The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 390 Physical and mental baptism

Chapter 390 Physical and mental baptism
The atmosphere was slightly stalemate.

The driver glanced secretly, and then discovered that Anson was still standing there. He hurriedly withdrew his gaze, trying his best to hide his presence, and finally extinguished his arrogance.

At this time, Anson stopped being reluctant and glared at the person fiercely. He turned around and walked towards the old lady again. He packed up the things in a few clicks, stuffed them into a brown paper bag, and handed them to the old lady.

The car left the scene in a hurry, and his panic could be seen from the taillights of the car.

The briefly blocked traffic finally resumed, and Anson stood on the side of the road and said "sorry" to the drivers behind him.

After a short while, Anson withdrew his gaze and turned to look at the old woman.

The old woman's hands and feet were still inconvenient, and she still couldn't adjust the position of the brown paper bag in her arms. Seeing that it was about to fall again, Ansen quickly stepped forward to help hold it up.

The old woman looked at Anson.

"Thank you, sorry, I mean, thank you, really."

The old woman was confused. She didn't know whether to apologize or thank her for a moment. Her trembling voice was filled with guilt and uneasiness.

Anson waved his hand, "It's a small matter."

"Everyone makes mistakes sometimes and needs help sometimes, that's normal. There's no need to feel guilty over little things like this."

The old lady nodded gently, took out two oranges from the brown paper bag and handed them over.

Anson was stunned for a moment, but took it politely without refusing, "Then I'm sorry." Then he looked around, "Can I find a taxi for you?"

The old lady shook her head repeatedly, "My house is just around the corner..."

Before he could continue his words, there was a call from the wind.


"Jesus Christ, Anson!"

One after another, the four staff members caught up with them out of breath, and scattered in a hurry. Their pale faces were covered with sweat, and they looked like they had just experienced torture, and their lips were still trembling.

The scene before me was a little funny.

Reason finally returned to the body——

He is Anson, Anson Wood, and this is his second life. There is no need to deny those memories, but there is no need to get hurt again, because those scars and setbacks are the reason why you are who you are now.

Just like today.

It was precisely because of those experiences in his previous life that he felt the beauty and charm of method acting for the first time, and once again experienced the joy of working as an actor.


He should not and does not need to escape, and there is no need to be afraid or injured. Instead, he should face it bravely and embrace the darkness of the past.

Whether it's filming or being a teenager, they are all brand new stories, and the past will not be repeated again.

Taking a step back, even if it happens again, he is no longer a novice now, right?
Involuntarily, Anson raised his head again and looked around, trying to find the figure of the boy and the woman, but there was only the busyness of the street.

Maybe they will never meet again, but Anson just wants to tell the boy: This is not the end, and this should not be the end.

He let out a gentle breath and finally regained his senses.

Then, Anson realized that he ran out so recklessly, the entire crew was probably frightened, and they didn't know what the director would say.

Rarely, Anson was also scratching his head.

He asked a staff member to personally escort the grandmother to her residence on the corner of the street. He said goodbye to her in a hurry, and then ran back with the others.

"Slow down, Anson, slow down."

"I will inform the director to find you now. You don't need to be so anxious."

As soon as they saw Anson running away, the staff were so frightened that their legs weakened.

The staff member who stayed at the end took a long breath and expressed his gratitude. He originally thought that staying here would be a hard job, but now it seems that he is completely lucky.

"Young man, who is he? He looks like a busy man."

"Oh, Anson? He's an actor, and we're working on the set."


"Wood. Anson-Wood."

Despite not trotting all the way, Anson returned to the set as quickly as possible. As soon as he entered the door, Anson apologized repeatedly, which made the on-site staff stunned. This short ten minutes this afternoon was so exciting.

First, the whole crew was outraged because of Anson's "do it again", and then because of Anson's outstanding performance, he turned the tide and conquered the audience. Finally, because of Anson's sudden action, the crew was in chaos.

Then someone couldn't help but complained, "For what reason?"

The words are barbed, but in fact there is no smell of gunpowder.

Anson followed the voice and looked over, "I'll treat you to the first round after get off work tonight."

Full mark answer——

For the crew members, going home after get off work is not the first choice, but a bar. No one can refuse a beer after get off work.


Someone cheered immediately.

Anson added, "I'll take care of tomorrow's afternoon tea too, so everyone can order as much as you like."

roar roar.

The situation turned around in one second, and everyone burst into laughter. The atmosphere was really lively.

Anson kept walking and walked all the way to the monitor to find the director.

Steven had no intention of scolding Anson, there was no need at all, and it was too late to praise and compliment him; he planned to take the responsibility on himself, reward the crew, and do a favor for Anson, although he did not need to worry about the brats, But Anson was different.

But I didn't expect it.

Seeing this scene, Steven laughed and couldn't help but make a joke. He folded his hands on his chest and lowered his face to look serious.

"So, what about me?"

Anson looked at Steven and smiled, "Director, please forgive me."

As he spoke, he extended his right hand.


Steven spread his right hand, and Anson put something on it.

An orange.

Steven couldn't keep up with the rhythm and was confused, "What is this?"

Anson raised another orange in his hand, "An unexpected reward from an angel. Thank you, director."

Steven was stunned for a moment, not knowing what this guy was talking about, but looking at the oranges that appeared inexplicably in his hands, there were only one orange each for him and Anson in the audience. It was obviously special, ridiculous and funny, and he smiled Just like this, it climbed to the corner of the mouth.


Anson leaned toward Steven, "Director, do we need to do it again?"

This is asking about the effect of the shooting just now.

To be honest, Anson was completely immersed in the character and had no idea what was going on outside, so he still needed to confirm with the director.

Position, now reverse it.

Anson feels that he has released himself 100% without reservation, but if the director still thinks it is not possible or thinks that the previous version is better...

After all, the perspectives of directors and actors are quite different, and in the end the director should prevail.

Steven glanced at Anson, and it was rare to see some anxiety in this young man. He originally wanted to play a prank on Anson, but he didn't realize that the corners of his mouth were raised, and the words he spoke were a little cheerful.

"Very good. Keep it up. We should prepare for the next shooting."

Even Steven himself didn't realize it, and he began to look forward to it.

The smile on Anson's lips rose completely. He turned around and looked at the bustling crowd in the small apartment. He opened his arms as if to make a declaration.

"Very good, you hear me? Get ready for the next flight and head towards get off work!"


The whole audience burst into laughter, applause and whistles, and it was very lively.

(End of this chapter)

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