he want to hurt his father?

However, he had no answer.

Because he has never seen his father again, his memory has become weak, and he can no longer tell whether those memories are hatred or longing.

He chose to live, like a cockroach, persisting in the smelly ditch.

"Jack, look at me."

"Hey, Jack!"

"Wake up, look at me, Jack, wake up, don't accompany yourself for such rubbish, he's not worth it."

"You hear that? He doesn't deserve it."

Again and again.

At this time, the strong man noticed this scene and laughed loudly with contempt, "Jack, shoot, pull the trigger, I bet you sissy dare not."

"Haha, so, did you steal that gun from my drawer?"

“You have the guts to steal but don’t have the guts to use it.”

"How many months? Three months? Four months? It's been so long since you got that gun. Every night, I lie in front of you. You don't have the courage to pull the trigger. How many opportunities have you missed? ?Huh? You coward!"

"Shoot! I will die with you! I promise, I will drag you to hell! You'd better shoot as soon as possible, otherwise I will kill this trash directly. You and your mother should belong to the trash heap, Shouldn't be here."

"What? Don't you dare? I knew you didn't..."

Provocations, foul language, attacks, contempt, contempt, all vented like a sudden storm.

The strong man saw that the boy's movements not only did not restrain him, but became more and more aggressive, as if he was seeing the funniest scene in the world.

This made the young man fall into despair. He looked at Anson blankly, his eyes filled with tears, struggling and pulling, and the corners of his mouth curved upward.

The boy smiled.

Because of the absurdity and the pain, that smile was so tragic and so decisive, as if it was laughing at the misery of fate, and at the same time laughing at its own stupidity.

A smile blooms like an epiphyllum, but after a short period of blooming, it uses up all its energy and will wither in the blink of an eye.

This smile grabbed Anson's heart hard, because it meant that the young man had nothing to lose anymore, and he had already made a decision.


In an instant, it occupied his brain like a tide, dragging Anson into the darkness. All rationality was completely broken, and there was only one thought.

"Do not."

(End of this chapter)

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