Chapter 396 Perfect Fit

"Because of what?"

"Tom Hanks."

"and then?"

Edgar couldn't help but choked.

Originally, Edgar was worried that Anson was nervous and tried to comfort Anson. Instead, he was surrounded and confused for a while.

Turning sideways, Edgar looked at Anson, "That's Tom Hanks. I mean he is one of the only two actors in history to win the Oscar for Best Actor. I also mean he is the most authoritative presence in the Screen Actors Guild. ; Moreover, the next scene shot is also... very special."

Anson's eyes lit up, "Oh, Captain, it turns out you read the script carefully. I thought the agent said reading the script was just perfunctory."

Edgar's face was full of helplessness, but looking at Anson who was still calm and joking at this moment, he couldn't help but smile, somewhat dumbfounded.

Anson stopped joking, "If you ask me, I'm going to face Tom Hanks next and need to film a scene that teases him, am I nervous?"

"The answer is yes."

"Yes, I'm very nervous."

"God, what if I forget my words? What if I'm too nervous and give away my clues? What if I keep NGing? What if the focus of the whole scene is taken away by Tom and I become a foil that no one cares about? What should I do if the rhythm of the whole scene is out of balance?”

"Captain, I am indeed nervous."

Anson was serious. What he said made Edgar confused and slightly regretful. He shouldn't have put a lot of pressure on Anson.

——It’s different, it’s indeed different.

From a layman's perspective, a rival scene is just two actors having a conversation. Unless it's about expressing emotions and showing off their acting skills, it's hard to tell the difference.

In fact, this is not the case.

Opposite scenes are all about one-on-one exchanges. An actor's understanding of the character, plot, scene, and lines is powerful. If an actor throws a "key" over, the opponent actor doesn't understand the reason behind it and ignores it completely. Or if you can't catch the scene, the balance of the whole scene will be broken, causing the atmosphere created by the movie to be seen through by the audience——


In reality, making a scene is a trivial matter, which just ruins the movie-watching experience; what is really difficult is making the entire movie look false, even plasticky, and a mistake in one piece of the puzzle can bring down the whole movie.

This is not just a saying, it has happened more than once or twice in reality.

Rival scenes are definitely not just dialogue and interaction, but also a kind of discussion and collision, which maintains tension and can be combined harmoniously at the same time.

For Anson, this is a new challenge.

So far, the overall tone of "Friends", "Princess Diaries" and "Spider-Man" is still relatively relaxed, and the rivalry scenes do not pay attention to "you come and go".

In "Spider-Man", the scenes where Peter Parker talks to Uncle Ben and Mary Jane are somewhat elaborate, but the focus is often on Ansem. Ansem is allowed to perform on his own, which is more like a one-man show than a one-man show between you and me. , the parts that collide with each other are not the focus of the lens capture.

The "cat and mouse game" was indeed a turning point.

In the past, veteran actors such as Christopher and Natalie were supporting Anson, allowing Anson to explore the field of acting; later, he was faced with the test of acting with Tom Hanks, and Anson was still in control of the situation.

There is no doubt that this is a test.

Just imagining it in my head, adrenaline begins to secrete rapidly, occupying the brain like a tsunami, and it is impossible not to be nervous.

But besides being nervous, there is also expectation and excitement——

After all, it’s not every day that you get the chance to stand in front of Tom and perform.

Previously on the set of "The Princess Diaries", Anson envied Anne for having the opportunity to perform in front of Julie Andrews; but now that Anson also has such an opportunity, his joy and excitement have outweighed his nervousness.

To be honest, my heart felt a little tight. It was just right that Hayden's affairs were a little distracting, and I tried my best to return to a normal state of balance.

Being too nervous is not good, and being too excited is equally bad.

Edgar stared at Anson, "But?" Anson was puzzled, "But?"

Edgar, "Judging from the tone of your words just now, there should be a 'but' after it, so, but?"

Anson lightly shrugged, ignored Edgar, opened the car door and walked straight towards the crew, leaving Edgar behind.

Edgar:? ? ? That's it?
After being stunned for a moment, Edgar himself couldn't help but chuckle.

At least Anson still has the energy to play pranks, which is a good thing, right?

Then, Edgar realized that maybe he was even more nervous than Anson.

As an agent, he is still a rookie, so he will inevitably feel pressure when he hears the names of Steven and Tom. After all, these big guys can make them tremble under the stormy waves just by raising a little finger.

And Anson, who is also a rookie, took off his burden after entering the situation. He was not blinded by the halo and fame, and showed the professional attitude of an actor. This purely distinguishes them.

This is a good thing.

Edgar's beating heart slowly returned to his chest. Since Anson has completed his work conscientiously, he should also perform his professional duties——

The first step is to treat the entire crew to afternoon tea.

It’s not about winning people’s hearts, it’s about fulfilling promises.

In this car, Edgar got out of the car and got busy.

On the other side, Anson entered the set with brisk steps.

"But," there is a twist there, but, he's an actor and he needs to focus on himself and really get into the character of Frank Jr.

In this scene, Frank Jr. showed incredible calmness and composure when faced with Carl's pursuit. Not only did he not panic, but he pretended to be an agent from other law enforcement agencies without changing his face. He actually fooled Carl in person and finally escaped unscathed.

This calmness and boldness truly demonstrate Frank's ability. He is worthy of being a ruthless character who can be listed on the FBI's wanted list at a minor age.

Therefore, if Anson is timid and unbalanced because of Tom Hanks, then the scene is destined to fail and even become a disaster.

So, how does Anson respond?
Enter the play.

Before arriving at the set, or to be precise, on the way here, Anson began to slowly fumble, half-truthfully and half-falsely trying to figure out the status of little Frank Abagnale.

Although I am not 100% indistinguishable, I have gradually entered the role——

In fact, Frank Jr. is also an actor.

Isn't little Frank scared?


He was just as scared.

But little Frank knew a long time ago that as long as they are confident enough and realistic enough, people often will not seek in-depth verification. People are willing to believe their own eyes and believe anything. Therefore, self-confidence is the first criterion for making lies persuasive.

From that point on, Frank Jr. was "playing" the character, just like an actor.

So, for Anson, things were much simpler.

Frank Jr. is playing the role, and Anson is playing the part played by Frank Jr., even skipping the intermediate steps, and Anson plays the role played by Frank Jr. directly.

However, there is another detail here. Anson needs to speculate on Frank Jr.’s apprehension and hesitation when playing the role——

For him, this is not difficult, because he is about to perform opposite Tom Hanks, which is equivalent to Frank Jr. facing an FBI agent. Those worries and hesitations are already there.

Perfect, everything is seamless.

The performance actually started from the very beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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