The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 389 Reason derailed

Chapter 389 Reason derailed
In the brief moment of distraction, a huge force came from the chest. The strong man hit Anson's chest with his head like a rhinoceros, and knocked Anson over while he was unprepared.


Ansen couldn't care less about the pain, and had only one thought in his mind, worried that the strong man would catch up with the boy and his mother.

"Jack, don't look back."

Never, never look back and fly away like this without any nostalgia.

Anson stood up quickly with his hands and feet. The next second he saw that the strong man was not chasing after him. He felt a little relieved, but he did not relax his vigilance. His eyes were fixed on the strong man in front of him. There was a smell of blood on the tip of his tongue, and his chest was as violent as a bellows. Ups and downs, but now calmed down.

"So, are you ready? Now, you have found a suitable opponent."

The strong man went crazy, opened his bloody mouth, and rushed forward.

Bull collision!

But Anson dodged like a bullfighter with light steps, accurately grabbed the strong man's shoulders and arms, and pushed harder.

The strong man lost his balance and stumbled out, flying into the air. The next second he was pulled by gravity and fell heavily.

There was a moment of embarrassment.

On the other hand, Anson is light-footed, calm and unhurried, and has completely regained his focus. The results of the six months of hard training for "Spider-Man" can be seen. Although he is not a kung fu master, he can still deal with such a bull with no strength.

The strong man seemed to be insulted, and stood up quickly using his hands and feet.


He roared again, like Rocky, protecting his head with both hands, making a boxer's stance, ready to attack.

But he never expected that this set of actions would pose no threat to Anson at all.

With one dodge and two dodges, Anson easily dodged the strong man's punches. On the contrary, the strong man was almost unsteady after punching in the air. This became Anson's opportunity to lower his center of gravity, aim at the strong man's abdomen, and use both hands continuously. Punch.

Bang bang bang!
Like hitting a sandbag, the strong man retreated step by step. Finally, he lost his balance and stumbled backwards, rolling out in one fell swoop.

However, Anson still did not relax. He took a stance and prepared to take a step forward.

The strong man seemed to be frightened, and crawled back two steps using his hands and feet like a spider. He waited for Anson with lingering fear. After a moment of stalemate, he no longer cared about the situation, turned around and ran away, towards the boy and his mother. The one who had just left fled in the opposite direction.

Anson still didn't let him go.


"Use all your strength to run away, or I'll beat you every time I see you."

Anger burned in his chest.

Until the stumbling figure of the strong man completely disappeared, Anson stopped paying attention and turned around to catch up with the boy and his mother in the direction they left.

For such a matter, relying only on Anson's occasional assistance will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. After all, legal and official agencies will still need to intervene to provide help. If the boy can still be seen, Anson will suggest that they go to the hospital for an injury assessment, and then go to the police. It must be Leave a record.

Otherwise, that man will not be honest.

However, after chasing them all the way, watching all directions and listening in all directions, they turned a corner and entered a busy area. The crowds of vehicles and people suddenly became turbulent. Anson never saw the two figures, and chased for two more streets in one go. There was no similar figure anywhere.

Whoops, whoops, whoops.

Anson stood on the street, supporting his knees with both hands, breathing heavily, feeling the burning and stinging in his lungs, the tightness and burning of his muscles, but the feeling of emptiness after all the energy was released in just a moment seemed particularly real, and his feet I felt the presence of the ground again.

Gravity pulled at my ankles, causing my knees to tremble slightly.

It's heavy and tired, but everything is real.

Maybe they have hidden themselves; maybe they have completely escaped. It's a good thing, at least today, they shouldn't be found.



"Didn't you see the green light? Are you looking for death when you cross the road? If you want to die, no one will stop you, which will reduce some carbon dioxide emissions; but it is best to change to a different place and don't look for bad luck here."

There was a crackling sound and a gust of wind and rain.

Anson was agitated, and all his thoughts and souls were pulled back into his body. He looked around subconsciously, thinking that he was standing in the middle of the road blocking traffic——

not at all.

Anson stood obediently on the sidewalk, not obstructing any drivers.


Anson saw a gray-haired old woman hurriedly entering the driveway. She was holding a dark brown supermarket paper bag with some apples and oranges in it. She accidentally scattered it. She entered the driveway subconsciously. Get ready to pick up the oranges.

So much so that the vehicles behind were startled.

His heart returned to Anson's chest. He couldn't care about himself for the time being. At the end of a series of stormy waves and storms, he had no time to organize his thoughts. He quickly stepped forward and looked at the old lady who apologized repeatedly but was at a loss. A driver who stuck his head out and cursed loudly said.

"Sorry, really sorry."

Taking a deep breath, Anson calmed down his rapidly beating heart, and then quickly picked up the apples and oranges scattered on the ground.

The driver still refused to give up, "Hey, if the old man loses his mind, he should wait for death at home and run out to cause harm to society..."

Bah bah bah, he kept talking, and seeing the words getting harder and harder, Ansen couldn't listen anymore.

"Shut up!"

Turning around, Anson scolded him back.

"Enough is enough, don't talk as if you will never grow old, otherwise people will call you this before long, you loser."

In a few words, he hit him head-on.

Seeing the driver's eyes red, he rolled up his sleeves and was about to take action, but Anson was not afraid at all and rolled up his sleeves and walked over.

"What? Are you ready to take action?"

"Very well, I'll accompany you."

It just so happened that his reason was still derailed and he needed to vent. Even if it wasn't the strong man, everyone else just wanted to vent.

He was ready to get into an accident and let out all his suppressed and aggrieved emotions. Now someone came to his door, which was just what he wanted. How could he have the heart to refuse?
Anson didn't pause at all, and strode up. The murderous look made the driver stunned. Goosebumps came out crazily. As soon as he opened the door, he quickly closed it, hurriedly rolled up the window, and opened his mouth. Li was still mumbling, but in the end he didn't shout.

He glanced at Anson secretly, but after seeing the murderous look in Anson's eyes, he gave up. He shut his mouth obediently, swallowed all his complaints, quietly whistled and looked at the sky, pretending that nothing happened.

The noise disappeared.

With such a short catharsis and release, Anson's rationality finally quietly returned to the right track, and the turbulent emotions calmed down bit by bit.

Despite this, Anson still did not leave immediately, but stood there, watching the driver quietly, expressing his attitude with his eyes:

How about it, are you sure you don't want to fight?

(End of this chapter)

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