The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 388 Save yourself

Chapter 388 Save yourself

Anson didn't want to see this scene. He didn't want to see another young and fragile soul fall into the endless abyss like his former self.

"Jack, wake up."

Anson was shouting, but Jack didn't respond. He just smiled, smiled miserably, and looked at Anson's struggle, as if he already knew the outcome:

It's just a futile effort.

With one sudden movement, Anson's breath was cut off, and he raised his hand and slapped the boy hard.

Anson knew that he had lost control. He knew that they had just met by chance. He knew that they were complete strangers. He knew that he did not need to meddle in their own business. He knew that these encounters had nothing to do with him. But he couldn't, he couldn't just watch. Watching a soul wither.

He couldn't bear it and couldn't.

Because he had stood at the end of the dark abyss and called out more than once, over and over again, but he never received a response.

Now looking at the young man in front of him, he wanted to respond. Even if the young man didn't speak, he knew that the young man was asking for help.


A slap in the face, clear and loud.

"Wake up!"

Finally, this slap broke the young man's smile, and at the same time broke his tightness, and his resolute attitude was broken from balance.

There was a trace of struggle in his eyes.

Emotions are vented like this.

The boy roared, "Why? Why won't he let me go! I just want to go to school! I just want to be like other children. I also want to complain because the teacher has too much homework, and I also want to invite a crush. Girls worry about going to prom, I just want a normal life, but why! Why can't I."


The young man stared at Anson, unable to speak or speak any more, he just opened his mouth and screamed in despair.


It's anger, it's despair, it's pain.

At the same time, it’s also a cry for help.



One sound, then another.

That heartbreaking cry was too painful, and Anson fell into a deep abyss of pain. He needed to stay calm, and he needed to hold on to the reins of reason, "No, you can, Jack, you can still do it."

"Don't ruin your life because of him, before it's too late."

"You can. Trust me, you can do it."

Repeated over and over again, holding back from the brink.

Finally, Anson saw that the rationality in the young man's eyes had returned a little, but the murderous aura in the young man's eyes still did not disappear, and he gritted his teeth.

"I'm going to kill him, and when he dies, it's over. It's that simple."

Anson shook his head repeatedly, "What about you?"

The young man shook his head desperately and distanced himself. "I will join him. I will kill him and then commit suicide. In this way, we will be free together."

Anson tried to stop the teenager.

But the boy didn't give him a chance. He just roared angrily and desperately, "I don't need your help, I don't want to be a big shot, and I don't need your rescue."

"Don't play the savior in front of me, you are not a superhero, and you are not Jesus Christ."

"Let me go, please, let me go."

Anson can understand, he can 100% understand the despair and pain. He once thought that that long period of darkness would never end, that there was no end or light in sight, and that the endless pain would end little by little. He swallowed, how much he wished someone could tell him:
No, it's not like that.

"Jack, look at me, look at me!"

"No, that's not the case."

"No one can save you, I am not going to save you, because I can't, you are the only answer, you are the only one who can save yourself." "You can, believe me, you can still have a future and have The right to live, you don’t need to be a big shot, just being ordinary is fine.”

"There's no need to destroy yourself because of him."

"He's not worth it."

The young man looked at Anson and was stunned. His eyes could no longer support the weight of tears, and he broke down and cried in helplessness and fear.

The young man raised his head slightly, "I can't do it..." He just muttered painfully, "I can't do it, I really can't do it..."

Anson knew that this was difficult. It was already difficult to imagine, and the reality was often even more difficult, but they couldn't think too much, they could only take it one step at a time, and look at the step in front of them first.

They had no time to hesitate any longer.

Anson quickly looked back behind him, grabbed Jack's shoulders, looked into Jack's eyes firmly, and spoke word by word.

"It's just--"


"Jack, just run. It's that simple."

"Jack, take mom and run away, you hear me? Take mom and run away and don't come back."

"Things can still change, you can start over, you can have a future, this is not the end."

"Jack, do you understand?"

Seeing Jack nod with tears in his eyes, Anson patted Jack's shoulder heavily, and without any further delay, he turned around and rushed back towards the strong man and woman.

The strong man was panting and seemed tired from the beating, but he still didn't stop. He just kept stepping on it like a cockroach.

This scene made Anson unable to control himself anymore.

A right hook.

It hit the strong man in the face hard and accurately, and the strong man fell out unexpectedly.

Anson didn't have time to pay attention to that scumbag, and quickly helped the woman up and shouted again, "Jack, run, run quickly, and never come back."

The young man walked towards his mother tremblingly, helped his mother and tried to escape, but the woman was so weak that she could hardly stand. As soon as she stood up, she fell down again. The young man's thin and thin body could not support her at all.

Anson was about to step forward to help. The next second, a force came from behind him, accompanied by a bloody storm. Anson reflexively dodged sideways, pulled with the force, and threw the strong man out with a force of four or two.

But this time, Anson had no intention of letting the strong man go.

"Jack, run, take mom and run."

After shouting again, Anson rushed forward quickly, taking advantage of the opportunity when the strong man fell to the ground and was dizzy, and smashed his fist down with a sudden force.


"You scumbag, you have the ability to pick people who are the same size as you to cause trouble. What does it mean to target women and children? Prove your cowardice and incompetence?"


One punch, then another, and another.

Anson released all his energy and power, as if he was crazy, hitting the strong man fiercely and brutally, and the whole world became noisy.

Turning around, Anson saw the young man helping the woman stagger forward, but he was still worried and looked back with worried eyes.

The woman, covered in blood, seemed to have lost her mind, and she was leaning on the boy's thin shoulders; the boy's feet were covered with wounds, the flesh and blood were blurred, and the tender flesh inside could be clearly seen, but he could not feel the pain. , just stubbornly and strongly supporting her mother.

The pace couldn't be fast at all. As a result, they still had to worry about Ansen. They looked back three times every step of the way. The young man's eyes were filled with fear and worry.

Anson shook his head repeatedly and looked into the boy's eyes.

"Run, Jack, run, and don't look back."

Just like calling out to his mother in his previous life, Anson hoped that the boy would not come back this time.

Just because of this little distraction, a strong force came from his chest, knocking him over in one fell swoop.

(End of this chapter)

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