The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 395 Breaking the Contradiction

Chapter 395 Breaking the Contradiction
"Sorry, the number you dialed is unavailable, please confirm before dialing."

Over and over again, the prompt voice from the phone receiver remained unchanged, cold and distant, repeating the known answer.


Edgar raised his head and glanced at Anson, "Do you need me to ask for Hayden's mobile phone number? Trust me, it only takes a few minutes."

Anson laughed dumbly, "Of course I believe you."

"Hollywood is a circle the size of a palm. You won't see her until you look up. I'm not worried about not finding Hayden. We can meet again at any time."

"But that's also the most confusing part."

"Obviously knowing that we will never meet again, and we may meet by chance in Burbank another day, why did he disappear in such an outrageous way?"


However, it is precisely because of this that Anson is even more curious about meeting Hayden again——

Edgar glanced at Anson again, "So you're not going to question him?"

"Haha, no, of course not, there is no need to question, and I have no position to question." Anson laughed, "We are just ordinary friends. Even as friends, we are not close friends. It is not that deep. I am just curious, so , I look forward to a conversation.”

Edgar was conflicted.

Every time at this time, Edgar felt that Anson didn't look like nineteen years old at all. He was not impulsive or passionate, but had a kind of stability that had been accumulated through vicissitudes of life.

However, Anson still has an innocent heart and truly believes that the glory of kindness has not been tarnished by the fame and fortune fair at all.

This is very inconsistent.

After thinking about it, Edgar persuaded me, "It's best to lower your expectations."

Anson's smile remained unchanged, "Why, are you worried that I will be disappointed in the end?"

Edgar said bluntly, "No, I think you will be disappointed in the end."

Anson lightly shrugged, not caring, "That's like buying a lesson for free."

Edgar was stunned, "Free?"

Anson, "Of course, I have nothing to lose, and he has not defaulted on the rent. Today's society is so cruel, many people need to spend money to buy a lesson, and now you can take a lesson for free, which is already very worthwhile."

After a pause, Anson let out a breath.

"Perhaps the only regret is that I lost a friend."

"However, it is too early to judge now. We should wait."

Involuntarily, Edgard glanced at Anson.

He thought, maybe, everything is not contradictory or inconsistent. This is not steady or naive, this is not mature or ignorant, but a kind of transparency.

Those little wisdom often see the ugliness of human nature.

And those with great wisdom can see the complexity of human nature.

Thinking of this, Edgar couldn't help but secretly pray, hoping that Hayden would have a perfect explanation to prove that they, the old fritters who were tainted by the Hollywood Vanity Fair, were all wrong.

"So, you really don't need me to help you find out where Hayden will show up?"

"No. Since he left quietly and changed all his contact information, it means that at least for now, he doesn't want to be found."

"So, there is no need to avoid it?"

"Haha, if there is someone who really needs to be avoided, believe me, it won't be me."

"Phew", Edgar exhaled a long breath, "This reassures me. We are shooting such an important scene this afternoon. If these strange things interfere with your state, I will go crazy."

"Like the Hulk?" "...Anson."

"Haha, please don't call my friends weird things. They are important and as important as my work."

The exchanges between you and me were teasing, joking, and even joking, but inadvertently, Anson said a sentence and quietly brought the topic back:
Although not harsh, he took a firm stand.

Look, it's details like this, moments like this, that always make Edgar feel a little dazed inadvertently, but it proves his guess time and time again.

Edgar's heart tightened and he immediately grasped the key point. He knew that this matter was very important. He glanced at Anson quickly and stopped joking.

"Ahem." Edgar cleared his throat, "Sorry."

In the carriage, I found silence.

Outside the window, the palm trees recede rapidly, the golden sunshine of California fills the entire field of vision, and the prosperity and hustle and bustle of Los Angeles are receding rapidly.

They were on their way to the set of "Cat and Mouse"——

Not Burbank, but Hollywood Heights, northeast of the city.

In fact, Steven is not a retro-academic director. If studio shooting is needed, he doesn't mind entering the studio at all; but like directors born in the 1960s, he still believes in the quality of on-site shooting, those sunshine, Those breezes and humidity, even if they can't be seen on the screen, the actors and directors can feel them.

Therefore, Steven prefers to shoot on location if possible.

This afternoon, "Cat and Mouse Game" is about to shoot a very important scene——

The first confrontation between Frank Jr. and FBI agent Carl.

In other words, this is the first time Anson and Tom Hanks play opposite each other.

Coming to Los Angeles from New York, the first scene was so grand and difficult, so Edgar personally escorted Anson to the set.

Moreover, Edgar was busy with the negative report in "Entertainment Weekly" and needed to establish a good relationship with the crew. When he heard that Anson promised afternoon tea desserts on the New York set, he immediately followed up on the plan.

This is why Edgar needs to go to the set——

How can you do good deeds without leaving your name?
Although there is no need to publicize it, at least the name should be left. The rumors that Edgar needs "Cat and Mouse" that have inadvertently leaked out from the crew are positive, and there is no trace of commercial exaggeration.

Edgar was prepared to take care of everything, ensuring that Anson was 100% committed to the work and that the filming went smoothly.

Because this is a scene opposite Tom Hanks, and also because this is an original scene from the movie script.

Movies are not 100% based on biography and reality.

In the real story, Frank Jr. did have several confrontations with the FBI agents who were chasing him, but it was not that dramatic or exciting, and the bond between Frank Jr. and the FBI agents was not that deep.

Artistic creation originates from life and is higher than life.

Therefore, the script was re-created based on the plot of Frank Abagnale Jr.'s autobiography, and finally evolved into the first confrontation between Frank Jr. and FBI agent Carl.

In real life, Frank Jr. was arrested twice, but escaped from detention twice and was finally arrested in Montpellier, France.

Among them, Frank Jr.'s first arrest is very legendary.

At that time, Frank Jr. was hiding in New York.

One day, two plainclothes detectives were eating hot dogs in a fast food restaurant. They accidentally caught a glimpse of a figure outside the window that was very similar to the little Frank they had been tracking for many days, but they did not dare to confirm it.

So one of the detectives got the idea and shouted, "Hey, Frank."

No one thought that Frank Abagnale Jr., who had deceived countless people, would be fooled by such a traditional and old-fashioned trick. He actually turned around and allowed the two detectives to confirm and arrest Frank Abagnale.

The script did not reproduce this scene, but reworked and re-created it based on this scene.

Next, Anson is about to have a duel with Tom.

(End of this chapter)

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